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Show DEIS not adequate Farm loader Gliarnoo 'America's farmers and ranchers have prevented more wars than any military mili-tary power will ever win.' said Booth Wallentine, vice-president vice-president of the Utah Farm Bureau. He made that statement as he testified during a U.S. Air Force hearing in Salt Lake City. The Farm Bureau official said that farmers and ranchers ranch-ers favor a strengthening of America's defense system and regaining this country's leadership role in the free world. 'But we must raise deep concern about the data, or the lack of it, in the MX draft EIS prepared by the Air Force. The DEIS is not adequate, he said. 'To say that 30,000 acre feet of water is needed for construction . of MX and something less than that for steady -state operations completely ignores the indirect in-direct Impact of the unqualified un-qualified growth. If underground under-ground aquifers are pump ed for this water, farmers and ranchers cannot take a two or .three year vacation while nature recharges those aquifers.' Wallentine is a member of Utah's MX Review Com -m ittee, appointed by Gov. Matheson. He said the com -mittee's review of the DEB concludes that the MX planners plan-ners have grossly understated understat-ed the importance of agriculture agricul-ture in Utah. 'Federal money may buy water from farmers, but it will not put meat on the table'. tab-le'. He added that the DEIS seems to be built on the notion that any problem can be solved by 'throwing a fist full of monev at it.' RUBBER STAMPS: One week service on most rubber rub-ber stamps. Name stamps, a likeness of your signature, endorsement, date stamps, self inking or regular. Save time with a custom rubber stamp. BEAVER COUNTY NEWS, P.O. Box 368, Milford, . Utah 84751. 387-2881. |