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Show Pioneer P\Oneer P Oneer \ of Famous Morrnoi Monnon Mormon MormonTrek Trek Celebrates83rd Celebrates Oelebrates 83rd Birthday Btrthday at NaplesStill Naple Naples ; Still SUlI enjo enjoying } Ing fair heal health th Johl John JohnNlt'lsen JohnNielsen Nielsen Nlt'lsen Nltlsen ' for 75 years year < ; a resident res.1dent res1dent . of ofUtah o ( Utah and slid 56 > } ears a resident ofAshley of ofAshlt'y o oAshley I IUtah Ashley Ashlt'y Ashlty ' valley vallE'Y ' celebrated celebratt . > d his hiseighty hiseighty hi ; eighty third birthday annlvt annlversar > rar ; } : at his Naples home on Monda Monday MondayA MondaA ) I Iat A son of { Peter Peer Christian ChrlsUan and andMagdalenR andMagdalena an ( Magdalena MagdalenR . Nlel&en Nlelen NlelM'n NlelMn Nielsen ' & he . was v.as vas born tinL 1I1 tin 1I1LI n nLA L LA LI ( land Denmark Dt'nmark Dtnmark ' June Junf ' 9 1858- 1858 1858Convertffi 185 - & . . Converted Convertffi to the LDS LOS LUS faith MrNielsen MrNIf'lsen Mr Nielsen NIf'lsen NIflsen ' car1 cam caro- caro caroto ; - to the United Unltffi Statewith 8ta State Statewith tt " I Iv.lth . with v.lth vlth his hi'i hii ' pannt'i pannti parents par < nts ' aid ai al d two t\\O t O \ . sisters .Ister Ister ; llJ m li \ I8b6 18tJ6 1866 The Th ThQ . } CfO crossed & . ' f'd fd ' tht the ( lie " pJl plains n . to toUtah toUtah U UUtah Utah In iii tl U e I ' Si Sit u > pete pett pate ' \ wagon agolJ tralrl trait traitheaded tralrlI tralrlh"R trailheaded I ( h"R hR headed " 1NI < b\ b by bAbiKr bAblH \ AbiKr Abncr AblH r town lowr Lowry , . Tl 11 Ti h0.1 Is h 1s \0.1 0.1 kn \ . r\ r ' ( rui \ U\1 U 1 up U1wa upwas ui uiwas \ wa was . also kl kitwi ktwt { ( 11.1 111 . I\ I \ . IUP a.s as cis . UP Ue U e ch lera leraI leratrain lerttrain I ( train 0t'r over 01 0\ 0 \ ' er t'r tr halt hRJ ! ( cf f ! I t 1 n n IJ ei 1'1 11 et ' ber bars barssucc ber.succimbing bersuccimbing . succ Jn1blng tmbing t t- t ttills ) - > tills thl this . , dtse < di.sta.se dista.se distase 1\.t1'it 1.t1it 1 .t1'it t1it \ . . . ass ass'tietI ! . . ' I It'tt \t'tt t'tt ttt 'tietI tietI " \ ' ' Settling ling lug first flr.t flrt . in ill m nig Big Colt Cott r I i w.ood wood wexxi w.oodi wexxir 'II II ' . . ood oodI I r i w kno'M knoM kno.1 kno1 known . ' 1\ 1 \ . 1Hollada as a . " > Hollada\ Hollada Holladay Holladatl \ tie tl e a farnII farolii tain farn faro tainlit lit II lii ) III later tRr n IJ Ix Hit ve \ < 1 i t t Bear Bf'ar Bfar ' Rl It Rt ! e I ' t tBon I IBo't iBox \Bo't Bo't Bot \ ( Bon ' Elder 0.111 0111 nUl nor . t t\ t tv t01 \ . 01 of OIl 1 1\ 1 1t ) } \ trill trillto t t r stnto 111 stn to Big BIB Coltor1'000 Cottoi Coltor Cotton \1'000 1'000 1000 \ ' wood .1 1 < . In 1871 |