Show I LEGAL BLANKS Of at every character and description arranged from the best legal forms forma and Ind brought strictly strict up to 10 date A full ful supply always 8 on hand at the tho Deseret News hook Book Store 7 Why you should use usa KAYSVILLE FLOUR Reason No 0 8 B It I la Is the tho most mOt satisfactory All Al prize el State Fair 1907 Two gold Jold me and diploma NOTICE TO CO THE TItE UNDERSIGNED HOARD OF OP OPI Education I or of Emery Imery I mer Stake Utah Ulah will wiil wi receive bids up to lQ IC A M May 11 1 1608 ImS lON lONtor for tor tho time erection ot or an un Academy build buildIng bull Ing lag to bo be b erected In Castle Coutie Dale Pole imery r County Count Utah Plans and specifications Ip can be bo found at nt II It I O G I Miller MicI Price Irice Utah James Jamen Peterson Peter Castle tutie also nt at tho thOu office of or Birch ulrch archi architects teds 25 Dooly Doly Salt Sat Luke Lake City Utah Bids will wi iii bo hit received In segre segregated segregated gated form farm for excavating stone mason ery 81 and Int cut stone stole For brick masonry mn onT for carpenter work for tor plastering for painting for lor heating apparatus and anti plumbing Also Alo a I bid for the building complete comlee except the heating apparatus anti 11 plumbing Each l bid bil must be he ac nc accompanied companied with a I certified check chuck of o 2 3 per cent of ot the tho amount of ot bid bill an OR a n gus antee anlee that the time bidder hIl del will wi enter Into con contract contract contract tract and give an au approved bond within Io one aie week after the thA said ld work Is awarded otherwise the time amount to bo be ti a said mild Board DOLId All Al bids must mint bo he tn to n iT G 0 Miller Miler Price Utah and marked on ca the left let hand corner of at envelope Did Bids ds for far rorA Academy A Building The he Hoard the tho right to reject any anti Ind all al bids or ot accept any In part thereof By Ib D order of ot the Board Bourd of Education H it I G O MiLLER President U II G O Secretary lies Dated Daled at ut Castle Cante Date Dale Utah thinh April Apri a |