Show shido trees carolina poplars 3 ears old call and see them J L st george the advertisement oflas andrus sons now appears double its former size hat the firm has to say to ou we want coyote wildcat and fox skins good price paid for good ones we also want beef hides nelson bros co dont forget tint vig are headquarters acir postcards new ones constantly st georgo drug co beaver by auto you can buy round trip tickets from any station on tho silt lake route to beaver by automobile from milford f arant for full particulars beaver by auto you can buy round trip tickets from any station on the salt balc route to beaver by automobile from milford ask nearest agent for full particulars pikes croup pain gives instant relief for croup hay fever neuralgia headache burns bruises insect bites satarrah Ca rheumatism sore throat piles chapped hands cold sores etc etc price 25 cents money refunded upon return of bot after one half is used if dis st georgo brur co for good shoes at reasonable price c A get the douglas a see them J F LINDER st george j dr F J alexander optometrist of alie above company vill be at ind alio towns up alio river on his vay from cedar city to st george in the near future sec next issue for alic exact dicea should you wish to see him it bo vall a card at the toquerville mainc and address so ho could call on ou on ing up alio river all reduction ladies misses and childrens coats going at cost all boys and gents woolen and flannel two piece underwear 20 to 25 percent off we only have a limited amount but want to get them off our shelves now is the time while you need them all are this falls goods the latest styles but r we want to clean them out come early and get your first choice iw 1 COOP CO OP COME TODAY TO DAY first here first served pay special attention to our line of gents hats and shirts broken lines but all t v sizes in nearly every style prices reduced 15 per cent goods are good but we want to make room for our spring line 1 we have a full line of ladies and gents furnishings such as shoes hose ties collars underwear etc etc try our groceries they are the best 1 we are always pleased to show goods JAS ANDRUS SONS ONE PRICE MERCHANTS MONEY ORDERS you use them in buying merchandise in distant cities paying life ansur i ance making transfers of money paying dues of all kinds we make money orders payable in all parts of the united states and all foreign countries of the worle we make them at cheaper rates than the post office and you do not have to write your application when buying money orders buy them from the bank bank of st george carlial and surplus ARTHUR F MILES cashier |