Show Mrs Annette - ' Ackhurst returnedSunday returned returnedSunday returnedSunday I Sunday from aacation a'vacation avacation a vacation \acation acation \ ' on the Pa PacHic Paciflc Paclfic cHic ciflc Ooatt Coast At Oakland she visited visitedwith visitedwith visitedwith with her ton son William and grandson grand grandson grandson son Clarence Ackhurst She visitedI alsosaw also alsosa alsosaw I sa saw w Mr Me and Mrs Everett Alexan Alexander Alexander Alexander der who reside In Oakland Considerable Con Considerab1e Considcrable siderab1e siderable time was also . spent in ini inSan inSan InSan i San Francisco Franc1.sco Franc1sco . Berkeley and the theRedwood theRedwood ' Redwood forest - |