Show BURGLARS IN TWO PLACES A room occupied d by flo In tho tim rooming house was 11 en entered el bred ter d by b thieves thieve lust night auth a 1 watch and 1011 1 belonging to 10 Jenkins stol iii to n Th Thu theft 1151 wan wa reported to tu tho tile po lQ 0 this thin Ihl morning and ant officers are nr try tn tryIng trying Ing In to tl locate tho the toi n 10 f A man ml giving the tue immo lamo of Joo Joe I rl ut at It COS muth Main IIII street re rl 11 that mitered his hil lust last ought night and Ind nindo off olf of wih a I valuable Indian gold Kold watch Illch chain 1 How th lie Iho thieves gained entrance Is U not no known |