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Classified Ad Ad11 AdsFOR Ads \11 11 \ I [ I FOR SALE OK OR TBADE TRADE TBADEFOR . - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR BALE ; OR TRADE-SAN TRADE SAN TRADE--ANl ANl TRADEANland TRAD - & - - $ SANand ! , , and ORAVEL GRAVEL WM OURR GURR 57JF2Qtf 57J , F2Dtf F2Qtf f'2ij f2ij ' tf - - - - F2Qtfroot I ron root SAf SAI AI F OR TRADE-Sand TRADE Sand TRADE-Band Band TRADE - - Sand am anc ancOravel arGravel ic ' * Ora\el Ora el Oravel \ CLARK LAR80N LARBON Phont Phones Phoi Phoi28J ' 28J 2f1J 283 _ _ _ _ M7tf M7tt M7ttFOR M7 ( FOR SALE-City SALE City BALE-City BALE SALE - - City property Oeorgr George OeorgrII GeorgeH < r H II Bartlet Bartlett > 315 E 5th Bout'1 Bout1 Bout'1MIl Bout ' ' ' [ M15 MIl M15FOR } J i " ' FOR SALE BALD 8ALETOR OR TRADE TRADE-For TRADE For - - For towr towrproperty towrproperty ' property 7-roomed 7 roomed - house hOlUle with withbasement withbasement basement and outbuildings outbuUding goccistern good goodcl.otern goodcistern I cl.otern clotern cistern . ! B 5 acres of ot land on htgrway high highway highway way 40 by Naples school sohool Mrs M MJ MI NJ J I Trone M29JE M29J5 > . ' FOR SALE-Father SALE Father BALE--Fathers BALE Fathers SALE - - - Fathers : > day greeting greetingcards greetingcards greetlicards IK ' cards Mrs MnI James ChiveraPhone Chivers Chivera ChiversPhone ChlveaPhone Phone SIM DIM 91M J5 J5P FOR P OR . SALE BALE OR TRADE-Used TRADE Used TRADE - - Used ov- ov over over 0er ' - " - er stuffed atuUed set In good condition conditionBee conditionSee See Bee Keith Rosa Ro6 Roes & _ .15 15 J5 . _ I I ! I , FOR BALE-Sawmlll BALE Sawmlll BALE-Sawmill Sawmill BALE - - Sawmill on National NationalForest NationalForest Natloluforest Forest Also road grader and andOldamobUe andOldsmobile Oldsmoblle OldamobUe Oldsmobile edan sedan M P 11 F ' Stran Stranz StranzWhIterocks StranzWhlterocks ; Whiterocks Whlterocks Utah UtahJ6 _ J5 . ' FOR 6ALE-F81rtxLnb-MOl"Be 6ALE F81rtxLnb MOl"Be MOlBe BALE--Fairbanks-Morse BALE Fairbanks Morse - SALE - - Fairbanks-Morse Fairbanks Morse - - - " used usedrefrigerator usedrefrigerator usei refrigerator 0 C R Hopldna Hopkins HopldnaPhone HopkinsPhone Phone 311 811 Hopldnal J J5 J5I J5IMISCELLANEOUS l | MISCELLANEOUSWANTEDHorses MISCELLANEOUS _ _ ANTED-Horses ANTED Horses WANTED-Horses WANTED W WANTED - - Horses cattle att1e and andbucks andbucks an anbucks bucks to pasture for the ummer summer ummerCall summerCall sumrneiCall Call Warren Richardson Richardson1429J512l0 RichardsonM29J51219 . M29JS-13-19 M29JS 13 19 1429J5-12-l0 1429J5 12 l0 M29J5-12-19 M29J5 - - _ 'IANO IANO PIANO ' INS'I11.UCTIONS-Begln INSI11.UCTIONSBegln INS'I11.UCTIONS INSI11UCTIONS Begln INSTRUCTIONS-Begin INSTRUCTIONS Begin INS'I11.UCTIONSBeglnners INSTRUCTIONSBeginners INSTRUCTIONS ' . - - Beginners ners and advanced students Bar Barbara Barbars Barara . bara bars ) Banks Phone 128 125 M29J5 LOST-Lavender LOST Lavender LOST - - Lavender plaid Jacket Lew Lew1B Lewis . Is 1B Freestone Phone 72 " 7S ? . Jl .1l 1l J3 J5 J5.1 J51 J5.1FOR J51 J51FOR , FOR RENT-Apartments RENT Apartments RENT - Apartments furn1sh furnish furn1shed furnishad ed ad or unfurnished unfum1ahed $16 16 $15 15 $ ( $ (18 18 $18 $20 20 $20Jooeph $20Joseph < $ ( Joseph Jooeph Cook Opok PiKme Phone 00 90 W J5 J58PECIA1 . ' 8PECIA1 SPECIAL . SUNDAY 8t1NDAY DINNERFrom2toBPM DINNEK DINNER DINNEE DINNEEFrom , From2toBPM From 3 2 to 8 e P M MSteak MSteak From2toBPMsteak steak or ChickenPopular ChickenPopular Chicken ChickenPopular Popular PrIces Prlcea PrIcesGIPSON PrlceaGIPSON * GIPSON HOTEL IIOTEL IIOTELMr HOTELMr HOTELMr Mr and Mrs J .1 1 . R n McQuireJ5 MCOulreJ5 McQuIre MCOulre J5 . tl tlYOUR I YOUR OAR CAR OR RADIO BATTERYCharged BATTERYCharged BATTERY BATTERYCharged Charged While Y You Yau au WaitWlth WaitWith Wait WaitWith With Wlth Our NewHIRate NewHIRate New NewCHARGES HI-Rate HI Rate - Charger ChargerCHARGES CHARGES OHARGES BATTERIES IN 30 MINUTES MINUTESGIVES MINUTESGIVES MINUTESGIVES GIVES COMPLETE SATISFACTION SATISFACTIONNo SA SATISFACTIONNo TISF ACTION No Increase IncreQse in PriceLEAVE PriceLEAVE Price PriceLEAVE LEAVE YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SHOP SHoF SHOPUTAH SHOPUTAH UTAH MOTOR CO . Phone 147 VERNAL VER'AL VERAL VEItNAL " ' UT\lI UT lI UTMI UT ' \ H HYoudon't - - tzE : : ? You Youdon't Youdon't Youdont Youdon't don't dont ' need needa .a a . .aa a million millionto to .al.y al.y aly . a | . y rioh rich , m.llow mllow m.llowz m.llowOLD nrllowOLD . z OLD QUAKBR QUALBR Whitkeyor Whiskeyor Whiskey 2 leaf or the port sport ( offrhloil of fiahlogl . 2ry ry ryleaf , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ouART + 6s 6sYOU MILLIONPINT PINT X64 X64WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE A MILLION MILLIONWHEN FORW W PINT + 65 65QMb WHEN YOU ASK FOIt FOR , QMb ( ! ) Ib Quaker7RAIGHT Quaker ( ! SIIAIGHT 7RAIGHT BOURBON DOURDON WHISKEY.IHIS WHISKEYIHIS WiIJSKEY . . . , . THIS WHISI Y WFDSKEY IS LS 4 nARS YEARS OlD . 11 11100 raGOf /100 100 / ! . CI"lIln CIlIln IOiftlflr " It4l 1141 . , III au all lInl tlattt , tt"If ttIf ttruv . * " * . , uUlCn laviitlttt _ . ( . . IlOlua tatlaa4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1 1 ( \ : I j ! Claude's Claudes Claude9s ' Conoco Service Servicetiiial i _ \tiiial tiiial 1final 1 \ II final nal The Cobbluoek Cobbk Cobble rock StlltlOI1lll Station in iii the center of townUtah town . _ Utah Utaha s a . , . :13 13 : 4 1--- 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - . . . , , - - - - - - - - - - M MIN 6 IBlffiiilll CARS DIED DIEDIN IN I N OVERHEATED V E R HEATED DEATH D EAT H VALLEY VALLEYT VA L L EY EYTO 4 + y i iTO T TO PROVE THAT THATYOURS THATdl YOURS CAN w LIVE LONG as asNew dl dlNew ! i New Oil a Life-Giver Life Giver life Life-Giver.5-quart LifeGiver.5quart Life Giver.5 Giver5 quart - Giver . , . 5-quart 5 quart - fill-None fill None fill - None Addedhzf AddedLasted Added AddedLasted hzf , , , t tlasted { f -Lasted Lasted - Lasted 13.398 13398 13,398 . , Miles Miles Milesf Milesy y : . More than Twice the mileage mileageaveraged mileageaveraged averaged by 5 other big-nameoils big nameoils big-name big name - o0 o0oils oils in fiendish DestructIOn DestructionTest DestructionTest Test . . . Impartial . . . . CERTIFIED CERTIFIID CERTIFIEDTHIRST 9 9'EST r 'ESTTHIRST 'EST EST ' : . J T THIRST H IRS T killed gold fevensh feverish Forty FortyJ FortyNmere ' Nmers in m Death Valley You can standthere stand standI , I ' there today on our HemIsphere's HemIspheres Hemisphere'sbottom Hemisphere'sbottom Hemispheresbottom ' bottom , 279 feet below sea level Andeome And Andt3omeoftheworstheatonU \ BOrne t3omeoftheworstheatonU ofthe of the worst hea heat ton on U S Weather WeatherI Wes WeatherBureau ther I 1 1Bureau { Bureau Buireau records recordswill will bo be drying drymg you up upAmerica's . America's Americas Amenca's Amencas ' hotspott hotspot 1 ! 1where where 6rdenticaleverydaycarsscorchedalong 6identicaleveryday 6 6Identlcaleverydaycarsscorchedalong t Identlcaleverydaycarsscorchedalong rdenticaleverydaycarsscorchedalong cars scorched alongtesting , Conoco Conoeo N Ntll Nth < / od 011 oil 011outlast oiloutlast outlast them all by by6 od 011 oil patent patent-still patent still - still makes mah'i mahi ' N Ni Ntll Nth /i i / oil 011 givetesting6differentmotoroilstill6new givayour gIve gIvetestmg testmg testing6differentmotoroilstill6new 6 different ferent d motor oils , till 6 6new newengmes new 5 683 683miles miles or more , even outlastingone outlastmg outlasting your engine engme OIL PLATING PLATINC lubricant.that lubricantthat lubncant lubricant lubncantengJIles lubricantengines . engJIles engines were junk Every condition conditionwas one rival rivnl by 8 268mIles 268milest 268 miles milest ' Certified CertlfiLd Cerft/icd Cerft icd CertifiedNew / that can't cant ' all quickly qUJckly ( drain dram imam down from fromwas frominner . r rwas was the same for all Qualified QualIfiedauthor author author- authorities authort authorinner - tlOner lOner inner parts Instead InsteadIt it s a able to stayplated stay staystseseyedeverymove , 57milesNew esNew New SYNTHETIC SYNTUETIC in Conoco Nth Nthp N Nplated t/ t / , plated platedup on gmrd gU'1rd gU1rd gt-ird gt ird gU'1rdagamst gtirdogatnst - ' against agamst ogatnst wear wearanhourforall wearin t ltIeseyedevery stseseyedeverymove ities eyed every move Speed57miles Speed57m Speed 57m 57miles 6 7 milesan es p up an anhourforall hour for all The Referee Refereehadbought had bought5 bought You kn IUH kin ( w of ofhtamln ofvitamin vitamin htamln ntl'flcsIn snt1iphcsrn snt1iphcs " , nthcticsman ntl'flcs ntlflcs ! ( ' In rn advance while you re TO using usmg ConocoN// ConocoN ConocoNoil Conoco I : 5 of the Ollsnght oils Olls ode right nght off the market , mil milman m millions man mado made replaclOgN'ature replacing replaclOg N'ature Nature ' Nature s a We life WeNth lifeNth lifegivers Nth / / oil In addition you get gd . the latestbons latestlife latest t tbons bons know their theU " names well The otheroil other othergivers givers h f : , imficed \'nfked 'nfked nfked f'nfked tcnficed t 'nfkedin tcnficedin \ ( ' in Borne some modem modern foodprocessing food life giving glVlOg aid that foiled folled DcathValley DcathValleyoil Death D.ath Dath ( . Valley Valleythat o oil oilwas was decidedly dec1dedly new And tins tillS thus newoil new newprocessmg newprose processmg prose nsmg Similarly , the latest refinthat refinmg refin that eclipsed ecbpsed eclipsedother ecbpsedother other oils testedthat tested testedoil . oil that authentically delIveredmore dehveredmore delivered dehvered more morethan 109 ing methods steal life hfe giving glVmg elements elementsthat elementsfrom that made one Olle 5 quart fillof fill of new newthan newConoco . than twice twtce the mileage m eage averaged bythe by from motor oils But more than that tha , makmg mak malt Conoeo Conoco Nf/ Nf Nth NtA Nfoil / > oil od last 1 i 1 ! J98 398 J98miles 398miles miles.Certified milesCertified miles.CertifiedThat miles . v vthe t tthe the others is namedmg named 109 mg up for that today-u1 today u1 today-its its today - in . popular popularCertified popul popularpriced r rCertlfied Certlfied Certified CertifiedCONOCO OILpnced OILpaced pnced paced Conoco N Ni Nth /i i / od odis oil-IS oil IS - is Thialkeneinhibitor Thlalkene Thialkene That s a like hke a mad mud ma(1 ma1 mudcxtn.mLbeyond ma(1extremebeyond ( extreme cxtn.mL-beyond cxtn.mLbeyond cxtn.mL cxtnmL beyond extreme-beyond extreme extremebeyondNow . - beyondthe CONOCO CONoeo W Nt/ Nt NtMOTOR Nt / , MOTOR OIL whlbllur inhibitor man made ( Conoco ConocoPatent the utmost allowed by authorities uuthontIes on onPatent onthe onPatent2 -Now Now _ - Now on Sale here herB for Your Carwhlbllur Carinhibitor Car CarHow Patent Patent2 2 218 132 ) Itm/ii&iteorchecksthe Itm ii&iteorchecksthe iiiteorchecksthe It Ittnhtbrtsorchecks znhlblts / & or checks the subject 8ubJect You d dnever never make yourown your yourHow yourHow How could couldone one fill fillof of tlus thIS tins popularpnccd popular the efTcU efft.t efftt effect . ' ( . of foul fow leftovers created bythe by own car stand standBuch standsuch such Buch proving provmg groundtorture ground groundpn groundpaced pn paced X < . d > Conoco N/ N Nth Nod ' / od oil keep lastlOg- lastlOg lasting- lasting lastlOgthe lastingthe lasting lastingwithout - the normal engine engme explosions expl0810ns Thus ThusConoco torture But you YOll wnnt want ai a'J aJ at ' wide wJde awithout amargin a aWIthout without one added drop drop-for drop for - for an official offi Conoeo Conoco N/i N i Nth Nthstays NE ' / ) , stays more snore like its owngood own marglO margin of ofengme ofengine engine engme pr lection tectwn fLYtton and oileconomy 011 oil 011I 011cml oilcial cml cial totalof total of 133988 13 398 8 miles ? How couldgood couldgoal could couldMP good goal goodbt.lf goalself belt bt.lf btlf self . helps the engine engme keep fit fitgood economy as your mom mot ( y will buy tlus this tlusgood thisgood thisSummer I -good good - - good goodway way to sive 8'1Ve 81Ve wave ' quarts quartsA Summer and Conoco Cono < ( o ( ) Nf/i Nf i Nth / has line nailedup 11alled nailed nailedA up plain plam eVlden evidence ( ( . A Ask AMk ' k today for fornump forConoco forConoco A t triumph nump h ma matching t c hi ng Cup Conocoup Conoco ConocoOIL onoco onocoConoeo , ! Conoeo Conoco N Ni Nth Nthat NC /i i / ! at 1 \ 1nor mr nor ) ur Mikago l\1tltage l 1tltage \ Merchant Mer c\T c T nary ! \ , OIL PLATING PLATINGAnother PLATINGIs 'I1 I1 ' Ile Iles \ , e 6 s nlW ntw 1nchant nnchant chant s Conoco itndon 'itahon itahon station ' ContinentalOil Continentale Contmental Continental \MPARt\ MPARt Is \ Iswere MP ContmentalMPARt MPARtWNdo Pt111T l \ lr 10'Sha l 1 1Ile l'I1 WNdo were werehr r ha hae haahke hd a ; Peen ' \ ) hr hrken \ e ) : ken ) kennn taken 1n nn " " Anotherondr Another \ wondr \\ondr ondr unddr nl nn my bynthel1c-long bynthel1c long syntlietsc-long syntlietsc syntlietsclongin hynthetic - long lo in inuse all Oil Compmy-I Compmy I CompmyII Compeny-1 Compeny 1 Compeny1i Compmy - Ji I i ' , ys 0 ' , i in n Betterin Betterinalik Bettenng BetteringAmerica g ahke alik alikg aliktocheckumfonn e Ilfter after " " en engines " 10'S 10S ( ' to tocheckumfonn tocheckumfonntise check u01form use tise under tin t tit hl ( f lined fitned fUI1 < : , d Ciprm Cenci ( , 'rl11 rl11 ( ' Processed Processedod Amenca America I > f , t ( l I lI Ii I i fi It h < . " t1 / / ticsal tics ticsCONOCO Re Be Beed " r dest desert desertuytAll rl . the Samedesert > 81 al 81art alart art f r ereed alike alikeSame like Same ' : > 1\01 1 01 \ ( ' ed a - 1\ 1 \ 1rs rs re reeventd tuoe ad eventd d up upby by bylty bymut . / evt'Ol evtOl evt'Olrl ' lty uytAll ss Hnndhngevt'Ol . all sll Hnndhng llnndl llnndlK llnndlh K per rl perr , f r quartfillPer quartfillPernltt mut r ( Ul Ulrs rsOne One ( f h ) qun qunk qunalt d drivers driversengmea e eeog1l1t's rs s toe lock lockas k ' 1 , . I t Ig \g g ig \ ' under as a\lt a lt nltt \ " n ri r eog1l1t's eog1l1ts engmea " ' " " - . : ? ; : ; , m more morey cnr Cat ? 1 , I i l 0 o morew morekpiH y w kpiH , ti tit t , : : : : r CONOCOr T tiT CO CONOCO NO CO a a 8 0 0o " o g CERTIFIED 6 r W er ert4 t4 rev I 1 hereby c < ( rtify rtlfy tliat that the tho Death DeathV Deathulley DeathValley ac ro K ERM ERMr ROCESSif r cv , V Valley ulley Test Tost Tostini . i 1 n 1 i n lated latedwork listedwork listedworkwere work workwere werethoroughly were werethoroughly c cj . _ B I j , . thoroughly and fairly conducted.Engint conductedEngint conducted . . . R Q ' i iv , Ertglnt Engine . . Dpgtruc DPStrul Destruc t occurredin occurred d da d"i + N v < ( n 10each in 10 r ' l a "i i " eachllSO eachcase each case ( llSO 1 t t thl- thl tha thlmlleago - mlleago mileage sUtted stated . r Ik IL lIL ILco , - co coH H yJ yJa a-- a - ac.vlh B .a a . .aCon.vrnne c-.vlh c.vlh c .vlh vlh Con.vrnne Convrnne - . " " f , _ who Ae dvnn du " " . .h h M . . Acod.k Acodk Amd.k Amdk Amd.ky Acod.kyeo . . yeo y . . 10 I . Iro1-.r Iro1.r Iro1 .r r , . . . . - . , of et Av.OhYe AvOhYe Avo-.hv Avo.hv Avo .hv hv . , . - . . Enllll.n Enlllln EnpJn.nn EnpJnnn . . , . . . , " i ia iIvrdv a rvrduo Ivrdv . U . .sty sty . .styx _ . , x |