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Show NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The following described describ-ed property situated in Uintah County, State of Utah, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the front steps of the Uintah County Courthouse, Vernal, Utah on November 30, 1987 at the hour of 12:00 noon, for the purpose of foreclosing foreclos-ing a Trust Deed executed ex-ecuted by WALTER J. BURFITT and DANAS. BURFITT, as Trustor, in favor of Zions First National Bank as Beneficiary, recorded November 20, 1981, as Entry No. 187061 in Book 292, at Page 784, of the official records of Uintah Uin-tah County, Utah and encumbers certain real property located in Uintah Uin-tah County, State of Utah, which real property pro-perty is more particularly par-ticularly described as follows: Beginning in the Northeast Nor-theast quarter of Section Sec-tion 17, Township 3 South, Range 20 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, West parallel to the North line of said Northeast quarter of said Section, 2069.00 feet and South 1 degree 03'39" West parallel to the East line of said Northeast quarter of said Section, 993.37 feet from the Northeast cor ner of said Section, thence South 1 degree 03'39" West parallel to the said East line 350.00 feet to the South line of the North one-half of the , Northeast quarter of said Section; thence North 89 degree 52'59" West along said South line 124.50 feet; thence North 1 degree C3'39" East parallel to the said East line 349.76 feet to a point due West of beginning begin-ning point; thence East parallel to the said North line 124.50 feet to the said point of beginn-' ing; subject to a 60-foot wide road and utility right-of-way along the Southerly line of lot. Bearings are relative to the North line of the Northeast quarter of Section 17, which is assumed to bear West. Together with a road right-of-way leading to property described as follows: A 60-foot road and utility right-of-way, extending 60 feet to the North of the following described line; Beginning Beginn-ing at the Southeast corner cor-ner of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, Section 17, Township 3 South. Range 20 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Meri-dian, said point is located South 01 degrees 03'39" West 1316 28 feet from the Northeast corner cor-ner of said Section; Ihrnrc North 85 degrees 54'27" West 3'.9 87 fcrt Soul h west corner of the Northeast quarter of the North est quarter of Midsection, Purchase price payable in lawful money of the t'nilrd .Mate of Afnetira. SaiJa!ewiSltem;!e withmil tnvrnanl of warranty, ftpfe. or Implied, frgr!irg title, mri!Aintt of tnCYinv l-f a')( r t'ated: t!.lrr $t l7. ?" Kir -t National pgtk lUCllMUJH fc-Cfcrntvr rot" f. "c f-p! Ff"e S'rrrrr'f 'it) f I'f EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The following described describ-ed real property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the 9th day of December, 1987, at 11:10 a.m., at the South front door of the main entrance of the County Courthouse, 147 East Main, Vernal, in the County of Uintah, State of Utah, by Fleet Mortgage Corp. fka Mortgage Associates, Inc., A Rhode Island Corporation;, as the current Beneficiary, under the Deed of Trust made by WILLIAM E. NICKSON, an unmarried unmar-ried man, as Trustor, recorded September 30, 1980 as Entry No. 177715, in Book 271, at Page 683, of the official records of Uintah County, Utah, given to secure an indebtedness in-debtedness in favor of Mortgage Associates, Inc., A Rhode Island Corporation, by reason of certain obligations secured thereby. Notice of Default was recorded August 4, 1987, as Entry No. 4086-87, in Book 433, at Page 161, of said official records. Trustee will sell at public auction to highest bidder in cash, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, without warranty as to title, possession or encumbrances, encum-brances, the following described property: Lot 3 Beginning at a point South 0 degrees 06'45" East along the West Section line of Section Sec-tion 8, Township 5 South, Range 22 East, Salt Lake Meridian, 658.02 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section thence North 89 degrees 53'15" East perpendicular perpen-dicular to said West line 175 feet; thence South 0 degrees 06'45" East parallel to said West, line 125 feet; thence South 89 degrees 53'15" West 175 feet to a point on said West line; thence North 0 degrees 06'45" West along said West line 125 feet to point of Beginning. Less a 33 foot Uintah County Road right-of-way along the West side of lot. Property address: 3627 South 2500 East, Vernal, Utah 84078. for the purpose of paying pay-ing obligations secured by said Deed of Trust Including In-cluding fees, charges and expenses of Trustee, advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, interest in-terest thereon and the unpaid principal of the note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest in-terest thereon as Is in said note and by law provide. Dated this 2nd day of November, lr7. OKYANC IlOJUNSON Surcriiior Trustee lao S, m Vi. Suite 13) M.C, t'Uh 84101, l'u!))i!itrJ in the Vernal Ver-nal Nov, II, 18 end 25.132?, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The following described describ-ed property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the 1st day of December, 1987, at 2:00 p.m. at the main entrance to the Uintah County Courthouse, 152 East 100 North, Vernal, The following describ- Utah, in the County of ed real property will be Uintah, by Bryan W. sold at public auction to Cannon, as Trustee, and EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE t ' t r f ,--H V - f ' f fi le f s r :t'j the highest bidder on the 9th day of December, 1987, at 11:10 a.m., at the South front door of the main entrance of the County Courthouse, 147 East Main, Vernal, in the County of Uintah, State of Utah, by Fleet Mortgage Corp. fka Mortgage Associates, Inc., A Rhode Island Corporation, as the current cur-rent Beneficiary, under the Deed of Trust made by NORMAN D. WOOLEY and GEORGIA LEE WOOLEY, husband and wife, as Trustor, recorded record-ed November 13, 1979 as Entry No. 172322, in Book 256, at Page 361, of the official records of Uintah County, Utah, given to secure an indebtedness in-debtedness in favor of Medallion Mortgage Co., Inc., by reason of certain obligations secured thereby. Notice of Default was recorded August 4, 1987, as Entry No. 4084-87, in Book 433, at Page 158, of said official records. Trustee will sell at public auction to highest bidder in cash, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, without warranty as to title, possession or encumbrances, encum-brances, the following described property: Beginning at a point of the North line of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 22 East, Salt Lake Base & Meridian, West 430.24 feet from the Northeast Corner of said Section; thence South parallel to the East line of said Section 193.00 feet; thence West parallel to the said North Section line 100.00 . feet; thence North parallel to said East Section line 193.00 feet to said North Section line; thence East along said North Section line 100.00 feet to point of beginning, beginn-ing, Uintah County, Utah. Excepting any portion thereof lying within the boundaries of 3500 South Street. Excepting Ex-cepting all oil, gas, and minerals. Property address: 3410 East 3500 , South, Vernal, Utah 84078. for the purpose of paying pay-ing obligations secured by said Deed of Trust including in-cluding fees, charges and expenses of Trustee, advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, interest in-terest thereon end the unpaid principal of the note secured by said IHtJ of Trust with interest in-terest therenn as is in said note end by law provided. Chrysler First Finan cial Services Corporation, Corpora-tion, as Beneficiary, under the Deed of Trust made by TROY M. DODSON and MER-RILEE MER-RILEE B. DODSON, husband and wife, as Trustors, recorded June 29, 1984, as Entry No. 4372-84 in Book 360 at Page 212 of Official Records of Uintah County, Coun-ty, given to secure indebtedness in-debtedness in favor of Financeamerica Thrift Corporation now known as Chrysler First Financial Finan-cial Services Corporation, Corpora-tion, by reason of certain cer-tain obligations secured thereby. Notice of Default was recorded June 15, 1987, as Entry No. 3098-87, in Book 430, at Page 485 of said Official Records. The beneficial interest in-terest under said Deed of Trust and the obligations obliga-tions secured thereby are now owned by Chrysler First Financial Finan-cial Services Corporation. Corpora-tion. Trustee will . sell at public auction to the highest bidder in cash payable in lawful money of the United State at the time of sale, without warranty as to title, possession or encumbrances, encum-brances, the following described property located at 370 North 200 West, Vernal, Uintah County, State of Utah: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 42, Plat "E", Vernal City, Ci-ty, being a part of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 23, Township 4 South, Range 21 East, Salt Lake Meridian, and running thence North 119.07 feet; thence East 80.56 feet; thence South 119.07 feet; thence West 80.56 feet, to the point of beginning. for the purpose of paying pay-ing obligations secured by said Deed of Trust including in-cluding fees, charges and expenses of Trustee, advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, interest in-terest thereon and the unpaid principal of the note secured by said Deed of Trust with Interest In-terest thereon as in said note and by law provided. provid-ed. Dated this 2.)th day of October, 1?7. BRYAN W.CANNON Trustee 4iU!SS,wE, Suite 36 SLC, Utah 84117 Published in the Vernal Ver-nal Kxpms Nov, 4. II end 18, 11" NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE The following described describ-ed property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale on the front entrance of the Uintah County Courthouse, Vernal, Utah, on December 9, 1987 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. of said day; for the purpose of foreclosing a trust deed dated October 26, 1983 executed by BRENT MERRELL and SUSAN K. MERRELL, as Trustors, covering real property located at 408 South 3130 West, Vernal, Uintah County, Utah and more particularly described as follows : All of Lot 124, of Cottonwood Cot-tonwood Heights Subdivision, Sub-division, Phase III, according ac-cording to the official plat thereof on file in the office of the Recorder, Uintah County, Utah. Dated this 2nd day of November, 1987. DAVID B.BOYCE Successor Suc-cessor Trustee Published in the Vernal Ver-nal Express Nov. 11, 18 and 25, 1987. Dated this 2nd day of Novcmlf r, It7, tilt VAN C Jinl;l,'-ON &rtr--.'r Tur-ier lag S, S'-O Vi, Suite IM MX, I th M Put h-.brcj in lht Vrf. ral Nov u, is efHlli.m?, Mitn r. tntttr tuinti f A. frrsrrl. if-ftn I-- Wt: m l'.s !' Ko ;1 ,t rl Vrt. t-:. rr M:-1 s t f cf t u S w.'!;v, --t. ' -. Tt';,S-r-ie ". ) ? f ' .-x-. I in I4- c. A-' t WzUf fir,. $tf l-frc-ie. S-tafF'r ;vo ,t p;' - rr ! v?-t t- I'- f :i rr I tfl 1 '' ' J it ; tt i 5 1 J tr i5 t ' Is- ft tf , - .( i f " it . tt. t -A f t-rc . - I 5 j t - : ; : - NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE The following described describ-ed property situated in Uintah County, State of Utah, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on December 17, 1987 on the front steps of the Uintah County Courthouse, Cour-thouse, Vernal, Utah, at the hour of 12:00 Noon, for the purpose of foreclosing a Deed of Trust With Assignment of Rents executed by JOHN LYNN DOWNARD and LORRAINE LOR-RAINE DOWNARD, also known as LORRAINE LOR-RAINE B. DOWNARD, his wife, as Trustor, in favor of FEDERAL LAND BANK OF SACRAMENTO, a corporation, cor-poration, as Beneficiary, recorded December 23, 1982 as Entry No. 198026 in Book 322, Pages 125-128 in the official records of Uintah Uin-tah County, State of Utah, and encumbers certain real property located in Uintah County, Coun-ty, State of Utah, which real property is more particularly described as follows: Wedsdoy. November 18, K87 Yemal ExfBtt 9 implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances. encum-brances. Dated this 10th day of November, 1987. T. RICHARD DAVIS Successor Trustee Published in the Vernal Ver-nal Express November 18, 25 and December 2, 1987. NOTICE CIVIL NO. 3482 IN THE MATTER OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE UINTAH WATER CONSERVANCY CONSERVAN-CY DISTRICT, PURSUANT PUR-SUANT TO CHAPTER 9 TITLE 73, UCA1953: In accordance with Section 73-9-9, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended, notice is hereby given that the terms of office of two directors of the Uintah Water Conservancy District expire November 27, 1987. Division No. 3, director direc-tor Ronald Batty, for a 4-month term. Division No. 7, director, La Rue Pickup, for a 4-month term. Any person or group interested in making nominations may do so by submitting a nomination nomina-tion to the Uintah County Coun-ty Commission, accompanied accom-panied by a resume for qualifications and consent con-sent to act if appointed, in writing by November 20, 1987. By order of the County Commission. DOROTHY LUCK Clerk Published In the Vernal Ver-nal Express Nov. II and 18,1387. Beginning at the Northwest Nor-thwest corner of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 20 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Meri-dian, thence North 89 degrees 34'07" East 525.04 feet; thence South 0 degrees 13'07" West 1408 feet; thence South 89 degrees 34'07" West 267.33 feet; thence North 0 degrees 13'58" East 440.99 feet; thence South 89 degrees 34'07" West 257.71 feet more or less to the West line of said Section; thence North along said West section line 967.01 feet more or less to the point of beginning. AMI HtM Ml f ton tut Awi0?jn1 t4 trJ1Ttft' fr-t.'n fame tnSf t"r Id t-i-I n jrV ttfc-'-U D-'p &-. t". r i?t (tnt fora? m j rr .!.( jiir.r. rv tr4 Si V-P .!t Pa'-n Af c-f t- t c- "5 . c ? J s .'s j i rtt, s '.j lie f--.-pJ $ S iv'si" -" ,C-fi f-cr'!i'" (M;-' J f j) TTJ irm Vntr'H 1 f, W- , S I 6 1 (S "-' iS f it -t Jxi i t d . - c f-'i f k- f Jl.c 1 la f e-fi rif Jt y 1 r I? ii n ''e i f -f f t i - U.e A - - f lwmtws ronniD-i Ah!ry ''.)ry ttairf nJ Srrf lmptX!rv- Pr-rtA In.ttrkl fwriv ti't fctf frlac rnrr.t of 3!rr lirwn e f.:T: PffWI N"4. 2; Af fsima!f tjr iTX) (rri r4 1 3" a!-f ii-.e tfc-.m ; - O WrM U n Vtc: to! via Vrrnat, PtT?xt N 3 A "ff I- frn ; n tV.tt h 4 Ap- frrv.-.jie'j jerq ff t4 " -.r cf - r,i Ave- w jsl t A r '"'-- tr.a y . f ' fli trie taf f.rirw (jf i-e r - - y- la f 1 fWv---' fit n l T J . f Pll V. ci r tit TOGETHER with a right to use the described describ-ed right of way: Commencing Com-mencing at a point located South 0 degrees 1358" West along the Section line 1407.99 feet from Northeast corner of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 20 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence South 89 degrees 34'07" East 793 04 feet to a country road; thence South along said county road 60 feet; thence North 89 degrees 34'07" West 793 04 feet; thence West 1101.10 feet; thence North 60 feet; thence East 1101.34 feet to point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH the right to use 121141 of the unlire waters of the Dry Fork Branch of the Ashley Cm-k Stream, for the irrigation irriga-tion f 12 acres of the above described land, as allotted to Darnel Adams in the Decree of the Fourth Judicial District Court of the State of I'lah. in end for the Cmmly of I'tntah. Civil No S.4, entitled 0, D. Alien d el. plan-tiUi plan-tiUi vs, Daniel Adam, tl el. Defendants", ALSO TUCKTIIKH iihlleriM ta u-ji PIS C f i of vruUf fm)ftd airr diverted fr-m a rll locate! Sm;'.h f:-J Irrt fthd ltal te9 Irri ftn N'M-lb-! Cof ftrtofti.ifllV lUrgtf U last. Salt UkP tU'.tf pn.l Mrti titan, l-f !--.f.r5!if ti. k s!ff r. irt:CA'-.n -itrr fv? fiiy rritH in Aft "k" 14 ArttTjt!e Wst Ni It::1 ia!ff l.Vt'e 4,,--:n N'i. tf tlAl )i!?if (ti4W3?rf ti '-.!. ' l 3'-f ' i-t i-t I Vh t l'S. Lv'tt?: !' '..tTr' t "1- F:I tE-", t:f? t' 5-t (a. Vae 1 - t ri t1 jVlt .r c - 'is ft ;I f-'. r-'i. -! 1 ' -: '5 iK j - -1 ' NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following application applica-tion s) have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate or change water throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. Location in SLB&M unless otherwise other-wise designated. UINTAH COUNTY APPLICATION(S) TO APPROPRIATE WATER. 43-10012 (A62932) APPLICANT: AP-PLICANT: Gene H. Davis, Route 3, Box 3322, Myton.UT. QUANTITY: QUAN-TITY: 0.015 cfs. SOURCE: Seep Area. POINT(S) OF DIVERSION: DIVER-SION: (1) S 640 W 630 from Nl4 Cor, Sec. 9, T3S, R1E, USB&M. STORAGE: Unnamed reservoir, Capacity 0.25 ac-ft., height of dam 6 ft., inundating 0.10 acs. in NE14NW14 Sec 9, T3S, R1E, USB&M. USE: Irrigation: from Apr 1 to Oct 31, total acreage 0.25 acs; Stockwatering: 10 head of livestock, PLACE OF USE: NE14NW14 Sec 9,T3S,R1E,USB&M. 45-5295 (A62939) APPLICANT: AP-PLICANT: Richard Houston, 440 West 5th South, Vernal, UT. QUANTITY: 0.015 cfs. SOURCE: Underground Water Sump. POINT(S) OF DIVERSION: (1) N 110 E 250 from SW Cor, Sec 23, T4S, R21E. (Vernal) (Ver-nal) USE: Irrigation: from Apr 1 to Oct 31, total acreage 0.25 acs; Stockwatering: 5 head of livestock. PLACE OF USE: SW14SW14 Sec 23.T4S. R21E. APPLICATIONS) TO CHANGE WATER 43-9931(314471) APPLICANT: AP-PLICANT: Gene II. Davis, Route 3, Box 3322, Myton. UT. proposes pro-poses to change the point of diversion of water as evidenced by Application AG1928. HERETOFORE: QUANTITY: 0.015 cfs. SOURCE: 6 in. well 440 ft. deep. POINT(S) OF DIVERSION: (1) S 1210 W 477 from Nl4 Cor, Sec 9. T3S. IUE. USBAM. USE: Irrigation Irriga-tion from Apr I to Oct 31. total acreage 0 23 acs; Stockwatering: 10 head of livestock; Domestic: 1 family. PLACE OF USE: NEt4NWl4&c9.T3S. ItlE.l'SHiM, IIEKKAFTEIt: gt'ANTITY: 0 0IJ cfs, SOUJiCE: in rll 50 ft to 2'4 It deep, ItJlNTiS) OF DIVERSION; DIVER-SION; in s m w km from Nl4 Cor. Sec 9. T1S. IUE. I'SiUM. VsK: Sme a Hrrrlofore, PLACE OF t"J H: Same of ItrfefolafP, Pmtmu miMirg the gfantics of hf-M gp, r,!ica!ifn i'h realms thrfrJ'Tf fnsfsl t t,'r4 in '.::! i',h the t rf ffTf4 Jf.-jJ Vrtl N.h1!i lri ; . S! UVe City, I Jar.iwrjrl.UJt l.-'l t UTL Pl';-M in 1 Vet rl p.f m nfn-.Vf IS. 2 t-4 NOTICE OF HEARING CAUSE NO. K-177-1 BEFORE THE BOARD OF OIL, GAS AND MINING DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES IN AND FOR THE STATE OF UTAH. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF MITCHELL ENERGY CORPORATION CORPORA-TION FOR A WELL STATUS DETERMINATION DETERMINA-TION PURSUANT TO SECTION 103 OF THE NATURAL GAS POLICY ACT OF 1978. The state of Utah to all operators, takers of production, pro-duction, mineral and royalty owners, and particularly all persons interested in Uintah County, Utah. Notice is hereby given that a Hearing Examiner Ex-aminer appointed by the Board of Oil, Gas and Mining, State of Utah, will conduct a hearing on Wednesday, December 2, 1987 at 9 a.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, in the office of the Division Divi-sion of Oil, Gas and Mining, Min-ing, 355 West North Temple, 3 Triad Center, Suite 350, Salt Lake City, Ci-ty, Utah, to consider the Application of Mitchell Energy Corporation. Said hearing will be conducted as authorized under the provisions of Section 40-6, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended, the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-621). and the Rules and Regulations adopted thereunder. Notice is further given that the purpose of said hearing will be to determine deter-mine whether the Hells Hole State No. 1-36-10-25 Well located in Section 36, Township 10 South, Range 25 East, should be designated under Section 103 of the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 as New Onshore Production Wells. Any interested firm, person, or corporation shall be entitled to appear ap-pear at the time and place aforesaid to be heard by the Board. The Application may be inspected in the office of the undersigned, 355 West North Temple, 3 Triad Center. Suite 350. Salt Lake City. Utah. If there are any protests pro-tests in this matter, please make such known to the undersigned undersign-ed at least three (3) working days before the hearing. Dated this 10th day of November, 1397. State of Utah Board of Oil. Gas and Mining MAKGOK1EL. ANDERSON Secretary of the Board Published in the Vernal Ver-nal Express Novrmlrr 18, IW7, ntn r P t, I t m FSlNli I .-i r t - it. ; - s-t J " V rv:'-: IV -' S-t- : " ? Pf'i in ? '1 4 t I iv f - g r-4 V NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The following described describ-ed property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the front steps of the County Courthouse in" Vernal, Uintah County, State of Utah, on the 7th day of December, 1987, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. of said day, for the purpose pur-pose of foreclosing a trust deed executed by GENERAL PROPERTIES, PROPER-TIES, INC., LYLE MCKEACHNIE, President, Presi-dent, as Trustor in favor of Basin State Bank, Inc., Trustee and Beneficiary, covering , real property which is ; located in Uintah County, Coun-ty, Utah, and more specifically described as follows: ' Lots IB, 27, 62, 114 and 115 of Air Village Hills Subdivision, according ! to the official plat : thereof on file in the of-1 f ice of the recorder, Uintah Uin-tah County, Utah. Subject to the Protec-. tive Covenants and ; Restrictions of the Air Village Hills Subdivision. Subdivi-sion. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States of America. Dated this 10th day of November, 1987. KENNETH G. ANDERTON Attorney for ' Basin State Bank Published in the Vernal Ver-nal Express Nov. 11, 18 and 25, 1987. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Myrtle Irene Johnson, deceased. Probate Pro-bate No. 87P-47-U. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to present them to the undersigned or to the Clerk of the Court on or before the 1st day of March, 1987, or said claims shall be forever barred. DONALD VINCENT . JOHNSON 900 East 9th Street Gillette, Wyo.. 82716 Telephone:'(307) 682-4937 Published in the Vernal Ver-nal Express Nov. 11, 18 and 25. 1987. If you have ft News Item call the Yemal Express 789 3511 I'fltUC NOTICE Tte Uintah County Mtrpjii4 Abatement Di.aifict W r-o';ii!ir$ corfrtitive fcids from I'laH hankir-4 ir-'-'.il lions f r ibe loan of la 6ti'kipain rnonir (of uf in its 5T4 rprfa'inr. in IK emmi ol !;m. ctw ! the t-t!'l Jamwf)-1. Jamwf)-1. 1414 IVxrft'.Wf 31, l.X A!l t!"fi er.4 nsir4 tifpTf,U tj'5s t- vM N fwit c,J ti rt lf'Te A' jrVfu'r J ti- V;- g jrx!.5;iUnt! -..fl t- lf.1 IN? t"if;'a1 f ' Tr-' A''f t''.?'rrl ! P II P m. l!r;.'. ;;i ; ( f.-f tV C' 5. ft:its ll f-T! 9 ?'. f " f4 P- i-. i1 r ; I Ft;"t ! B Vour Mcssogc Mccs n Bigger Splash HCfiC! ! --t M ''iff (M-K r,1 Vernal Express f3i |