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Show De Defenae Defense ! ense Classes Olasses to be beHeld Held at Uintah andAlterra and AlteITa Alterra High H\gh H gh \ SchoolsTwo Schools SchoolsTwo Two special spI"Clal spIClal " trail trait Ing log cla-wes cla wes clll'I5es clllI5es claxses . - ' havebeen have havebeen been approved b's bs b\ b bthe b ) \ ' the Board ofEducation of ofEducation c cEducation Education In Instruction , > tructlon to begin in inthe inthe -i i - the near futureA future futureA A clerical work .lasa lasa class cia ( . . " , will wl1l start startas star staras t as an NYA project al at U tl ti a e f ' Utntah Ulntah Utntahhigh Ulntahhigh ) high school July 1 1 stated I I G No- No Nob1e Note No - - ble b1e te & superintendent &uperintendent uperintendent Studies Studlf ' < > willlei wm will 111 lei lu lurik lut1r * ? Ishorthandt bhorthand orthand . , typewrl typewritingbookkeeping typewriting ling lingbookkeeping bookkeeping filing flUng and a library libraryCOUMe librarycourse llbrar : course COUMe Both } ioung young oung mt nut met 1 and andEoung an ( l } oung Eoung women ' between bt'tw't'n bttwtn ( ' 17 and alld aid 25years 2\ 2 2years 25 25ear5 \ ' } years years ear5 of 01 age may enrollA enrollAt enroll enrollAt A At t the Alterra high school 5chool me mecha.nlc mepanics chantc's chantcs cha.nlc chanlc panics . < ; ' ' shop 'ihop ihop a Smith Hughs progtatrs progt pro gt gtatrs ( nam urn t f f r a ( tlu ( .lass lass . lass ' > . ' ! of 20 will be ghe glve giv gh glv e e I t i In Instr tr cti c1l n In ht n a ito Ita rto mechanic m'Chanlcs mChanlcs mechanics m'Chanlcsand mechanicsand mechanicand ! ' s and . r rep repair 1'1)Ir 1'1)\ 1'1) 11 ' ) \ sir Ir e t ( t f t tract trs > r rs . , UI ar aid d ( \ fam fann fat-in fat in fannrna fatinma - rna ma innchlierv ( hll Islecry prv 1L It 1\ 1 ft \ Lt la L\ L is ' \ t txixcted Xptt'd expected Xpt \t'd t'd td { ' \ ' to em employ employ ploy an ate In instr , > tr a u 11 t l { ( ( r win will wit lias ha'i hai has . ' the theproper theproper thDrouer proper Drouer to toe to < ' < Is ui at d eauli rqull equlp mei mI'l mIl met ' t f r thi thl this . . , workFot work Pot Fot For'turther Forturther "furllwr furllwr further " ' details d'tatl dtatl ( ' contact 1)stI 1stI 1)stIC n OixlE ) " 1\ 1 1r \ r C : Smith s sipeivLs Jpel tpervLx v\ v vr \ . " ; ( < r for NM Nl\t Nl t Nat \ I r iDefense t ! ( 1 l 1DefeIU lDefense DefeIU Defense e training pH pr prtgrani ( gT\1n gT 1n grant ! \ In III UIItah Sittab VJii UII Sit tah tab county at Board ( < f ( [ Educati Educa\1 Educa 1 Eclucati \ n nbuUdlng nbuilding i building buUdlng nI I |