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Show ft h. K r 7i Award presented for life-saving deed Wediesdoy, Nombf 18, 1937 Yi.T.al ExftH 5 Pvt. Douglas Curfew Army Private completes basic Army National Guard Private Douglas Curfew, son of Donald L. and Susan C. Curfew of Vernal, has completed basic training at Ft. Leonardwood, Mo. During the training, students received instruction in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid, and Army history and traditions. Pvt. Tracy Gardner Tracy Gardner finishes basic Pvt E2 Tracy E. Gardner recently returned from Ft. Leonardwood Mo., where he completed eight weeks of basic training and nine weeks AIT. Pvt. Gardner was assigned to Delta Company 58th Transporation Battlion, 1st Engineer Brigade as a motor transport operator. He ranked first in his class for eight week. The soldier is a 1987 graduate of Union High School, and is a member of the 118th Engineer Company Float Bridge Unit of the Utah National Guard in Vernal. He is the son of Dan and Maxine Gardner of Roosevelt. TEMPERATURES In a special award ceremony held Friday, Nov. 6, at the Roosevelt Ranger District, Duane Tucker, Ashley National Forest Supervisor presented a certificate of merit and a cash award to District employee Janilee Hicks. Janilee, a trained Emergency Medical technician, was credited with saving the life of a fellow firefighter on the Harrington Fire, Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho, on September 3. Janilee's crew, named the Boise Smoke Chasers, was engaged in building fire lines when crew member Emil Stockton of Vernal sustained severe injuries after being struck by a rolling rock. Janilee, with the assistance of several members of the crew was able to keep Emil stabilized until the ambulance and medical personnel arrived at the remote accident site. Janilee then assisted the ambulance personnel in transporting Emil to the hospital in Boise where he underwent surgery for his injuries. Special guests present at the ceremony were Junior and Janilee Hicks, Janilee's parents, and Emil Stockton, presently at home recovering recover-ing from his injuries. Janilee has worked for the Roosevelt District the last two summers. sum-mers. She will be leaving the District to begin a mission for the L.D.S. Church on November 17th. On The Way: Increased Tax Subsidies For "Gasohol"? Date Hi Lo Prec. Nov. 10 49 27 trace Nov. 11 49 25 .08 Nov. 12 47 26 Nov. 13 50 26 Nov. 14 39 37 .40 Nov. 15 42 30 .05 Nov. 16 38 17 Courtesy of Sky West Airlines Scott Punches Punches enters Naval Center- Scott Punches has entered the Naval Recruit Training Center at Orlando, Fla. Following recruit training, Scott will be going to Connecticut where he will receive schooling. He left Salt Lake City Wednesday, Nov. 18 for eight weeks of basic training. Scott is a 1987 graduate of Uintah High School. He is the son of Wcs and Linda Punches of Vernal. 0) IM Read it first in the' Vernal Express Subscribe to the Vernal Exp'JH 789-3511 It sounds like a "fuelish" idea to some people: the proposed plan to increase federal tax subsidies for' alcohol-based gasoline blends. It's a plan, say many experts, that will mean higher costs for all of us each day at the gas pump, and each year at tax time. Consider the facts: Ethanol fuel is made from grains, such as corn. An ethanol fuel industry is not viable without massive government subsidies. A recent U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricul-ture report concluded that a government gov-ernment subsidized fuels program would cost taxpayers billions. The report said, "It would be much more economical to burn straight gasoline gaso-line in our automobiles and pay farmers a direct subsidy equal to the amount they would receive as a result of ethanol production." The extra taxes we would pay for ethanol eth-anol subsidies would also mean less money would be available for other important government programs. Substituting ethanol for gasoline gas-oline on a large scale would not reduce re-duce U.S. oil imports. The tractors, combines, grain trucks and distilleries distil-leries involved in ethanol production produc-tion simply burn more energy than they ultimately produce. Ethanol fuel blends could in- crease gasoline prices by three to seven cents a gallon, according to some sources. Methanol, another alcohol-based alcohol-based fuel produced from natural gas and coal, would have to be imported im-ported in large quantities, possibly endangering our country's energy security. Widescale methanol use could require the costly production of new pipelines, tank trucks, rail cars and storage facilities. The costs could end up being paid with taxpayer dollars. Many people object to the "gasohol" subsidy plan, which would mandate the use of methanol or ethanol gas in some areas. They also feel any plan to force consumers consum-ers to use alcohol-based fuels and pay more for the privilege goes against free market principles. Whatever your views on this issue, you can let your legislators know by writing them at the U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510 and the House of Representatives, Washington, Wash-ington, D.C. 20515. AH2 1 V 1.' 3j j u U' 4 A 5 o of i DUANE TUCKER, Ashley National Forest Supervisor, congratulates con-gratulates Janilee Hicks for her life saving efforts on behalf of Emil Stockton. V.A. HOMES FOR SALE Many belcw market valu BUY With Payments as low as REWT Only 5 down. Competitive fixed rates. You do NOT have to be a veteran to quality. For locations and more information, informa-tion, check with any Real Estate Agent. With new low prices and easy financing terms, you can often own your own home with payments pay-ments a low or lower than rent. 1684 West Highway 40 801-789-9550 Thanksgiving Buffet featuring Roast turkey with all the trimmings. Carved roast beef and Baked ham. Array of Salads. Also an array of Homemade Desserts. Adults 9.95 Senior Citizens 795 Children 4.95 Children under 3 FREE 11 a.m. through 3 p.m. - Nov. 26th Reservations please. BUY OF THE WEEK ft h . , 11 r L Th,s week-s special -WaSBSOCI Now $34,950 1648 sq. ft., 3 bdrm., 2 bath, family room. Good condition. 314 West 500 North, Vernal. .'i s at - i tr !!oH l Vic-.M,'.; Ve-.al 4 j'-'pf., J f I r -.i-o-j t,m h ' vmi m cmj iui un vafjM.v. -rir. 4 jr i . -... mm . Contact an feat estate -nt cr: Zions First National Bank i - --.-i HP I WHEHY0U HEAR THE CRASH, THINK0F I Ml JONES PAIOT&GLASS. ' M4 A MWl l -2c0s Choice of $10(7 Hurkey or Mam With each Windshield 'rrj Installed 0J ? X : Vcrn.it Store Only v. |