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Show retire veri BY BILLMARllv Aft ree dec. Gen. Lewis B. itJ ' :ei;red ofhjssi: uonty, and President Richard' reaucratic lexicon, the-been the-been appointed toar ential position,.-be position,.-be retired. It wasb; 11 appeared that Ge-mrght Ge-mrght become a in American bureau master of military , curement systems fa:' From 1937, when ke! ecutive director ofthe -and Navy Selective SsV mission and subsequer', when he was appoint-the appoint-the modern Selective S;-til S;-til just recently, he m tent and uncKallenged." machinery was his m: and because Gen. fc either unwilling or ; plain to Congress no; why some things exist:, other mechanisms s. appeared that he, r. from his creation, m: forever. He was enfe time was long past due:': fusion of newlife.ani; regarding procurement the military. Gen. Hershey lost ;: great numbers ofpeop!:. ifiably so, for histacli; draft protestors. In 19:' fied his state directs:, public, that persons L" anti-draft demonstnc:: the board decided tr would be reclassified ; "delinquent." Just t; and "delinquent" wes defined, but it wast general felt the sacrosr: creation gave him the x.: legislate conscience. T:. nalized those in disagtec his mode of operation. t he general wasac porter of Universal ing. He seemed cot America ideally should lation in arms, lb ' France or Prussia. Id shey proposed resWE Universal Military U.M.T., he believed, -ficial to the yew!; taught hygiene, mo' ad infinitum. New? he establish the id-system id-system or justify it der the American vidual liberty. In a recurrent d ' shey saw himself"' Coordinator-of;A ; -in-the-U.S. The , he saw it, the ' problem of how to lively the service i -who" re noting The question of one, should co ignored. It1 ble proposition-Some proposition-Some of the but some of it , tion quite oje gone hog-wild a mdrvidual ri group rights, , be said? When lated the rights"1 j. |