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Show GWy SoHneil uitMraoe Qf toil te squg dosef In a moment of futility and without any grounds to force the Union Pacific to preserve, or let Milford City preserve the historical old Milford Depot, the City Council voted to withdraw its court action and let the Union Pacific proceed immediately im-mediately with demolition of the Depot. It was decided that rather than to antagonize the Union Pacific with months and possibly pos-sibly years of delays through various legal maneuvers, in an attempt to draw them to a bargaining table, that the city should withdraw their objections objec-tions now and bring the inevitable in-evitable demolition to a swift conclusion. Attorney Kanell told the Council that he had not been able to come up with any legal grounds to go to court with, that would force the U.P. to preserve the building build-ing or to turn it over to Milford City to preserve. However, he recommended that the City could institute condemnation proceedings, , cold adopt an. ordinance providing a six month mori-torium mori-torium on demolition of historical his-torical buildings, and other means to delay demolition of the Depot. H developer or a local im -provement district. They also asked for grades and specifications on sewer, water wat-er and streets. Hickman also requested the city fix the halyard on the cemetery flag pole before be-fore Memorial Day ceremonies. cere-monies. The Council passed an ordinance or-dinance granting a cable television franchise to Western Wes-tern Satellite, Inc., and amended a contractural letter let-ter requiring the company to collect the city's television tele-vision fee from cable subscribers sub-scribers and reimburse the city. The Council tabled the Scholarships for the University Univer-sity of Utah School on Alcohol Alco-hol and Drugs to see if some system of making use of the training can benefit the city. They also tabled a decision on whether to join the Southwest South-west Health District. Coun-. cilman Maxey argued that it hadn't proved to le beneficial benefici-al before, and many, especially especi-ally health service people, still had a bad taste in their mouth from former membership. mem-bership. It was felt that the County system was preferable, and the County Commission had taken the easy way out, instead in-stead of hiring a new sanitarian. sani-tarian. It was difficult to (Continued on Page 6) But Council felt that since no line of communication had been set up, encouraging the city, that the building might eventually be saved, that such tactics would only aggravate the situation. A letter from J.R. Davis.Vice President Operations, indicated indi-cated that the U.P. is not interested in preserving the building on Union Pacific property. Letter elsewhere. On a motion by Swain, seconded by Yount, the Council Coun-cil voted to withdraw their suit now, instead of waiting until the hearing June 30, and to encourage the Union Pacific to incorporate the Spanish architecture of the Old Depot into the new building, build-ing, so as to not lose entirely entire-ly the identity which many feel is symbolic to Milford. The motion passed, with Maxey abstaining. A group of residents from Mountain View Estates complained com-plained about speedingon 100 East, and asked for more patrols, speed bumps and anything which might slow the speeders and keep a child from being hit. They also asked what happened hap-pened to the street light promised over two years ago, to have the street graded grad-ed and dogs controlled. They were told that Milford Mil-ford Police were trying to catch the speeders, and court records showed that two ci-tations ci-tations were issued last month. Speed bumps are not legal, Mayor Young said. They were told they could help the matter with a neighborhood neigh-borhood watch, report licence lic-ence plates of speeders and sign a complaint. Similar action will assist the dog problem . Mayor Young said that past experience indicated Milford doesn't want a tough dog control ordinance. Attempts to pass one two years ago resulted in a flux of residents resi-dents protesting and no supporters. sup-porters. Recorder Bacon said she didn't know what dog ordinance ordi-nance was in effect, since that tough ordinance was put in moritorium two years ago. However, she said the attorney attor-ney had advised it was in effect, ef-fect, since the moritorium was only for six months, and no other action had been taken. Bob Puffer requested a water hookup for a 1 acre lot, just west of the city limits. He agreed to annex or pay a large hookup fee. But Council advised that the parcel was included in a section sec-tion proposed for annexation, and that he should get that annexation completed, rather rath-er than to annex small parcels. par-cels. Zeke Hickman brought up the city's refusal to furnish city water to him in 1972. He said he was still burning burn-ing over that, but the city had since furnished water outside the city limits. He said he was considering a trailer park on the same property in the near future, and would be back to talk to them later. Hickman and Wayne Wiseman Wise-man discussed what the city would do to bring the road to grade next to property they plan to develop in the Southwest corner of town. Mayor Young explained that the road must be broughi to subgrade by the developer, and that the city would gravel grav-el it. However, oil would be the property owner's expense, ex-pense, either put In by the iftFS MORE ABOU1 City Council obtain needed service before be-fore and there Is question if it will be any better now. Local health services are not likely to accept the change, Maxey said. He recommended they file a protest with the County. He said there Is a direct conflict con-flict with local health services. serv-ices. ' The County assesses to pay the bill, so there is no additional cost to the city, however, the S.W. District Health charges fees to individuals, indi-viduals, that were mostly free under County Health, and infringe on services provided pro-vided by local doctors and health services. They tabled tab-led the decision until other municipalities take action. A request from Park Motel Mo-tel Partnership for a permit to move five mobile units of the present motel to 700 South, 100 West to be used as bachelor apartments and to make room for construction construc-tion of new units at Park Motel was referred back to the Planning Commission to see If it required a conditional condition-al use permit or variance. The application was approved approv-ed by the Planning Commission Commis-sion and the property is zoned zon-ed for multl -family dwellings. dwell-ings. Mayor Young presented a new layout for the Industrial Park and said that R.H. Remington Rem-ington recommended the change which would provide drive -through streets in the park. They are confident that the plan will be approved approv-ed by EDA without reducing funding. They also wish to become marketing agents for the park. The plan had concensus approval from the Council. Turner moved to authorize author-ize the Mayor to negotiate an agreement with R.H. Remington as marketing agent for Council approval. The agreement must protect the city bonds and Interest, and give Milford some control con-trol over the Industries plac -ed In the park. The MX Four County Coordinator Co-ordinator was placed on the agenda for the April 20 meet - ing at 7:20 p.m. to discuss Impacts on Milford if MX is developed. Milford received a drilling drill-ing permit for the test well, and Mayor Young said contact con-tact had been made with Vernon Beard, and negotiations negoti-ations are underway to acquire ac-quire land for the 1.9 mil-'lion mil-'lion gallon' storage tank'. Another letter was received receiv-ed from Milford Assoc. which would give them preferential pref-erential treatment in developing de-veloping housing units and industrial space forMX.The city deferred to a previous motion instructing the Attorney At-torney to draft a letter a-greeing a-greeing to conceptural design de-sign but not giving Milford Assoc. preferential treatment treat-ment over other developers. develop-ers. The letter as drafted draft-ed by Milford Assoc. would give them first priority on impact funds for streets, water and sewer in their development. Milford specifically speci-fically has nixed use of im -pact funds for private development. They discussed the need for a city manager, andpro-posed andpro-posed to define duties, salary, sal-ary, and budget for one. Then advertise for someone to fill the position. It was noted that Interior Sec. Watt had requested that units of government apply for BLM land needed for future fu-ture development. The I Council will assess needs for a new landfill dump I and parks and other needs, and make application. Turner related complaints on Milford TV, and asked the problem. Maxey said Channel 2 was out and that several tubes were bad. They've been ordered, from the manufacturer as the equipment is old, and the j tubes are not in stock. As soon as they are received, they will be installed. |