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Show , .R R . . , R I ' , . , \ , PHbh- PHbh PHbhMPthY f i-t i t : > - ' _ R - I If M-PthY M PthY f ' - _ ' Q Y ; , "I I " Y- Y Yr - r : n . ' "R R " RK I < . ) ; ) , Pad R , .fdJ fdJ : . ; . F 'I I 'Id ' d ' , 0 ( ! ; i ! i . it ' s ' ft : ( v ) $ ttrNUt-oia ttrNUt oia YNOt-m8 YNOt m8 ttrNUtoiawjirobluTuement YNOtm8"tmbattassment $ XNUratt3 XNUratt3uttnbarrassment - - wjirobluTuement "tmbattassment tmbattassment uttnbarrassment " : of th that t dUloUa dis disJght Ntht -Jght Jght hlght - at Harrlsburg Harrisburg ; stoodn stood stoodwall . WHl .1Va11 1Va11 wall ( . between Kitty and WynWell Wyn Wyne Wyneff e eff , ' " work at the office untiSnarowAtd un unti untidrowlied U Udrown drown drowlied d It In mint juleps inter In Intel.work < nfr-work nfr work tel.work telwork ter . - work esslon session and theninh then thent t ad had d bJs his bl Inspiration for theirt1ocono their theirf9 f9 ( POcono t1ocono ? no Thinking ; backthr back $ * " threw thr e ttlree blissful bUssful daY days $ Kitty KittyBlida KittyXlttdi tJnd Blida them a . veritable honeyt honeyJ1 honey J1 * ,1 1 , . ' " ' ) Back In town towu Wynto Wynto Wyn WynWS WS t0 to have h v Kitty Invited to totbet'a totier's toImpther'a toImpthera tbet'a tbeta tier's tiers ' ' home overnlglit overnight overnlgitt ; Shele She SheMUtC > le MUtC | ) < l , . but the vljdt v1s1t visit opens opel18 Kit Kitto ? 9 to the real difference dlfft'renct dlfftrenct ' ' beewherown be ben1her betherown n1her therown own and Wyn s 5 station sta 110n In , "J J " Vted } md find Kitty detennlnes determines lo to ro.Molly roMolly go goJ.to1Iy goYr ( Yr YrUy \J.to1Iy J.to1Iy . ' \ . Uy In 10 - Chlcaxo Chicago Chlcaxotolly Chicagoty tolly ty had written asking ; If it I Itn"t Ilift Illdnt tn"t tnt lift ( ( " wme come com out and sec see her she"SO shetoo the she the"lto > "lto lto "SO SO too " " tickled t1ckled about the Job at ater"s aterhi atlOW er"s ers erhi " * . * . . She 6h ajid and Pat Kenzlc Kenzle Kenzie hadtogether hadoom had hadPOOIO POOIO oom , together and could pu put t me meoil meOft oil a day-bed day bed daY.bed daYbed - . Pop seemed wellugh well well3U 3U ugh h SO o I could leave him andc1 andCl1 and Cl1 d c1 and end Auntie had been urging too urgingtoo tooffeeded ffeeded peded eded a chance to think aboutIf about aboutThe .z z . * * $ , Ttr The d11e world the way it tsF is isbrlhgs brtots brlhgs rngs ! lover lovers * so 50 cloue close chase together togetherl together.r 3 . .r r .ramp ttaap b1amp amp each other s style Itelephone IIR I 'telephone telephone ' taxicabc taxicabs tele'WVt teleWVt tele tale telenoriBts talef1 ' , tlorixta noriBts f1 i1sts delivery deUvery anywhere , , , _ 're re ' tcflfr re alway awayS always a wayS in ty 1 ourse bourse c ur M Myrt'm Myrtm Myrur ' " knew 'lornI lornI some somewas ' somef ' was wa icing going ; on and I broke brokeand brokeand brokei mid and told her about abou t it You You't You't You't Yout YouI I _ ' 't t ' Ue lie to colored people they re ' ret re'it reit ' t Open wide for everythlni everything thai that s sY50 sYso Kfcally Y50 Yso co I'Honey IHoney coI'Honey ' . Honey she said you ain sin tellV tell ' me no astonishment Wlien When Ipe I Iyou Iyou you comin down In demomir demomlr demornlr s < ; sokin skin okin kJn kin so female I know knew it ain aln amn t1st t tt tI t I because we got scrapple erapple < ; ferireakfuss fer fereakftLS8 fereakfuss eakftLS8 eakfuss Don t yo i r ) let i r bodylit body bodyt t corner cornt'rs corntrs corners ' * on you dcrf derl lerr ( aint alnl i r r ( ry Ody Y too good fer Kitty KittyWyn KittyWyn Kitty1 Wyn nnd and I went over 1 I t i Jer Jersey Jerseyc Jerseyr 'y y 'yI < ; ( ' I r IDe dne < < \c c \ nitht night Wp Wb had so ' , ( s < > MI m in rh cis t say < ; si sitb 1 ' } , tbeach tb each othr oth olh ( ! rand r and f ru r rs < , f ( fe \\e e we wedidn \ wedidn eI edldn I dldn didn t g- g gt - < ! ( t It said He the s . , liwsted Iggested IgRe < ; t d I Ishould Ishould Ishould should come and work at the bank bankbut bankbut bankbut but I didn didl1 t I like the tht ' id lo ( ! a Fh rh iewas I 1 e ewas I wa was J < another reajson reasoll reason perfectly cock cockyed cockeyed cockeyed eyed yed for n e to 10 g gl ( t I t ot 01 of to'A toA tov Loa ' , II n nWyn nWyn IIWYI1 WYI1 Wyn had been bef'n befn ' r i t i r n tr 111- 111 111n h - , , n e rrtt rdl- rdl rat rdld rdlabout - , > qs ' < . ( < ( ! dabout d dabout about t I w hi II h ( , w a \ u ii uti 1 I i It I lakt tnkl take meto meto me 10111 to tl ti e ' As-t As t A ' , , > - - ! ( biy bly is i , - . , 1 I L I . pirti plrt pirtr ! ei 1'1 11 et ' Idoi I IQO Ido QO do ! , t kn w v a , t I 1 M a \ , h tl II ti Kt gl t I 1 I ! v a \ , is0ll 1- 1 is 1II ishg - . ' | [ II hg K g t I + > , a \ v , k kit t It I f Fv Is \ r i If It 1 I le e p t I < ( kright kru k < | | ru right r lit ht p u t I tl tI C ( i 1 n lilt iitt o ( { f fMe fIUIe fMrs Me IUIe , > , 11111 1 l on > m it w a \ . l 11 l 1 I } Ilk i ik > k t _ _ uu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IbIe ble you ) Ou just cant can t do that sort ort ofthine of ofthing ofthing thing to the Philadelphia PhUadelphla Assembiy Assem Assembly Assembly bly not even It if your you re * Wyn W'yn Wrn ' Strafford 8traf Steal 8trafford Stealford ford it hasn hasp t been don done since Slice Benedict Ben Benedict Benedict edict Arnold Amold and It would jirtabout jus just justabout ' about cruelty crucify hU his mother who waaone was wasone wasone one of the iMesdames "Mesdames Mesdames 2Kesdames " herself herselfI I tried to explain all this to Wyn Wynbut Wynbut Wynbut but he wouldn t listen to tense sense un untU until until tU til I r put It to him from my angle anileI angleI I said you re really being ; selfish selfishthough selfishthough elfishthoueh though you don dont t know It You Youwant Youwant Youwant want to make a resture gesture of defiance defianceand defianceand defianceand and UJBC use me as the weapon I fuc&smost fucsmost gue&l guel guess gue&lmost guessmost & & most men would have been antrybut angry angrybut angrybut but h he was sweet I never thouthtof thoughtof thought of that was all he said Listenyou Listen Listendarling Listenyou ' you darling ; I jald sa1d said the ballroomof ballroom of the Bellevue wasn warn t planned forKesturea for forgestures forgestures gestures of or defiance Nor youneither youneitherWe you youneither youneither neither neitherWe We settled all the magazine Be ac Becounts accounts accounts counts and closed the office Wyn Wynhad Wynhad Wynhad had tlven given me a bonus of $ $100 100 $ above abovesalary abovesalary abovesalary salary and I didn t see why I Ishouldn Ishouldn Ishouldn shouldn t accept It I knew he d dbe dbe dbe be miserable if I didn t I used the themoney themoney themoney money to buy some clothes butWyn but butWyn butWyn Wyn thoutht thought my Chlcaco Chicago Idea wa walunacy was waslunacy waslunacy lunacy lunacyI I wrote him a long : letter as soonas soon soonas soonas as I eot got settled scttlrd In the car I remember re remember remember member I was just choosing ; between be between between tween Darling- Darling Darlingand - and Sweetest EWf'etest EWfetest ' Boy inthe in inthe inthe the World and deciding dt'Cidlng dtCidlng ' ; to use both bothwhen bothwhen bothwlien when the train went through 8t St 8tDavids StDavids 8tDavids Davids Damned if there wasn wasp t tthe tthe tthe the old station waxon wagon parked parkedwhere parkedwhere parkedwhere where he ht ' d left her Ufe Life does doesthings doesthings doesthln things < rs like that to you Why Whycouldn Whycouldn Whycouldn couldn t I park somewhere romewhere and andwalt andwait andwait walt wait till WI he came cameI I was loing going ; to mall man my letterwhen It'tter Ittter letter It'tterwhen letterwhen ' when the train stopped and was onmy on onmy onmy my way out to glve give ; It to the porter port porter porter er when all of a sudden I realizedit realized it was Harrlsburg Harrisburg ; I opened Itagain It Itagain itagain again ; and wrote some more Iwasn I Iwasn Iwarn wasn warn t going to have him " KCt gt"t gtt get that m " letter with a Harrtiburg Harrisburg postmarkNot postmark postmarkNot postmarkNot Not Harrlsburt Harrisburg HarrlsburtCHAPTER HarrisburgCHAPTER CHAPTER XIV XIVIt XIVIts It Its s pretty decent de'ent deent ( ' of me to keepriding keep keepriding keepriding riding ; the Penn pennsy y after what It didto did didto didto to me that trip Maybe what wajwrong was waswrong waswrong wrong ; It waa was the first time I ever everwent everwent everwent went a . long ; ride and nobody saw sawme sawme sawme me off otf No one went with me the thethref thethree thethree thref three ' slept steps of decency not eVeIl even eVeIlMac evenMac evenMac Mac or Myrtle I guess I was run runnlng running running nlng ning : awav away from Me that don dont t get getyou getyou ( you anywhereWhen anywhere anywhereWhen anywhereWhen When I finished f1n1shed that letter toWyn to toWyn I IWyn Wyn I had the M P all aU right whatwe what whatI whatwe whatwe I we called the Mortal Pang ; Ihadnt I Ihadn . hadn t told him hardly haraly anything anythingDo ; I Do men know about what tunuover turns turnsover over Inside of you when a lettergoes letter lettergoes lettergoes turnsI I goes down the slot and you clank clankthe clankthe clankthe the slide sUde to be sure it don t stick stickand stickand stickand and gets a good start I couldn't couldnt couldn'tclank couldn'tclank couldntclank ' ' clank the porter but I gave him two twobits twoblt I Ibits bits toona and he said he d mall mail It at AI Al AII AItoona Altoona Altoona AltoonaI I toonaI I sat there and took It hard I Iwas Iwaa i iwas was going round a . bend as tough toughas as the Horseshoe Oh I suppose Iwas I Iwas Iwas was only a kid but everybody tsas Is Isas Isas as grown up ac 88 as the feelings thevhave thev they thevhave theyhave have at the time Ume they feel them themIt themIt i iIt It was crazy to be on that trainwhat traIn trainwhat what was I there for ? Everybodyelse Everybody Everybodyelse Everybodyelse traInII II else had some omc good sensible lensible ; reMon reason reasonfor reMonfor reasonfor for going somewhere but where am amI amI amI I going and why ? I m walkin walking out on the iPhiladelphla jPhllad1 iPhiladel jPhllad1phia iPhlladelphia ! ' phia phla Assembly I bet nobody else elseever elseever elseever ever did that thatI I m running away from home homethe homethe homethe the only home homt ' I have It won t lastlong IllSt last IllStlong lastlong long now the old man Is criw-kingup criw kingup crtukingup cral crtuking . - king kingup up Mac MaL has a home and Myrtlehas Myrtle Myrtlehas Myrtlehas has a home and what h ha has s < ; Kittygot Kitty Kittygot Kittygot got ? I m running runnlng away from Myrtie Myr Myrtic Myrtie tic tie > and the kitchen stove with abroken a abroken abroken broken lid l1d and the Ice chest thatdon that thatdon thatdon don t latch tight Ught and the little en try window windowWhy I IWhy IWhy I Why haven't havent ' ' I got ot some om placeto place placeto placeto to atlck stick to where w we v ve ye llTtd lived tor for forseven forseven seven ven generation generatloD5 generations . * . Im I m not running runI runzsIng Dg away from anything any anything anything thing but Darby Mill M11l Old 8t St Davids D Dvids Da- Da . - DaviPs -vids vids - viPs vids 31 I didnt didn t know peopk people liv lived liv- liv lived . - ed In places like Uke that I thoughtIt thought It was Just frontage for the mov mov- movIes mov- mov movies movies - - ies iesI I could get off oft the th train \ at I\t I t AI Al- Al Altoona AI-toona AI toona - . toona and sUlI still tUl get back to Griscom Oriscorn GriscomStreet OriscornStreet OrlscomStreet Street and cook Pop Pops s breakfast breakfastSure breakfastSure . Sure I could I looked It up in the theUmetJable thetimetable th thtimetable timetable UmetJable theI I timetableKitty UmetJableKitty Kitty you re crazy U&ten Uten LIsten & Kittyall Kitty Kittyall Kittyall all tho those e people going places look look- looking looking . - ing so Intentional and doing thingnon thIngs thIngson on purpo purpose I bet every everyone on one * olthem of ofthem ofthem them has a aft 8ft spot In him aomewhere BOrne some BOrnewhere somewhere where poor dub dubs * Listen sisterdont s1.ster s1ster sister s1.sterdon sisterdon . don t bear down too hard on that thatBOft thatsoft BOft soft oft spot you youll you'll 11 ' break through throughI I lov love him hlIn I m a woman and ond I Ilove Ilove 1love love him Nothing can call cant t ever take takethat takethat takethat that away awayI I guss guess * I went to alecp sleep through throughOhio throughOhio throughOhio Ohio and Indiana What wouldyou would wouldyou wouldyou you Ue ile awake for when you getoutside get getoutside getoutside outside Pennsylvania PennsylV'llnia PennsylVllnia ' When theporter the theporter theporter porter punched me there wre were thegood thegood the thegood good old strings of Swift Refriger Refriger- Refrigerator Refrigerator Refrigerator - - ator cara cars care I had wired Molly Ipicked I Ipicked Ipicked picked that train so sos s * we couldhave could couldhave couldhave have breakfast together before shewent she shewent shewent went to the store She Sh met me I Icould Icould Icould could w see her waving at the top or of orthe ofthe oltir the little slop slope * that goes up from fromthe fromthe fromthe the trackt tracks She Sh cald said what would wouldwe wouldwe wouldwe we do without trainB trains train * to meet each eachother eachother eachother other at Just the same I didn dldn dicta t twant twant twant want to see ee that one again And Andby Andby Andby by the tlm time we got set to egg eggs andbacon and andbacon andbacon bacon at Fred Pred Harvey s a we werehappy were werehappy werehappy happy a as * fools I hate to admit it itMolly itMolly itMolly Molly 8 a grand You can t takeIt take takeIt takeit It easy with a man not even Wynthe Wyn Wynthe Wynthe the way you can oa.n oan . with a girl Iguess I Iguess Iguess guess you don t want to toPeople toPeople People must mu t & grt g&t gt get bored stiff sUtf when whenthey whenthey whenthey they ve ye got only sex ex to lnterest interest lnterestthem interestthem Interestthem them In each other Wyn and I Iwould Iwould Iwould would always have something BOmething to totalk totalk totalk talk about he hcs s so simple and andsweet andsweet andsweet sweet I could spend my whole life lifeeducating lifeeducating lifeeducating educating him The Th beauty of It Ithe ithe Ithe he wouldn t know when I waa W88 was doing do doing do- do doing - - ing It and a.nd . I would always knowhow know knowhow knowhow how much he needs to learn Iguess I Iguess Iguess guess every woman Is a schoolmistress schoolm1.s schoolm1s schoolmis schoolm1.stress schoolmistress . tress In her heart heartThat heartThat That kicks a goal for Mark Elsen E1 El E1sen Elsen sen We Wed d always have the h06 hoe h06pital hoepital hoepital pital to think about and the crlp Grip crlppie Gripple crippie pie ple children But I couldn t ever evergive evergive evergive give Mark what I gave Wyn I II told him that tout but . h ' \ 1\e 1 e tie's ties * ' . 110 so M ) sure aur * of ofbimseU ofhimself ofhimself bimseU himself H He say says } how hbW do you youknow know what you can giv live give tUl tin yougive you yougive give yougive it t7 ? He c 8 s quick quickMolly quickMc1ly quickMolly Molly Mc1ly said ald once onte "Its Its 'It It " ' 8 a good i'OOd iOOd ' Wt'rtonly Wtrtonly we're were we'reonly wereonly ' ' only thinking th1n1t1ng thinkingBut th1n1t1ngBut thinkingBut But a woman hasnt hasn bass t got cavengeneration seven sevengenerations $ even generations * to find out whattbeautiful whattbeautifulBoth what"IJ whatIJ what's whats what"IJbeaut1lUl what'sbeautiful " ' beaut1lUl beautiful beaut1lUlBoth beautifulBoth Both the th girls were all hopped hoppedup hoppedup hoppedup up about |