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Show - - WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS By Edward C . WayneU Wayne WayneLL U LL . S . Plan for Hemispheice Hemisphe Hemispheii Hemispheiie e Defense DefenseIs Is Charted by President's Presidents ' Message MessageProclaiming MessageProclaiming MessageProclaiming Proclaiming Full National Emergency ; Loss of Big Ships Highlights Sea BattleEDITOR Battle ( EDITOR tI.t tIt . : a . .r3 r3 . . 0TR-who.pWea 0TRwho.pWea 0TR who.pWea whopWea . - : : . l:4 l4 : . . a.zpru.a azpru.a azprua . . . . . . . : re th.i thi ? ' . . . eelemn . ' : : . : . . they theyu : J ' u . these I th.ew thew . an DJ : ' . yst and : : net " ' a.ee.sarily aee.sarily aeesarily . " : . I : .r r . Uhl tl : new.P newP P r i ) iReleased , ( R.I.d RI.d RId Released R1 * . . B . . 4 b- b by ) - bW.tern y WftTB W.tern Wtern Western . . Neti.pap.r Netipap.r Netipapr N . . epaper . y . r Uniwn Union ) PLEDGE : From FtR FDR Ft FtRThe ) R RThe The Tbe war course of the Ute UnitedState United UnitedSlales UnitedStates Slales States * wa wal was * more firmly ftnnly llrmly charted byPresident by byPresident byPresident President Roosevelt Roosevelt's Roosevelts ' * , re.tde retde 'fireside fireside 'firesidechat . ' aresldechat re.tdeeha . eha chat t ' yet the reaction reacUona reactions * abroad wereconsidered were wereconsidered wereconsidered considered aa as . mora more tmaortant Important thaathat than thanthat thanthat that at home borne , enthusiastic though tho itwa it itwas itwas was wasI * wasFor for the Prealdcat Preaident President wext went * . ' all-out"on all out"on outon aU-out aU out all.out allout - . - " I I Ion on the diplomatic limb 11mb for a victoryfor victory victoryfor victoryfor , for Britain and Chin China * pledgiag pledging acontinuance a acontinuance acontinuance continuance of United State States * aid aJd old tothe to tothe tothe the embattled embatUed democracle democracJes democracies * , andpromising and andpromising andpromising promising wider action when and Itneeded ItneededThe if ifneeded ifneeded needed neededThe The speech was believed to havesettled have havesettled havesettled settled the convoy queaUon qqeaUon g4eetion . , thestrike the thestrike thestrike strike Issue the use of ot the navy Davy 10 in 10furtherance infurtherance infurtherance furtherance of ot a . British BriUah 'Victory Victory ' victorymany , . many other question quesUora questions * which bad badkept badkept hadkept kept the people of thia this thi * country couatr > - to ID in a anightmarish anightmarish anightmarish nightmarish condition of lot Dot not know mow- mow know- mowing knowtog knowing - ing tog what was wa * comins coming comma ; DUt next eat . . " Virtually all of the American AmuJCaD edi edl edt- edt edttonal editorial . - torial tonal comment was wa * favorable favorablethough , though many of the editorial writ writ- writers writers writers - - ers took the ftand Itand stand that aucceedine succeeding aucceedineevents succeedingevents ucceedingevent events * would show how much at of the thePresident thePresident thePresident President s . talk waa was wa * ward-bow ward bow words-how words how wardbowmuch wordshowmuch word . - * - bowmuch much would wou1d be backed by acUonNight actionNight action acUon actionNight Night following followiDa : Mr Hooxevelt Roosevelt s sspeel.h sspeech speeLh speel.h speech . Sen . . Burton It llr . K . Wheeler of ofMontana ofMontana ofMontana Montana took touk the radio to infot'm infotm inform infot'mthe informthe laformthe , ' the nation mi lion regarding the atand stand of the theopposition theopposition theopposition opposition to the President s a pol pot potides pollcies polIcies lcies ides He asked the Pwldent President Prreaident , for a anew anew anew new pledge of peace ' Rome newpapera neV\-spapers neV spapers newspapers \ . - cut the Gordianknot Gordian Gordianknot Gordlanknot knot and stated that the U S was wasvirtually wasvirtually wasvirtually virtually in tbe the war " German Gennan prellll press prelllltook presstook presstook took a more literal view of ot the Pres President Presdents Prosident ident ! dents s speech referred only to hisfreedom hisfreedom his hisfreedom freedom of ot the seas ' dictum dictumcalled dictumcalled dictumcalled called t tbe the e United State States * a nation at attempUng attempting attempting tempUng tempting to be dictator ot of the seas seasGerman seasGerman * * German government source lIources sources * saidOur saidOur laid said laidOur Our sWps ships hlpa have been ordered to tocontinue tocontinue tocontinue continue the blo blockade kade of Britain to tosink tosink tosink sink all ships ahlps coming within thecombat the thecombat thecombat combat zones and these orders have haveDot havenot havenot Dot not been rescinded and Bnd will not beLease beLease be beLease Lease lend sbips ships chip * had been sunk sunkand sunkand aunkand and there wa was * no question about It . . . y ( ( pp.q.wf ppq.wf ppqwf 'iao iao ' orq 0y ( "SMiC SMiC "SMiCa "SMiCaYp " . a 4 aYp * M MN Mdr N dr 4t 4ta a I XNATOU SENATOR WHEELERAsked WHEELER WDEELEB WHEELERAskefl Askefl Asked ked fr for f r a new "pe pe "peace peace " * * c41 p7eWg p1ed68 pledge ' " whether whcther they had been patrolled or orconvoyed orconvoyed orconvoyed convoyed by U S naval ships or ornot ornot ornot not But so tar far no American flag flagshIps flagships flagships shIps had been sent * ent to the bottom bottomfor bottomfor bottomfor for they had been keeping out of ofcan ofcon ofcon can con bat zones zonesBut zonesBut zone * But that they would be sunk sWlk In the thefuture thefuture thefuture future no one seemed to doubt and andAmerica andAmerica andAmerica America Intercstedly interestedly rather than thananxIOusly thananxiously thananxiously anxIOusly looked for that day to see seewhat seewhat seewhat what action aclton would be takenTI takenT1 taken takenTl Tl TI T1 c e a first fint shots to be exchanged be betw betw betw tw en American flag naval vesselsu vesselsI vesselsa vessels a d German planes surface surlace raiders raidersr raidersi i r s I l \ marine was still shll to be flred1 firedI firedt fired I t t t I n ust ost observers expected thatf thatI that f I { \ II \ v u . . e g the President 2 it a talk that thattI thattl tI tis s Uri liri t1111 in fig v\ v . vax was \ ax all just a matter of o1 lime time timei limeI , I th t it might not be long longlie 11 lie 11I 11c I c ' nntiih Bntlsh British reaction to the presl prestd presld d 1 I t 1 I address nddress WdS was w s pr mpt and ju juI jut I t In III la t They accepted the pledgeof pledgeuf pledge uf of An or er - can e-an e an aid of a more complete completean an 1 I v g r us liS type than heretoforev heretoforew heretotore heretofore w . . It tI enthusiasm though the British Britishin in n in the street trect not conversantw conversant w ih th A nerica nerlca nertca s problems probll"ms probllms " and polltlcal paUli politi paUlieal political e-al e al cal - bittlints b'lltllngs blltllngs baltlings ' was rather befuddledby befuddled by it all 1 OI\t'S OI t'S tS ( ) P'I PI ' ' \ ' ' OPM'SI OPMSI OIt'SR U R { < ( portt portI port t I . oil 011 wing "lng lng w " Ing a year y'ar yar ( ' of ot OPM OP\f OP f OPN \ functionli functionit function functionhI hI it K g { K Kld idsen tdsen enga\ethecountry enga ethecountry gave gate \ the country atab at atab atab ab ut the t me Inc of the President Pre ldent s a sel aof PI el of chal chnl address addles Information IntormaUon whichv whichy whichw which y w . , . is n re l t > . ic 1C rc irag ng than Ulan anyU any anyU anyU U K g that thllt t I H Hi line I Il l i n I e " before beforeM beforeMass M \ 1\1.15 11.15 1 1.15 115 Mass < . s'i si ' < I t [ r 1 I ct cl i 1 snid said Knudtenv Knudsenw Knudsen w " , c < r Ily lIy fly n w w " , t Ie tei earning J . r rning n Ing to roll rollI rollw rollw w , tl \I I tt \ II iia i la . s in Apr 1 I 1 I 300 I300 In May MayI May1C I f t ) a 1 I s n l Idr tar r li II a creases crea.es creaes creates . some somet somef ( ( f U ii ncre nre n ( re siectacular sfectacular Sl eclacular all along alongth th I III I IIt 1 1lie II It lie a ( ' so o ( ' f ( Catal Callli i r e planes in to the thefi theB theH fi B Ie- Ie rck Ieh - h tattle 1 I . iltle tle ! sh ve-d ve d wed \ , ed - tha that I there therev- therev therew therevr w \ - r ft fl t \ Ur UI Br u.h uh u.ha ti tJ . hl h t l a co inters ml'rs mlrs ( ' now In to In"I towi in\tt in tt "I I wi " \ 1 I Ai At ( ' er 'r r or can n adi adl adt . . equipmentw equipment w . ntfin n t t f in 10 t I nng nngShur n ng ng1h.n 1 1h.n 1hn Shur hl . ( . n al K I g ( c c-ini c ini ram , - m the Piesldentsp Presidentsp PI Presidents e < ldent s p t < ( h n-k n k nck n - ; h e g 1 f rid r d i 1 r bling bllng bung of thIs thIstr thistr thistr tr I f ( 1 I i K I g { t f ( th thit J it I and three billionsf billions f ( r pla pIa t i is s t i i ! r I 51 sf ( te to of 01 ii u e pres pressun.1 pressur prcssun sun.1 sun1 sur ( vi . 1 h t I lei 1el icr n a ds d put on the theIndu theInductr theIndiKtr Inductr Indu < 11 als al s t t I i t n II it began to be beIloS befoss beiiossble IloS foss ble for An cricans ericans ertcans to visualize visualize50 50 000 pl plne pinner planes ne . , 10000 10 000 tanks and some someot someof tomeof ot of the other othl"r othlr " gals g ( als this thts country had hadset hadset hadset 150 set Ibe itsrif itself If VICHY : Active Actl.Ve ActlVe . Again Agam AgainThat AgainThat I herGerman her herGerman herGerman That Vichy Vkby was Implen implerr enting enttng German aid was seen in British dispatches dls dis dlspatches dispatches patches which wbtcb told of the sinking linking oftwo of oftwo oftwo two French Bag flag veisels vessels in the Medl Meth Methterranean Mediterranean Medlterranean terranean . , one of them a IS S 000-tontanker 000 tontanker ooo-ton ooo ton 000-ton 000 oootontanker 000tontanker - - tanker loaded with oil 011 and headedtor headed headedDr headedfor Dr for ! Tripoli TrlpoU TripoliAt TrlpoUAt TripoliAt At the same lame time the British reported re reported re- re reported - - ported the inking sinking ( of ot an I 18 10 * 000-tonAxis 000 tonAxis OOO-ton OOO ton 000-ton 000 OOOtonAxi 000tonAxis - - Axi Axis . liner , . presumably prClUmably ! Italian llalJan csrrymg car carrying cartying rying tying S 3 3000 000 German Germnn troop troops * to th thaame the theaame thesame aame same destination destinationThese destinationThese destinationThese These dispatches di.patches dipatches . pointed disquietmgly dls dis dlsquletingly disquletingly quletingly enough to proof of o1 oneof one oneof oneof of two things thingspossibly .possibly possibly -possibly . - of both.Either bothEither both . . Either there was being planned a atrong a.trong astrong trong .trong strong . Increase In the battle of ofNorth ofNorth ofNorth North Africa or the German Germans * were weremoving weremoving woremoving moving In force to Dakar to create createa a . strong .trong trong base thereEither thereEither there thereXlther Xlther Either of these thele was disquieting disquietingenough disquietingenough disquietingenough enough particularly the latter fromL from fromAMBASSADOK L & ti a # hy AMBASSADOK AMBASSADOR WINANTl WINANTIll WINANTlu WINANT l/u l u / //l l Ill / / * , rfOcallwaf recallteas rfcalt rfOcall recall waf teas to < n nu /u u IU sent / " < ( purl part par ' of ofat / at uthe H u . . " the American point poml of view but the themain themain themain main thing was that It showed def definitely deffinitely detInltely initely finitely that Vichy waa was becomingactive becoming becomingactive becomingactive active again this lime time plainly onthe on onthe onthe the German side sideIt sIdeIt sideIt It was brought to the foic foie fOJ e againquestions again againI againquestions againquestions I questions about the mysterv mystery of Weygand Wey WeyI Weysand WeyBand sand Band where he was what he wadoing WBS was WBSdoing wasdoing * I doing what manner of man hemight he hemight hemight might be Defections of Frenchtroop French Frenchtroops Frenchtroops troops * to the British standard in theNear the theNear theNear Near East Eas East-and East and - and crossings crossmgs of theSyrian the theSyrian theSyrian Syrian boundary by various groupto groups groupsto groupsto * to the Free French forces of DoGaulle De DeGaulle DeGaulle Gaulle were in the report reports * lendingcolor lending lendingcolor lendingcolor color to tbe the British claim that tbeGallani the theGallani theGallant Gallani Gallant government was about tofall tofallThe to tofall tofall fall fallThe The Italian Italians * were getting nowhere nowherein nowherein nowherein in their general retreat in Ethiopiaand Ethiopia Ethiopiaand Ethiopiaand and division after division was sur surrendering surrendering surrendering rendering But in spite of all this thisnews thisnews thisnew news * It was wns evident that the Petain Petaingovernment Petaingovernment Petaingovernment government , , possibly now dominated dominated dominat dominatthem ed by Laval and Darlan or one ot of otthem ofthem them was wa * getting more and more 1 Involved in the whole African and andNear andNear Near East campaliDThis campaignThis campaign campaliD campaignThis This might have far reaching e1 of e1fects offects effeet fects * not only on the present sltua situa situation sltuatlon situatlon tlon tion but on the future disposition of ofnaUonal ofnational ofnational naUonal national power after the war should shouldbe shouldbe shouldbe be ended Particularly would it af of affect offeet atfeet fect feet the diplomatic Interchanges go going golog goIng ing log on between Vichy and the Umted United UmtedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStatesThe States StatesThe The tudden sudden recall of Ambassador AmbassadorWmant AmbassadorWtnant AmbassadorWinant Wmant Wtnant to Washington Washlllgton tor for a corner confer cornerence conference conference ence with the President and the thecabinet thecabinet thecabinet cabinet was just part of it Vichy Vichywas Vichywas Vichywas was in the midst of all that WdS was WdSmovmg wasmoving w smoving movmg moving on the continent , , like a vol volcano volcano volcano cano emitting emlttmg smoke after a loni long loniquiescent longquiescent longquiescent quiescent periodSHIP period periodSHIPFor SHIP SHIPFor For Ship S/up S up ShipDown ShipDown / Down to the bolt batt m of the Atlantic Atlanticocean Atlanticocean Atlanticocean ocean went H II M S Hood 42 100 100tons 100tons 100tons tons with about 1 1 SOO 300 men aboard aboardvictim aboardvictim aboardvictim victim of an unli unit cky hit from the the15inch the15inch the15-Inch the15 Inch 15-inch 15 inch - - guns of the Reich s great greatbattleship greatbattleship greatbattleship battleship BIsmarckThree BismarckThree Bismarck BismarckThree Three days later down to the bottorn bot bottom bottom tom of ot the same Atlantic went theBismarck the theBismarck theBismarck Bismarck victim of a ' . lucky hiton hit hiton hiton on her propellers from a Britishtorpedo British Britishtorpedo Britishtorpedo torpedo plane planeBut planeBut planeBut But the whole Bismarck story ob observers ob- ob observers observers - - servers generally felt might changeif changeH change 11 H it had not already changed thewhole the thewhole thewhole whole story of naval warfare Itbrought II It IIbrought Itbrought brought the airplane airpldne Into new prominence prom prominence promthence inence thence and showed that thi this * arm ann ofpresent of ofpresent ofpresent present day navies nales na\ na nas \ les ies bad had not been given glv giv glven given en the notice noUce it deserved deservedIndeed deservedIndeed deservedIndeed Indeed th the plane battleship controversy con controversy controversy troversy got a shiorper shnorper sharper answer during dur durlog durlog log the past few weeks from theHood the theHood theHood Hood Bismarck battle b"ltle bltle " and the |