Show TINTIC UTAH TAn CON CONI Information I 1111 riled Flied Wih Secretary of lt Salt Snit Mining IIII l According Accor to time the Information con contained COI In lit 1 the time application for listing I filet filed fell with wih Secretory Secretary Tames A Shorten of ot the tho Suit Snit LImbo Lake Stuck Stock Mining ex ox exchange change the Utah Consolidated COI Mining MillIng company cOllyn Is IN tho owner of patented lode lo n mining claims In the time district Tho Time development con comm consists COl of nf feet of oe tunnels 10 feet tool of If w luel feet of oC raises and UIl feet cetor of or crosscuts Nine men Inen are arc lre employed e elt at lt the time present time mud and the time Improve Improvements ments mentI and equipment are Ile said Ill to tohle have havea a n valuation of or The Time net returns relur from front ore are shipped within the time lust last ten years was approximately the time values being In Insl sit sil silver vet vcr and amid lend lead Out ot or time the total capital capitalization of or of or shares are n The Time com Own company pany was yas organized In iii 11 1892 1882 and reorganized last ye r with Ith Thomas n R Cutler Luter as president The Time treasury tr con can contains approximately lely 90 In Imi cash |