Show value of advertising dump out a can of roal baking powder put it in a can with an unknown name and you can hardly sell it at any price the powder is the same the additional value 13 in the nime estate was offered Sl for the name talcum powder and the use of his picture is no secret in the powder any good chemist can duplicity it without doubt to discontinue advertising either of these products for one ear would seriously impair their trade value possibly destroy it entirely the same rule governs the advertising of retail stores floating trade from the sidewalk will always amount to something but only continuous advertising will assure continuous business from people who otherwise would never know of your existence the commercial union every community is divided into workers and hopcus and copers the workers toil on cheerily daily contributing to the prosperity of the place and full of hope and plans for the future the shirkers shir kers hang back contribute nothing to its welfare criticism criticise critic ise those alio do and talk of things in general strange as it may seem it is easier to be a worker ban a and certainly it is a good deal better all round then also is the satisfaction of knowing that ones life amounts to something therefore dont shirk work dont mope hope there is no reasonable excuse for any man to live in a town if lie docs not like it if you hac no word of commendation to say of your town its institutions or its people emigrate you stop the town clock by going away the church bell will haw the same musical ring alie little aogi will play ajuntas juntas well the pure air the bright sunshine and sparkling water will hae alio same health giving properties speak a good word for your neigh |