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Show . - 'ft - V PRO VO - (UTAH)- EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1 932 PAGE THREE V In s t a 11 a ligns . The following officers Neighbors of: Woodcraft for for the the cnsulncr- vear- were installed at a meeting held Thursday evening at the I. O. O. P. hall: - ' - v Mrs. Helen Bell, past guardian neighbor; Mrs. Hester Jones, ad-visor; ad-visor; Mrs. Eva Mlldenhall, clerk; MrK.Sarah ; JOhnsobbankefg,Mrs Reva -Wagner,' -inaIclan? I MrJ; Mary Josie, inner aentinef; Mia. Rula Chappell, utet.etine ; Mra. Rosetta Pratt, musician. Mra. Hat-tie--. Herring, correspondent; Mrs. Helga Kavochevich, Mrs. Maude Strong, managers. -.' " "M Mrs. Helen Bell took Charge of the, installation and initiations fol- .. After the meeting members of-the of-the lodge entertained their part ners at a- social) affairs Progreasa sive 500 was played. William Kavochevlch Ka-vochevlch land . Mra T John ; Yeager. winning the high scote rtzesv and the consolation, favors going to Mra. Kavachevich and: Lawrence Jonesv A: delicious luncheon was served if. Mf. Frencli Club At Aitroterestine session of the French club of-therB: Y. U. was hekUat Ute faculty- women V room at . t imlvfty5Thmdayir.eVii ThefollowlnVWeUarranged and deUgbTt'f ulprogram was furnished: Corrtmuntt? slngtig; led byllsv Zkh ma yinteTtqnrf My Experiences in Coming1 ioAtiieriea'& jtoidA In French ,by Tony Schalsoon French' hornv. aolo, .rthtir Hasler; experiences' exper-iences' ofrsr first year -French stu dent in-'France, " Frefl Horlacker ; piano solo, 'Jack Brown; French jokes,' Gladys' Hooks. Dainty refreshments were served' to 30. T, ; i , ".'-..- -- V. " f &- Program On Music At Ijdipa'titmriC Miss Ethej Taylor gave a splendid splen-did talk on 1"MQ sic Appeclal1dn- Russian Music,T at' the Ladies'jvLiU erary clhh: meeting held - Wednesday Wednes-day afternoon' at the home-of Mrs.' Vivian PTylojvAiig.t:f -Wyi; Tvrp . beautiful" piano4 Beltlons weVr iafWmmH& Pierpont d tasty refreshmenta followed the program. .s-j MtM'ic-, The afternoon was : :jeri Joyed'-by. the following: Mrs Dale O. Band-ley,- Mrs. Lillian O. PullenV :. Mrs Ilah N. Beck, Mrs. Fefh-B.sErCan brack. Mrs. Ann B. BahdJey. ' Mr Minerva . H. Owens, Mrs. Zella -C. Sumner. Mrs. Belle Wj Hales,1 Mrs. i Elfie fi.' Boyle, Mrs. Gwen ' E. Hunter, Mrs. Josephine BL OJdroyd, Mrs. Adele B. Merrill Mrs. Vernice W' Hickman. Mrs. Nina Cl.Tjaeker, Mra.' Annie S. Paxman, Mra. Nellie Tl 'Taylor, Mra. . Stella. M. Rupper, MrsJ Hannah C. Packard, Mrs. Jane B. Larsen, Mra, Rueda -P. . Jehsen, ; Mrs. Anna Pierpont and Miss; Mildred . Pierpont, ther-latter two beLng "guests. " ' :- ,J J Splendid Program Ai Gamp NoK7 Meet mp ,No. 7, , Daughters of Utah "" PioneeFsV"lnel at; the: home of "Mra, Agnes Tjsylox, Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Hannah Baker and Mra. Kate Brown as assisting hostesses. Tjwo violin selections wereJiren-dered wereJiren-dered by Joe Beck, accompanied by histmother, Mrs.r Sophie. Beck, two readings ; were given iy fary Brown and a vocal solo was : furnished fur-nished by Mrs. Sadie ShawVaccom-paifled ShawVaccom-paifled by. Mrs. Beck. ;Ai historical sketch of, the life of Jabez Danger-field Danger-field was- given by hi daughter, Mrs. Etta D. Dixon, and a review of .the book, f Death Comes Ifdr Nthe Afhbishop," was presented by Mrs. Clara Meservy. Two guitar selections selec-tions were played " by Louise TWompson. . ; ' A delicious luncheon was served to .22 members and seven Visitors. Gastric Stomach Trouble . Ogden,vUtah "I' had gastric ' stomach -. trouble and It pulled me clear 'down ' fn health, my food would sour, come upC cause gas to form and I would be; terrlblv r'dla- 1 1 s a e d. aaldv Mrs. Mary Dalton. of "3115 Reeves AVe. TTiere were-: xat' certain f odds v I could eat withoufhaving on-of these bad spells. I was weak and never .felt good. m I- took Df. Pierce's . Golden Medical Discovery and $t has so refieyed me of ' this condition, that X; csuL eat-. almost anything. I wish without suffering distress. Nothing I JJbave." ever taken has given mecauohheIp,'?j All druggists. Fluid or' tablets.-'-: Send 10c to Df. Pieroea CSinic, DeptT SOSp Buffalo. N. Y, for an acquaintance sacicare or . ; , DH. PIERCBTS DISCOVERY -l . . mm I -m. k C.W .mmm, 1 n4IV4U.lM(lt-U y 'v-.-:-:v- '. innim , .1.1 Open Session . -4 ri ' Ono of the most attractive social functions of the past week, was the open session of the Kelke Reading Read-ing club- held Thursday afternoon in the- Relief .society room of the First ward chapel: : ' Mrs Minnie W. Boyle, Mrs. Pearls AV : Decker, Mrs; Grace G. Soyer and:Mr Bh-dax,B. Robinson were the' hostesses. ' ' " The . president, Mrs. Stella P. .Garrett, welcomed the members and ; guests after which the following fol-lowing delightful . .. program was presented.. .Takeo Fujlwara, Japanese student stu-dent of the B. Y. U., rendered a vocal solo - in his native tongue, after, which 'he furnished a .whistling .whist-ling solo,., "Pale Moon." He was accompanied by Miss. Edith Young of i American Fdrk.vsJLater he gave: a 10-minute talk on the customs of the Japanese and displayed a number num-ber of gorgeous Japanese costumes. ;Mr. Vlrgie C. Murdock gave a fine "iaper-on "Oriental Play wrighta,"' and. Mrs. Clifford Young of American Fork sang , "One Fine Bay,' and ; the -Japanese national anthem. She -was accompanied by her daughter. Miss Edith Young,. Mrs. Leah C Van Wagenen read a one-act oriental play,' "The Flbw-t, ery Ball"' and Mrs. S. I.. Chipman-of Chipman-of American Fork, reviewed a Jap anese drama which she attended, while Visiting' in Honolulu. , Miss-Melba Boyle furnished a. piano': selection, "The Japanese uarra-ana, jmsaa-ouisftw.Boyer; tm?JtytoeaenlAViBong$pan& QuarreJ,'.'v-and. Missi Louise Boyer v A'.ndellcious ltmcheon, in, keepings keep-ings with the oriental theme of; the afternoon; was served to. 70 Yeomen,' Including: members' and guests DinnerN Followed ByfCarjds, Prizes La Bonna Amies club members spent a-delightful time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. S, Olsen Wedki nesdav evenlnc. m A delicious dinner- was- served after which 500 was played. Mr;1 and Mrs Wilfordt Hansen? wo the high. scorhrpHteiMn-and; Mrsi'Jaclb Mayherry received taerxonsolatiort favot and the gtiefet awardlwnto Aftvaftd Mra (Frank Argyien i tXnr.attettdaheeVwere the f ollow-Iriffrclub ollow-Iriffrclub Membersi Wrin& Mrs. hoMvAngeJliSpajUabiojklifcl tL&i JMTB.V xWilftjnt; .Hansenr and 'Kaeefxra'a4dfr8irttFi!a.Alfk. gyleiof6panishE Fork andMr. and-j Mra. Frank lAJexaftderr -t l .At t -,Mra Pay . Vincent gave a ; de-ligHtful de-ligHtful party at her home Wednesday' Wednes-day' in "honors 6t her son, itaii; Whose: ninth birthday anniversary Recurred on. that: day. 'r Games were played and a delicious delic-ious luncheon was served... A large birthday cake centerel; the lunh- eonr table and valentiiie hearts N were given, as savors.. . ;. The gay affair was enjoyed by the .following: Mary Thurgood, Arlene Hedquist, Donna Noakes; Maxine Pace, Mary Gall Ellertson Keithv . EUlertson, ; Charles Hawkey pee Anderson; Devon Nielsen and Grant: Vincent. .. . - A 'y . : ."' A: Beauty Operators rovo beauty operators -will meet XondayeSrenlng at 7 o'clock at the home of Mrs,l'''e's'8a Ollerton. v -' Dinner ;Will be served and busf-ness busf-ness wlll'foilew. - ' ' ' . AlartriaClub Party ; Cards and puncheon were .the diversions di-versions a the Alanna club party held sat the home of Miss Nora EUi8 Thursday evening. . . - S? f fThe enjoyable affair was attended attend-ed by ; the following: Miss Elva Lewis Miss Mary Dixon, Miss Maudie Halladay, Miss Wanda Pack Miss Dorothy Kirkwood, Mi 88 Aria Pack aijd Miss Mildred Kirkwood. " ........ . . w -: - Saturday Bridge ' Mrs V.JH. Tuft . will be hostess tameraberset the Saturday Afternoon. After-noon. Bridge club at her home Sat urday.. 'cc ' ,;. :'"' J TOO-LATE FOR I CLASSIFICATION ; ;. TOUND .. Small pap near-university. Owner identify . and , payxf orX aid.,. Call 457. ' Springer Spaniel pup,. Brown and white. Reward. FVS Harris. Phone 682.-: t.i. t- ; INSTIttJCTION - - , ; --ContraCf bridge- lessons starting f irst week " In , Febr Afternoons or CVenlngs; Mfv Uakln. . Phone 982. 1 .? -.-jr., -f- c-: . -j FOB SALE MlSCEIXANEOUS CoaL Phone tt30Ri. Ray Pierce, :(5J9048JS0 ton.,; Satisfaction , guaranteed. guar-anteed. -;A'jY . f4 original form, too, if you prefer Novel Treatment Is ; Fur, Is 'Used Only' fii Moderation v i iAir i -4 vat f-s: . j . . I J fiS .SS.J?.: 1 !: t ll? A- J ? " " A BY JOAN SAVOY NEA Service Writer Once the holidays are over, clothes look to Spring! . If you' have a mind to go bargain-hunting, for something to wear here and' there; 'just remember it will probably be a big mistake you bring home unless you keep a weather-eye on the Spring. The new coats, designed -for Spring stock, seem prettymuch like dresses. In their general molded look and their lovely sleeves, belts and yoke collar treatments. .. ' . , : , Fur is used, but only, in moderation. A couple of fur cuffs is quite enough fur for one good looking coat, a f ur vestee and collar plenty for another. Many, are entirely without fur so 'you' .can take your pick. Materials are novelty weaves, many diagonals and fine basket weaves hhd colors range around f rom the new spring beige tone's to soft greens. blued,-reds ana.groyj,1, Grays as a matter or fact, isa good oet. isui oe sttraymiwear if well befdre purchasing. 4 GALOSHES Valu4s $2a ,7 Reduced to Cliildren Felt t vAU Sizes' b 1 - -Values to $l:00 -SPECIAL CHILDREN'S GALOSHES ; Heayy.Twf dCTbps Rubber Soles- o t p w ri VI J' UP Ji iie r asit- V" ':,'ic" ? , , I i 1 " . ; v '..:;- . :- v. I A v- . .'--r A-'. - -r I . Given to Collars; .T4 11 o -5 FELT SLIPPERS Heavy Suede Soles AU Colors - Values $1.00 ,Reduced'. -to 65c 1 h Strap SLIPPERS rlriced.to sell below cost. Is' Coftie:' and see these re-: re-: markable values. : x ;:r.IEN'S L WORISHOES .v Oil :,taiined Xieather , Heavy Soles ; f Valued $5.95, - SPECIAL , n Wi U J em3)REN's 1 1 ,JH, ft" 1 r "Depression Dance Pro ves Delightful v Delightful in every, detail was the Mlepressionn, 'dance given by tne'tfethfity tbtnmittee of the' "M" Men and OIeaners folt - the'Orand View ward Wediiesda5r7- evening in the amusement; .'hall. In keeping wlUr;th spiHt of the gay affair tte music for dancing was - furnished by fane?vJolini- A large crowd was in vattendance; Bridge PlaVed Mra.l Totn4?'Vlltea' entertained enter-tained at en ' enjoyable 'social affair af-fair at her ' home TOiifkd'ay after-moon after-moon lor Inethbers of the La Conda "telub. ' .Bridge was the -dlrerion 'aiid a dainty luncheon followed. ; Mrs. Manilla - Brown "of- Stortngville won the high "Score" prize. ? Mi -.v: .s- x Present x were MraV BHas Childs, Mrs. George B. Carter. Mrs. T L. Callister, Mra; 'J. -Clyde Knudseri, Mrs. Percy', Anderson, Mrs; Walter F. Whitehead, Mrs. Dowry Anderson, Ander-son, and . guests:- Mrs. Frank Cramner, "Mrs, Lloyd Bird and' Mrs. Manilla Brown of - Sprlngville. - " v - " Legion Darted Club The AmerieajT. Legion Dancing club will give another of its dance3 Saturday evening at - the Elks' Jlome. The nueic Vill be furnished by B'll Green's Tralblazers. S Just-A-Mere Club Members of the; Just-A-Mere club will be the guests of Mrs. Thomas CHtheroe Saturday afternoon at" her home. Bridge wilr be- played, "prizes awarded and luncheon served. EASIMEMf " .' - a -I SATURDAY All left over winter merchandise that was not sold during our January Clearance Sale has been moved to OUR BASEMENT and is now being sold at a small ottoritscost. Org Lot Women's and Misses! 17 Fur'Trimmed COATS :. One Xbt Woman's aiid Misses' RAIN COATS: $fl.(0) WOMEtffc LEATHER HANDBAGS Qne lot, . fine quiality4 .bags, formerly "priced tb $1.95 each. 39c EACH YARN RUGS One lot of Colonial' Yarn Ruga, orchid only, 'former priced 59e. r-t .: w:- va-u . :': EACH LACE COLLAR -and CUFF SETS One lot former values to $25 90c each:: Lot No. 2, formerly priced jtp $15. - 59c EACH r trimmiEace Tarda and yards' of fine, lace, various Widths, former valued to 69dp4'" ''-' r't.,-i'- ... form choice ' w YARO CHILDREN'S RIBBED HOSE v One t JotSf iline silk' ribbed hose, aMdrtteO V'ahsLaei and Bizeitformer price '56c. fend,RAVQNHOE j . ft ' Exchanges vuwrmu" tuiaijes " ituu .bjco, ntyie, sizes up-' up-' Yourhoio- CTS :V S 'J ttoitr ftholo?-- - ; wt ' .V pair , -0 C Miss Ann Mackay Is Club Hostess Miss Ann Mackay was hostess to members of the Carquinitz Bridge club members Thursday evening at Keeleys. A delicious dinner was served. Orchid sweet peas and narcissus prettily decorated the dining table and attractive favors were given. 1 Bridge followed; the nigh score prize going to Mrs. Elmer Singleton Single-ton 'and 'Miss Lucile Jorgensen winning win-ning the second favor. In attendance were Miss Amy Ctrmxhlhgs, an invited guest, end the following members of the club: Mrs. Elmer Singleton, Miss Cleo Smoot, Miss Lillian Cutler, Miss Lucile Jorgensen , Miss Arthella Cartef and Miss Jennie Knudsen. Royal Neighbors Ihstallr Officers jOfRbere Of the Royai Neighbors of America, for the ensuing. year were Installed dt the regular meeting meet-ing held at the I. O. O. F. hall Wednesday. The following wefe installed: Miss Margaret Jensen, oracle; Mrs. Sylvia Gale,' vice oracle; Mrs. Lin-nte Lin-nte Hedman, past oracle; Mrs. Elizabeth Barrejtt, chancellor; Mrs. Agnes L. Hall, recorder; Miss Beth Barrett, Marshall; Miss Lucile Overly, assistant mar shall; Mrs. Minnie Denhison, manager, three-year three-year term; Mrs. Mary A. Ward and Mrs. Beulah Overly, manager, one-year one-year term ; Miss Madeline Barrett, flag bearer. , . Mrs. Mary 'A. Ward was the in-staling in-staling officer and Mrs. P. G. Hall was the 'ceremonial marshall. A delicious luncheon was served to 20. T UEADTK2 k I A PRE-INVENTORY AND (b Women's and Misses' p WOOL, St U ITS Two and three piece' styles, Values to $39.50 CINDERELLA SILK HOSIERY Formerly,, priced to $1.95, Your choice . 69c PAIR FRENCH BOUDOIR DOLLS Remaining Your choice stock; dressed, 79c EACH ' One Lot DOMINO DQLLS ACH 's BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS ; Sizes 30 to 34, colors red, tan 4 and navy. Regular $1.95. , Your cnoice ' r - 95c EACH BOYS' WOOL BLAZERS .100 Jmre wool mackjnaw t cloth fcnd ' suede rloth,f Values .to $3.95. . , ii.., 011.19 I . .?.:':-";-fc1: ..r.$- V- ! KIDDIES' 1 'JERSEY LEG GINS I- lavy .blue, Ripper .Ipg, heavy fleeced lined. is.V BOYS F ; OUTING PAJAMAS 5-Kay nee , Brand, one niece ttf12 years. r l WEI CLOSE SATURDAYS AT . : - '-it, ' V .. -1 I -1)1-1 ' - -- - - V ira ml h o,: evs Mirers fe te : M i l T-I ; You And Your Friends : . Prof, and Mrs. Herald R. Clark have a son, born Thursday morning at the Crane" Maternity home. Mother and babe ar,e doing fine. William G. Lambert, manager of the Zellerbach ' Paper company of Salt Lake City, was in Piovo today on. business. Miss. Helen Madsen is spending a few days in Magna with her sister, Mra. J. B. Robison. Miss Babe Thomas, of Los Angeles, An-geles, arrived in Provo Thursday evening to spend two weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. E. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Wilson and children have returned to their Home in Butte, Mont.l after spending spend-ing several days in Provo with friends. ..Newell and W. B. Christensen of Price, were Provo visitors Thursday.- Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Thatcher of Ogden, spent Thursday with friends in Provo. William P. Price underwent a major operation at the Aird hos-pitar hos-pitar Thursday. Reports from the hospital are to the effect that the patient is rapidly recovering. Ray L. Alston, field representative representa-tive of the v American Red Cross, was in Provo Wednesday 'and Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Peterson MONDAY One Lot JUNIOR GIRLS' Fur Trimmed COATS Values to $19.75 L. D.SS. GARMENTS Wool garments and heavy cotton garments. Values to $3.00. While they last $11.0 WOMEN'S SWEATERS Pull-over styles, values to $3.95. $11.00 EACH BOYS' UNIONS One lot, Your Choice 25c IMPORTED TAPESTRY Large sizes, values to $3.95 Small sizes, Your choice . 50C EACH ONE LOT BUCILLA EMBROIDERY MODELS AT HAIF-PRICE HAIF-PRICE AND LESS ONE LOT OF BED SPREADS AT HALF-PRICE HALF-PRICE AND LESS ONE LOT OF TRIMMING TRIM-MING BRAID at HALF PRICE ANO less; ONE LOT BUCILLA PACKAGE GOODS $15 .values Your Choice. - 5C EACH T- WOMEN'S SILKvBLOUSES One, Lot, Yoturt Choice 2 P. . 4. V f - - ; ! and family of Garland, Utah, were among the visitors in Provo Thursday. Thurs-day. 1 TRAVELING MAN ENDORSES ALL-BRAN Says It Brought Relief From Constipation "I want to take this unsolicited means to tell you what All-Bran has done forrme. . "I am on the road all the time, and this "has a . tendency to consti-" pate me, or any one who travels all-, the time. I used to suffer a great deal from constipation, until somo one told me about Kellogg's Aha-. Bran. Since I have been eating thia cereal. I have been cured of con- Btipation. 1 nearxuy enaorse 11 xo' any one suffering as I did." Mr. r. Jfoiiara, Marion, im. us Constipation is paused by lack of two things in the diet: 'Bulk" to exercise the intestines. Vitamin B to tone the intestinal tract. Labora tory tests show All-Bran provides both. At the same time, it supplies iron for the blood. The "bulk" in All-Bran is similar simi-lar to that of lettuce. Within the body, it forms a soft mass, which gently clears the intestines" of wastes. Being a vatural corrective All-Bran is not habit-forming. How much better than risking ?ills and drugs so often harmful, wo tablespoonfuls daily will overcome over-come most types of constipation serious cases, with every meal., "If youN have intestinal trouble not re lieved this way, see your doctor. Serve All-Bran as a cereal witb milk or cream, or use in cooking. At all grocers in the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. ILaJJ ONLY WOMEN'S SILK DRESSES Values to $16.50 - 3-95 and$5.95 ONE LOT INFANTS' SWEATERS LESS. THAN HALF PRICE One Lot CORSELETTES Your Choice $a.oo WOMEN'S COTTON PAJAMAS Values to $1.95 98c CLOSING OUT BOYS' 4.PIECE WOpL, SUJTS AT HALF-PRICE. , WOMEN'S and MISSES' OUT.ING iPAJAMAS- Values to $1.75 WOMEN'S' and MISSES' RAYON GOWNS Values td $1.95 ' ; WOMEN'S .. RAVON BLOOMERS Regular ,$1.0Q values. Your Jphoice i. '-.,. $1.00 ! CLOSING OUT ALL ; DRAPERIES & SCRIM Our entire stock of curtain c materials must go regardless of price." v Jlegular Closing Out .05 Yd. .09 Yd. .19 Yd. .20Yd. .3t Yd. v4a'Yd; 1.39 Ydt ?$ .20 Yd. .35 Yd. .50 Yd. .85 Yd. 1-1.25 Yd. 1.50 Yd. 3.75.Yd. All Cash if o . Charges M. : t. wot wa ! am ' 1 1 ','APC 'id ICS V2ST CENTHR i V PRO VOJ tJTAII " A: f , s- . -I j 7 |