Show WILL WE BE ON RAILROAD MAP all depends on report of railroad engineers line may run via lund and saint george st george washington county may be on tho railroad map when tho route of the san pedro loa angeles silt lake railroad com banys line 13 revised at a conference between james andrus of st george one of the leading men of washington county and salt lake bouto officials it vi as decided to send engineers to st george and survey a probable right of ft ay through that flourishing city st george has had a railroad on paper for a couple of 5 cars california promoters having gone over the ground with engineers mapping out a feasible route but it is believed that the capital of dixie will be on a railroad when the salt lake route is rebuilt all depends upon the report of the engineers that will be sent out it is pointed out that the salt lake route could diverge from its present line at lund run near cedar city through st george following along the right bank of the virgin nver and take up the old route again at moapa seventy five miles west of caliente at the conference Prea dents W H bancroft and J rosa dark and general manager R E wals mr Andr unade a talk in favor of tho st george route his talk was supplemented by a telegram to mr bancroft from the st george commercial aab which reminded the salt Lak Route offic iala that bt gcorge ft like very much to be on the map and lull give both money and labor to secure the new road j with the suspension of 2000 men from duty tho los to the earning public of half a million bollara do llara the transfer of rolling ock to the santa fc and oregon sart line and the decision that it be more than a year before the ailt lake route ia again in full operation the extent of the calamity abused by the washout in Meadow Valley is dawning on the aumic herald lican 1 judge left monday for carowan parowan Pa rowan hiving finished his term of district court friday |