Show roTES TO BURDEN WITH ITH BONn BOND ISSUE Mayor Message Finds Favor With Tools of The Inner Circle MEANS DEBT OF Toni Act el Upon 11 of American and Increase hlll Debt Delli Not NOl ratified flod with tho the deficit of ji already ollY staring tho city In the th face the th city council lost evening Adopted a resolution looking to further the city Into to the tho tune tuno tun of or The Tho proposition canio can tip In lii tile the form of 01 a n message to tho coun counell ell tt II from Bransford who strongly strong urged that such uch action bo That the tho proposed bond Issue VIS iva tho the direct cured rr ft or if the report rellon of ot the special au IlU In Ui which s It ft was w v s Intimated Hint the limit of Indebtedness of cit the city had hadnot not rot jot boon boen readied was ai also oil and another thins thing was apparent too and nd that was taa that thai only tho Iho ti faith faithful ful had l con let lot In n on the tho secret that thata a II bond Issue was LL to ho bo trung at al lost session ses lolI One molo chance to tont get Sel the tile money to bo be tho moving thought ht with the American members of tho council and and although h Councilman Hall hail showed by carefully computed s that thaI the tho city elty could get gt along n without the bond issue I 0 and acid still Mill have hao more money to spend for fOl Im fin Improvements than titan It has ht yet spent In n I ii like period tim thu bidding of tho Inner circle was as Imperative and tho motion of I that the tho city attorney Investigate gate gute the host bout method to 10 adopt In float In the went through Council Counell Councilman man voting with the majori majority majority ty In favor of the tho proposition Jilt un HALLS LS FIGURES In Tn discussing the report ruport of oC the cpm com committee on estimate and apportionment Councilman Jail Hull presented an exhaustive tIC tive tj e array ann oria of In tn which ho com coin compared pared tho Iho expenses of 01 the tho city for the liat 18 ast t months with the tho expense elp toe for thu th balance balanco of tho tico year cur allowing what ho deemed waa n a e reason reasonable able increase In tho expenditures for fUI each department for fOl the tho summer months Ho l declared that on tho the basis of his figures the council would havo a II fund of to spend on public Improvements during tho the year and ar art argued gued cued that there was no necessity nt at tho t present time for tor plunging the city Into debt with a bIg biff bond Issue He lie main maintained maintained tamed that the tho report of tho commit committee tee tet on estimate and apportionment was wasI I to show as little In lii the way wa of j receipts as CM II and as as much In the way of ot expense as possible In I order oror to frighten tho the taxpayers Into voting for tOl fora a 11 bond Issue rather than to have havo their tax tac levy Increased Ho closed a 45 minute talk opposing the bond Issue by expressing the hope that tho the council councilmen men tarn would not vote to place this extra i burden on the tho backs of or the Wa taxpayers present and future TWO NEGATIVE VOTES The report of tho the committee on esti estimate estimate estimate mate aol ami apportionment was adopted only Hall and WId anc Murdoch voting nay Thu report contained the statement to thu that In tho the opinion of the com coin committee tho the city would be bo compelled to Issue Iss o bonds bends or to make m lle a n complete ces cs cessation of Improvements present and future The Tho bill of or tho the special auditors aUl for 3 for work performed d since sinco Jan Jar 1 II 15 canto came up and Councilman Hall lIall op opposed opposed posed It on tho tim ground that It was waa not properly certified ed and audited accord accordIng Ing fog to the rule of oC tho council coun ll In allow allowing allowIng allowIng ing all nil bills Councilman Ferry charged Mr di Hall with attempting to filibuster on tho the matter and ald the tho vote volo was taken show showing showIng ing In 11 In favor of oC allowing the bill and 4 against ENDS PAVING SQUABBLE One thing was by the council last evening and that was the tho ending of the tho dispute In regard to the tho paving of cast First FirM South street Coun Councilman Councilman cilman climan Black submitted a resolution providing that tho original contract for the tho paving of the tho street be ap approved approved proved together wIth the tho recommendations of Q tho mayor m and city attorney at the tho meeting a week ago ngo To In Indemnify Indemnity the city against any possible contingency In the tho way wa of ot damage suits cults the resolution Included a n clause compelling tho the contractor to execute a abond abond abond bond In favor of ot the city In the tho sum of ot P J Moran to whom thu contract was originally let lot filed lied a n bond hond bondIn In the sum lIum of ot but owing to tho thu possible objections objection II on technical grounds In tho matter of ot selecting either Cali Call California CalifornIa fornia asphalt or Utah asphalt by the tho property owners It was deemed ad advisable to Increase o thin the bond to ade adequately adequately protect tho the city In such lIuch con can contingencies I JOB Jon FOIl FOlt MEREDITH The appointment of special I Police Pollee Policeman man George Meredith regarding which Chief of ot Police Tom TIm Pitt a a week ago ao Asked the council If IC tho samo Ramo had hlll been pouched was found to 10 be le lying In III Inthe the tho hands of the tho committee which had tilled to net act on the appointment On motion illation of or Councilman Ferry tho the mat matter matter ter was taken taleen out of ot tho the hands of ot the thc committee und and tho thu appointment con confIrmed It fIrmed An of ot 20 In favor of Contractor James Kennedy for or work worle was submitted by b Auditor All Alff und the Mill was as approved Ul lO l Thu appointment of William Wright ns as special policeman nt at park lari uTil 1 U B OT I Sixth JUst Kust J both boll bollo to o Ive without pay from the tho city received time the th sanction of or tho the council Councilman Martin Introduced a reso 1050 lotion lution which wont vent over for a II week providing that no lie further Improve Improvements ments bo be made m llo on all J street be he tween South Temple street and acid First until tho the property should open tho thin street to 10 the regular l standard of width Tho ThA matter of appointing Mrs lr Hero tiec matron of the tho jail with a II contract to tu feed the tho prisoners nt at 9 ti cents cent per pt meal mealon on came mo up for an Instant and wits was fin tabled for another hother week One Olle of the wanted to It two weeks but one week was WI thought to tobo tobe be bo and It was so NO ordered |