Show lIms oi OJ An he entertainment t W to which we leer to eaU call lh the M of nf Conference and All ether will II be M given an en Friday III l It the Teb Tb lie Ito It main feature will br hi w en n lecture Itu on Inal cal c number will b be rendered cI bv b Pro J J and tM Ihl this will hI h I another feature Th stereopticon view e that will III be he Shown honn are reproduction of nf photo hOl tak taken n by Mr f C I B E on who ho ar d I M d ni Lydia Mountford i on n n a trip through ih the HolyLand Holy HolyLand Land In AU 1 I 8 In th thO Interest of ot the St Ht Ix Lout loul ul World Fair Mm 1 I well r d here h hf r for tor or hr her lectUre lect uree Ure nn on Palestine and Biblical ota generally Her Hr with lIh th the theof M Mami tem ami of the people of nf the t h Holy lAnd ber ner knowing of nf the h various and her h ext acquaintance with mid Imd Ii made It II pee poa fIO bl for or Mr Johnson Johnton to 10 II picture of ot people P ant and places place never b before 1 for Hf Hp H mad made In the theof of nt t two o 0 thousand n Ol famous In to a awell as aswell well II B s many modern features feature t lur of nf more mere than tUn i common Interest Among Amona the latter hitter alter are type types nf of i now inhabiting Inhabit Inhabiting ing I the tile Italy Itel Land Hebrew babe Araba Turks Turk Bedouin shrike hepherd and many others otherl Thle will ha be a high ales clau lal m nt of ot Interest t to all 11 BIMe lw readers reader Wa We W lor tut It a liberal patronage |