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Show .e e . + 44 + + " + 4 * + + + -M"M M"M MM - 4e'ew 4eew " . ' > ? * + fr . - . a + we * . * . + + - - . GUSHERis GUSHER is . . * . aaa5a * . . 4 . > * . 00 aa555aaaa . "M M " . " . > - . - . 4 . 48H * . * . * + ' 45eaaa < ' -8-H- 8 H - .10 10 . 8H4 - . - + . 4 + Mra Men . . Sylvia . AUred Allred Mired has returned returnedto to her borne home after spendlnr spending two twoweeks twoweeks twoweka weeks In Otdcn Ogden with bar her daughto daugh daughter ugh- ugh ughter - , ter to terFrance terPrancee toFrances France Prancee Frances Welxker Nebeker who wilo hu haS been beenlltaylng beenstaying beenstayinc lltaylng staying with her sitter a1ster slater Mrs Mr8 PhU- PhU Phil- Phil PhUlis PhilUs PhU-Us PhU Us - lis Us noberta Roberts Roberta of Roocevit ROosevelt hac has re- re returned returned re returned - - turned to her homeMr8 homeMrs home homeMra Mra Mr8 Mrs cl1vtn Calvin Calvin Jorcenien Jorgemen Jorgensen ct of Leota LeotaIs Leotais Leotato Is tpendinr spendtnl spending the preaent present week vl8- vl8 via- via vl8itlng vialUng Tl TlItlni -Itlni Itlni - itlng lUng her alster-ln-law alster ln law a1ter-in-law a1ter in sister-in-law sister $ - - Mra Mrs C'hrts Chrts Chris ' C'hrtsBodDy ChrisBodily ChrisBodily ChrisBodilyJo BodDy Bodily BodDyJoe BodilyJoe Joe Jo * Arnold Amo1d who has been seri- seri aeri- aeri seriously aeriousty aeri-ouriy aeri ouriy - ously ousty 111 m ill for the th past two monthsI monthsIs months la Is abia able to be about acaln qa.1n qa1n again . . . . Misa Miss Hanna Richards has re- re - reI returned returned - - to Vernal Vemal She has .spent spent .spentI spentthe . spenttha the school term . boardlnr boe.rdlr.g boerdlr.g boerdlrg boarding . with withMary withMary Mary L . L . Naylor NaylorOn I aylorOn aylor aylorOn On May 14th a baby girl was wasborn wasborn wasborn , born to } Mr Iir and Mra Mr8 Mrs OaU Gail , Stddo- Stddo Siddo- Siddo Stddoway Siddoway Siddo-way Siddo way - - - way of o1 Oakley Utah Mrs Blddo- Blddo Siddp- Siddp Siddpway Siddo-way Siddo way - - way waa was formerly Mif Miss Elinor Py- Py Fy- Fy Pydock Fydock Py-dock Py dock - - dock of GusherMr OusherMr Ousher Gusher OusherMr Mr and Mra Mrs Ray Kimball made madea a trip to Bluebell on Pecoratlon Decoration Pecoratlonday Decorationday Decorationday day to vtsit visit Mr Kimball K1Inballs a s sisterHomer'lHaynes sisterHomer'Haynes sister sisterHomer Homer'lHaynes HomerlHaynes Homer'Haynes HomerHaynes Homer ' ' 'Haynes Haynes ' spent- spent spentDecorationday . - Decoration Decorationday Decorationday Decorationday day in Salt Lake with his daugh daughtens dauthtera tel'S telS tens ' Larue and Oenevleve Gentvleve Genevieve : The Thegirls Therlrls girls accompanied their father fatherhome fatherhome fatherhome home for over the week end visit visitMra visitMrs visitMrs Mra Mrs Stella Underwood acted as aspostmistress aspostmistress aspostmistress postmistress durlnr during his hts absenceM1s absenceMiss absence absenceMiss Miss M1s & Mary L 1 . 1 . . Naylor has gone goneto goneto loneto to Salt Lake for a few days Herbrother Her Herbrother Herbrother brother John Naylor of Los An Angeles Angelea Antele geles gelea * will wUl meet her In Salt ake Lake akeand Lakeand Lakeand and they will wtl1 i'o io go ' on to Detroit DetroitM1cWgan DetroitMichigan DetroitMichltan M1cWgan Michigan Mr Naylor will w1ll pur purchase purchase purchase chase a new car They expect to tobe tobe tob be gone ( one two weks welts Mrs Sylvia SylviaAllred SylviaAllred Allred Islcarlng Lslearing ts carlni for the Ute Naylor ho hotel hotel hotcl tel whUe whild whU Mte Miss Naylor Is absentOn absent absentOn On Saturday Saurday ( : eve a surprise par- par party party par party - ty was given gtven for Mrs Elsie Dom Domgaard Domgaard Domfaard gaard at ' her homeDr homeDr home homeDr Dr and Mrs James W Stevens Stevensof Stevensof Stevensof of Vernal called at the Clyde Un Underwod Underwod Underwod derwod home Sunday afternoonBobble afternoonBobble afternoon afternoonBobbl Bobbl Bobble and Pattle Pattie Schwobe left leftby leftby by stace stage Sunday for Denver They Theywill Theywill Theywill will spend the summer vaca vacationwith vacation vacationwith tion tionwIth wIth their grandparentsHomer grandparentsHomer irandparents grandparents irandparentsHomer Homer Haynes and son Ed Edward Edwardand Edwardand ward wardand and daughter Emma Lou and his hismother hismother hismother mother Mrs MX's MXs ' Emma Oallbreath Gallbreath vis via visited vialied visIted ited lied on Thursday evenlni evening In Maeser Mae Maeser Macser visi i ser a at t the Harold McKee homeWlll1am homeWilliam home homeWilliam William Wlll1am renuson Ferguson and family famlly of ofVernal ofVernal ofVernal Vernal visited on Sunday a " Jth ith ithMr ithMr Mr and Mrs John ym-teson ym teson Furgeson - , I |