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Show TIie DAily UTAh ChRonicle -ublished Monday through Friday during fall, winter and spring quarters, except during test week by University 01 Utah students Second class postage paid In the Post Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. The editorial receives the final approval of the editor In consultation with the editorial board. All material submitted to the Chronicle becomes the property of the Chronicle and may be subject to editing and condensation. AN GEITN NELSON JOLENE EDMUNDS Edltor-In-Chief Business HES SuTZ? - Head Photographer SCOTT ANDERSON Sports Editor .. - -- Craig Law Entertainment Editor Dave Mason Copy Editors .... r Steve Poulson In Perspective Editor""' Janice Clark, Joseph McMurrln Sales Manager .. " Joan Nelson Assistant Editor Jrm Petersen National Advertlslne MannpAr Dan Hlmmon Chronicle Secretary" Sylvia Kronstadt Publications Secretary -....Anne Openshaw Photographers Barbara Robinson . Meyroy Harward. ' Ie"Ken'nn'rrt"'"'n;'r;""T vonne Corah, . ' e -enn""i. Craig Landhelm, Jennifer Stein |