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Show 1 1 Vernal ErpfeM wwdoy, Nombw 13, iss7 'Newest' participants in Smokeout Day Each year, with the encouragement encourage-ment of family and friends, millions of smokers take the day off during the American Cancer Society's Great American Smokeout. Recognizing that it's never too soon to begin thinking about good health, American Cancer Society leaders in Vernal and the Ashley Valley Medical Center announced a new addition ad-dition to this year's crop of Smokeout participants; newborns. "Obviously, babies are born nonsmokers, and we hope they will remain nonsmokers throughout their lives," said Renee Shiner, Smokeout chairman of the Uintah Unit of the American Cancer Society. She explained that the society, in cooperation with Ashley Valley Medical Center, will present a tee shirt with the message, "I'm a Born Nonsmoker," to children born November 19, the day of the Great American Smokeout. We hope the tee shirts will send a message to parents and other adults, so those who smoke will consider quitting," Shiner said. "We know that children whose parents or older siblings smoke are more likely to take up the habit themselves. So parents would be helping themselves and their kids by quitting." Activities are planned at the medical center to help smokers make it through the day, according to Amie Jones, director of community relations. rela-tions. In addition to giving out the infant in-fant tee shirts, Smokeout coordinators coor-dinators are planning to set up a display for the public: Wednesday, Nov. 18 from 2 to 5 p.m. and Thursday, Thurs-day, Nov. 19 from 7:45 to 11:30 a.m. Free handouts include literature, Larry Hagman rubber bands, suckers to help "lick" the habit, and vegetable trays. A dollar pot will be set up for every pledge to quit smoking smok-ing for 24 hours. A drawing will take place Thursday at 11:30 a.m. for the pot. The entrants need not be present to win. There will be events for everyone; young and old, smoker and nonsmoker. "Nonsmokers will be adopting smokers and offering them support and survival tips for a smoke-free 24 hours," Jones said. Home Entertainment Center 145 West Main - Vernal - 789-1997 10 Channel Progammable Scanner m wilt layaway this item Only $1 000 Sale price $99.95 5a re $30 . ) j -. ' IV s i i V 7 . t "M - r .""":" t ' h x ..... , A , 4x j r rmt rifriir fh Must t 16 or cider to enter No Purchase Necessary SjHWHtrrd by rnal Arr.i Chamber of (Utmrnrrre, T urhryn donated by fif ftdUmintt mvrrhanh! Cimpkil Plumbing MIR PUxk Knitter Boutique Civn teather & Hot by Uinta Fine AlU Guild AmJ'i RacJiatof f f Interstate BanH M nrr WeUJing Dari Nitkel Ads 2ion DariH JC Tefinry Co. Vernal Drug Oae'i Cf6n KNtU Ccas'ii & Aftdffiol Mjr.-,'.r!J riintirg JcHn thiiwnifi, DOS Se 'tl Opt t a! Uintah Cavi Ccun-.r'.r- Oavfi SroU Dsvi Stale Dak Sh0wa:?et f otd Dalhke Hasty Tai ShrsJ Dfi$??ff Turner tulf lc. t-ki-t " haii $r,rrp Center CKriiteH-cr.l Tf k' Va'.' Meyrit C5 fc"tpt Travel 4 toui V? "-at tr'eii first '-r;' 'f Pa-k Da-.:i A;ta Surrey O'rrui CM Mj.fr-a'-ij Pssta ua-i W. lyni NcUni. 0 C. tC s taKap Service Sl?"a'ts ' Ct W,''?? s 5.-"': ' & J5 J "f r?i J: s F t & G ;-t !.' ?- s. I k Dr. r? A Oay"i tH r! ?r list's H ';! ti t csTnTt Wit- fi n ir. 1 1 n fv ti 1 1 1 1 rKs mim iiiiiifiii Shop the Vernal Express daii 789-3511 Jlampltgr Srstmirartt 120 East Main - Vernal THANKSGIVING DAY Relax Have Dinner With Us! Turkey Potatoes & Gravy Yams Dressing Rolls Pumpkin Pies Salad Bar All the Trimmings All for s600 Kids Vi Price BABY GIRL, Rachel Lyn Simmons, models the "I'm a Born Non-smoker' Non-smoker' tee shirt designed for Great American Smokeout Day. She is the daughter of Randy and Darcy Simmons. Kathy Uhlig, RN is holding the infant. Election remains unchanged after votes are canvassed at meeting 5 Call 789-0312 to reserve special times. S Thanksgiving Day Hours 6 am - 4 pm :? Single people, Couples Families large or small Make Reservations NOW for jS Christmas parties! JllllIllllIlltIllllllIllIlllllIIIIIlIIIIIIIIllIIIIllIfIllItllllllIIIIlIIIlIIIllIIlllIIIIIlIllIlIIItllIIIIIIlllIIIIiailIllllllIlfff Pre-Holiday Sale Save Up To 50 Off I All Shoes Osh Kosh, Kangaroo, Converse, Connie, Armadillo, etc. One Group $10 a Pair s i 5 3 s 30 to 40 Off BOOTS Includes: Kamik, Kids, Fashion, Ladies Dress Turkey yk fM Days m FIRE ft flu A,ir,4Cs viu iic given vj II V away each Saturday Xov. 21, 28 I Qfp J7 Zion TarUIii Lot 1 t Dec. 5, 12 f 1 Vernal. I'lnh fp J Votes were canvassed in the Naples City Council Meeting, Wednesday, November 4 and the official of-ficial results of the general election for four-year council member terms are: Dan E. Olsen, 167; Dennis L. Judd, 153; Karl G. Summers, 119 and Joseph B. Shaffer, 91. The top three, Olsen, Judd and Summers, were elected to the city council. A survey attached to the Naples City Ci-ty ballot showed 115 in favor of some type of limitation to open burning. Only 54 said they want to do nothing to regulate garbage burning. However, Naples citizens were able to vote for one or more of the information infor-mation items. Twenty-two Naples voters said they would like to prohibit garbage burning completely, 31 said they would like to implement mandatory city wide garbage collection at a cost of $5 per monlh, and 26 said they would prohibit garbage burning only in subdivisions sub-divisions or cloe housing areas. Nineteen said they would support restricting garbage burning ta cer tain hours and 13 said they would use education followed by some form of regulation or enforcement. Four said they would use public education efforts ef-forts to limit or eliminate garbage burning. The next scheduled Naples City Council Meeting is set for Thursday, November 19. Council members will discuss open garbage burning at a future meeting. 10 Off Accessories: Stockings, Jewelry, etc. 1 Shop Early For Best Selection Foot Fitters 1 ! 58 East 2nd North (next to Children's Den) Roosevelt 1 j Mastercard VISA Layaway liitiisttiiriiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu 0 fT, ICCti Showing . Ffl. A Sat, 7.30 4 9 3 Sunday 4 Thunday 7.30 Only FATAL ATTRACTION Till CLVEJIA f7 ZPr' H"'- I) I (La ft ft'U ll U U II Stall ft Join 7.11 Ooif CINDERELLA Sii tit JtOl t &9 O-'f THE RUNNING MAN ta ft THE RUNNING MAN Rf It $-- k i?"if n 4 1 ' I! 0 (HI B & D Trailer Movers & Trailer Sales The Bicycle Shop mv$ mm Thursday, Friday, Saturday Nov. 19, 20, 21 Bicycles Scooters Parts f I y $20 down will hold any bike or scooter until Dec 19. . . . Terry Travel Trailers Trailer Parts 60 Off lWn. Mini Blinds B & D Movers 1570 West Hwy. 40 Vernal, Utah - 7894970 |