Show FELT PELT lit Of CT tWI H S This Thin Output Pollock elo Special elal Wire I Out Oat Oa t cloth of or the Cone eON sav ais t tt tl the th lit News New H Bureau Bu The n of ct thu company luring the th last lu u l ln nose n year show hl a very r nl I III bi falling on OR In Il spit of or the fact that thuit th Ih mines nr nrc prepared to 10 n very tr much larger tonnage lonna aol ami 11 the th m miti lt i fully rul equipped to h hUh Uld th t ne 0 I This Ii I 1 due ItU to a t shortage alon if it fuel throughout the tha th west 1 In the thc pa pact t Y year the tho were WI to procure coal eoal cl to their h n and 11 til company u quantities of o coke for tor ite n furn In Ill JI the Url lih ish lh Columbia coal fo ibid the tle production tion lon tim of ot Coke coke cake wa we WI Interfered with wih Ind the output crippled to 10 su uch uch h I an Cli 11 that tha at no 10 time could uld the tha contracted be b delivered In order to relieve the Ule situation temp temporarily which entailed an n extra etra ex ox expenditure of ot nearly nerl 1600 but bat Int 1st Inter lt er r In the e on even Ih the supplies were We et nn d on account of ot the lie mil road bell b I unable to h mike mk their do tIe liveries ut All Al these theae th cIrcumstances In 0 Interfered with ih I he op o opera ra r tilts ll of ot the plant l aad the Ih c lJ cot i of ot I 1 ae as coil cont t of ot m laer a ed coMel Their eight ht I large targe furo furD o could old only oisly be op 1 intermittently and during daring the t th h mouth lah of nt May I a both mInes mla and ald had h I to 0 be by cl down for or want waDI of nt fuel tul The TIM output alN Buffered heavily especial especially eiel ly I at a I time fin t whan ln prices for tor copper or were we at St the U All A I copper cOP 5 sold old Ild at al the current price ruling A s soon oon ae is the weight wel it and an 1 are af agreed a upon with the and ald no op n i stocks are an therefore on Calm hau I ii it v an ac al estimated nt at lt the ti beginning of ot otlie the lie year er that the th products product prout then would be b Increased to 10 pounds pound of ot this only t 4 8 pounds of ot copper were we produced or about 1 a less than tha the year In wile le of ot adverse condition net nt are at higher Cont of oC copper per r pound after deducting gold and ad silver allver Ivr value Iu wa w wac 1014 cent alNet ail only Ia 53 th the year V The Tet eight ar cr arc now no In poet position p l llon tion Uon lon U to handle hand over or 1001 I tolls ion 10 of ot ore orea or ora orea a year y producing In the th d ii dof dot of ot pound of tt copper per P year a anew The new Victoria three shall haft just Juat Jul sunk unk Ik will wU be b connected with Ith different ore o level and hd complete elec electric II Itc trIo I hauling system Im m la is being In Installed on o toot foot tt level lev It In Mi hn to tn hole hoIst b and a erY I 3 tuna ton to of ut ore ort a day dl at itt th tl shift abaft tt alone Inn Very lery Py large Ir quilt quail qUI tItles title of tre or ure are in lii I eight and shIpping chipping tIIU hove have lune been b en provided i to handle handl u I large tonnage to The Thi TIl mines are re pr pre pared sred d to produce foul practIcally a s 11 that can cn be 1 transported to lii the Ih H smelter me Her whIch now nol ha hs a maximum of or a tuna tona In per 14 hour A on 01 favorable Jr term ha hi h beci n made with th HI the Mouth tb Power po coin CO lallY for the ti supply of ot electrIcity th tb the plant haa I heeD been b und md power In lii II abundance la 0 now no beIng furnished pw It was waa decided dele to 10 acquire a ri chIt uble bh Interest 1 In III the rowa Neat Meet p Poets n Coal company tom from which our II of at o fuel II I 5 ure TI Th wisdom I r f Ihla Ihl hI step tep ha hu already mad nl itself It fl f u UM as for the th last Ual few f week k a 1 full fl supply u l of coke 01 hm his ha heel bran I furnIshed I Jain I P tates vice l 1 i and a general ral of t Or haa ilai Men ben a director of ot Cow Neat Most Jt Jtb The abote b mentioned expenditure s may ma iii k It I aIbl in tn the heir future to 10 II seq 11 unarm shares ha of ot stock Ilok In hi which Ih event p nl it 1 will 11 be b offered rd to tim stockholder in to their holding on cli o board a to br be t i upon by the th Hi Ih I ti ii 0 of if t or 01 ii which have bay lv ceen b developed during durina tb the 11 year t the u board feels feela Uti In con COR lu Its work VI ork of providing a larger smelting melting capa III tt On 0 tt u is the books ok showed I ah ala r af at 1 each were 1 outstanding and kAre batu of ot II it each h j I |