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Show TJe Remember IT theme sparks homecoming "We remember U" paints the theme for Homecoming 1969 beginning begin-ning Oct. 27-Nov. 1 at the University. Homecoming week this year includes crowning a queen to reign over the activities, annual student competition in skits and quartets, Greek house decorations, organizational displays on campus, the Ute cavalcade, traditional football game (this year against Utah State) and the dance featuring singer-composer John Hartford climaxing the week. According to Homecoming chairman Craig Childers, campus involvement in-volvement is vital. "In the past, participation has generally been limited to Greek organizations. Hopefully, this year will see organizations representing all facets of University' life active in Homecoming," he said. Points for participation in each activity are totaled by each organization organi-zation during the week and a sweepstakes trophy will be awarded at the dance Saturday night. Applications for Homecoming Queen may be picked up and are due in the Student Activities Center by Friday, with preliminaries held October 20 in the Union. Applicants must be at least a fourth quarter student and fully matriculated ma-triculated at the University this quarter, according to queen contest chairman Bob Pugh. y ' Men's and women's skit and quartet competition begins with pre liminaries held October 28. Applications from these groups are due in the Student Activities Center by October 24 according to chairman Scott Anderson. Final judging will be October 29 at 7:30 p.m. In the Union ballroom and is free to all alums and students. "We Remember U" will be seen all over campus as fraternities and sororities decorate their houses for judging. Decorations go up October 30 and remain up until after the Ute Cavalcade Saturday morning. morn-ing. Winners will be announced at the dance. Chairman for house decorations deco-rations is Maureen Jensen. This year there is also competition for other organizations who put up displays on the south Union lawn during Homecoming week. Applications due Friday. Dignitaries will be escorted through and around the University by the Ute Cavalcade November 1 which replaces the Homecoming parade of past years. The automobile tour .begins at the Union and culminates with a walking tour of the news reports complex. A luncheon for guests will follow. Cavalcade Chairman Kerry Salmon said men's and women's organizations organ-izations may participate in the cavalcade and earn trophy points by providing cars, drivers and tour guides. Ending the week will be this year's not-so-traditional Homecoming dance in the Union ballroom. Performing will be John Hartford. |