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Show J.v. grapplers square off By G.BRETT HART Sports Editor CLEAR-FIELD CLEAR-FIELD Viewmont, Woods Cross and Davis high schools each made their marks on Saturday's Satur-day's annual junior varsity wrestling tournament at Clearfield Clear-field High. 1 I Here's a look at how each of the area schools did. I Viewmont The Vikes 1 sent two junior varsity ensembles to Clearfield. Viewmont's 'A team claimed tournament third place honors while the Vikes' 'B' team took eighth in team competition. In the individual rankings, The Vikings emerged from tournament tour-nament action with six first-place first-place medals and two grand champions, not to mention a hosl of third- and fourth-place finishers. Tournament competition was broken into two, eight-man brackets in each weight classification. The winner of each bracket then wrestled for grand champion honors. Viewmont's grand champions were Mike Davis, 1 30, and Brock Seeley, 135. Both grand champions ended up defeating fellow Vikings for grand champion cham-pion honors. Davis defeated Brandon Fenwick, and Seeley beat Brian Bangerter. Both Fenwick Fen-wick and Seeley took first-place honors in theii respective I brackets. The Vikings other first place finishers were Russell Zesiger, 1 19 and Steve Davis, 1 25. In the 103-pound class, Jason Murphy took third. Jason Ruflin claimed fourth in the 112-bracket. 112-bracket. Lanny Baxter ended the day with a third place finish behind Zesiger at 1 19, while Jeff Sales finished second behind Bangerter in the 135-pound class. Both Taylor Clark and Jayson Uffens took third in their respective respec-tive 140-pound slots, and Coy Langton and Josh Baxter took third and fourth in different 145-pound 145-pound classes. Kevin Chistensen and Steve Littlefield took third in the 152- and 171-pound categories, respectively, and Ron Page took fourth in 189-pound competition. "I felt really good that some of our younger kids are beginning beginn-ing to come through for us," Viewmont coach Bart Thompson Thomp-son said. "It was as good a team effort as we've had all year." Woods Cross At the end of Saturday's tournament, the Wildcats boasted three second place finishers, two thirds and two fourth place medals. Mike Rigby, Greg Walker and Lee Larsen landed second place honors in the 145, 152 and 189-pound 189-pound brackets, respectively. Stephen Kime claimed third in the 160-pound class as did 140-pound 140-pound teammate DirkGillmore. In the 103- and 145-pound slots, both George Davis and Chris Wray took fourth. "I thought we did fairly well," said Woods Cross coach Glen Orme. ' ' We're really green, but we're coming along. It just takes time. "You get wrestlers of different experience levels at these junior varsity tournaments. Some are very green; others have a lot of experience. You expect a kid that's not too bad to win two or three matches; if they win more, they're doing pretty good," said Orme. Dais Davis coach Alan Porter said he was disappointed with the Darts' performance Saturday. "We had some wrestlers do well, but I was disappointed; we should have done better. "We got rolling the wrong way," Porter said, "which happens sometimes in tournament tourna-ment competition. You have a couple of kids lose that should have won, and things start going the wrong way for the rest of the team. "Everything just seemed to go the wrong way." The Darts did come away with two second-place finishes. Chad Billings earned a second place medal in the 112-pound slot as did teammate David Perkins in the 160-pound bracket. SEE WRESTLE PAGE C-3 Wrestle CONT'D FROM C-l The tourney's upset, however, iook place in the heavyweight com-jetition. com-jetition. Z Davis' Shane Cook led 11-3 with J seconds left when his opponent timed the tables on him. The ref-iree ref-iree slapped the mat with just two Seconds left; Cook had been pinned, jind the Darts lost their last chance for a first-place finish. Cook ended up taking third. |