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Show On U campus Rampton schedules rap session Gov. Calvin L. Rampton will hold a question and answer period per-iod about student dialogue and student stu-dent unrest sometime next week. This decision was made after the Governor had a one and a half hour meeting with seven members of the United Strike Alliance. The seven students had asked the Governor to come to the campus cam-pus Wednesday, but he said that he had prior commitments. Students The students were Lee Arm strong, Kathy CoDard, Pat Ger-rau, Ger-rau, Pat Ibera, Marcus Monroe, Bruce Parsons and Max Smart. The students showed concern about possibly having National Guardsmen on campus. The Governor Gov-ernor told them that he "would call the National Guard only if it was obvious that campus, city and county officials could not cope With the situation." He also said that "troops would not load or fire their arms witliout orders from a high-ranking officer." of-ficer." He added that live ammunition am-munition would not be carried unless un-less there was reason to believe that the dissenters were also armed. arm-ed. When asked by the Governor what good a strike would do, Miss Collard said that people would think of the Kent Slate tragedy and the war in Cambodia and "not go about daily business as usual." Strike Won't Help Governor Rampton expressed his opinion that a strike could not help. He also said that other student liaison committees are welcome to talk with him on current Issues, but that he would like to talk with a majority of the students. Gov. Rampton said, "It was a good exchange of views. We talked and for the most part understood each others views." He also expressed his approval of "the good taste used by the administration in handling current campus problems and the outstanding out-standing non-violence attlitule of most of the students and demonstrators." |