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Show 44 + + 4 . + < . 444.4 4444 . 44 + . + { . + . + + . + + 4.4.4 44.4 444 . 4 + . + + 4 > + + 4 + f.4 f4 . + . + < 4 .4.4.4 44.4 444 . + .4.4.4ri . 4 . + . er1 er1ALINES < -ri ri - riGUNES1 , GLINES ALINES GLINESI GUNES1\ GUNES1 ALINESI GUNES1.4 I I I i \ ' 44444 + < . + .4 4 . + . + . + . 5 + + 4 . 4x,1.a.a 4x1a.a 4x1aa 4x,1.a.a44 + .A4- .A4 . , .A44.4 , - . * . . < * . + -44 44 - 4.4 44 . > + 4 + + + ' > 44 44Rita + + 1 i i RI Rita ts Curtis was the honored honored1rt1 honoredwest honoredeuest 1rt1 euest t at . a party at her home May May"3 May3 " 9 the " occasion O"ca.oon Oca.oon Ocaoon . ; ! being her ninthirthdav ninth ninthirthdtv I -irthdtv irthdtv .Irthdav Irthdav -irthdav . ' - - anniversary onnlversan enniversan ' ' 'Blngo Blngo 'Bingo Bingo ' andhr and I I " h"r hr har h-r h r " - house fames games were WE're ' played pla.yed . AR A R . * ' rt rthday rt'iday rtiday ' day cake and other oUter refresh refresh- refreshments refreshments refreshments - ments carrying out a pink an mv an'1white an1white " ' ' whitfo white color acheme scheme were served to&bout toabout to tobout -bout bout &bout about & - IS 15 guest guests guestsMrs guestsMrs * Mrs IIorace Jlonce Horace OlUman Gillman and Le- Le - Lend Le1 Le-l-nd Le l nd - 1 ] - . nd Qlllman QUIman Qiliman O o- o oPleasant - . Pleasant GroVf Grove Grovehale Oroveha\e Oroveha e ' M\ M Me hale \ e been visitors vts1tors at the th home of ofMrs ofMrs ofMrs Mrs LoweU Lowell WardleMf'lvin WardleMelvin VTardle Wardle VTardleMelTin MelTin Mf'lvin Mflvin Melvin ' Burke left last week for forLorab forLorae forLoi-an forLoi an Lorab Lorae - tb U > entar enter the tbe National NaUonal De- De - De-1 De 1 - i iW lawA . ; " 1\ 1 \ 1I " -I I - > V yennU k Johnson 'Johns.OD Johns.OD JohnsOD aoiu . ' . , sofa and Don Brok Erek- Erek Ereks.on Erekepp Broken - . en s.on son epp arrived " i n1e bonne hoxtt h last Thursday Thursdayff Thursdayfrom Thur dayfrom ff from m Logan liOganxUrhere Logan.vvhere Loganvvhere " . "here here " they hava have been beenattend1i beenattending ttend418 attend1i ; the.UeAC theUeAC theyUBAC they the " UBAC . UBAO . . dayton otartcm Clayton : ttirtii uft CW ttal entertaln entertained d twelve twelveschool twelveschool twelvetchool school schoolat ' lxiends Iriarids ' $ at -at - it a . a . party ty ; recenUy recently recenUyaamta recentlyGamer recentlyGaae aamta Gamer ! , yere Vere yvere ) played plaled and a weiner weinerroast Weinerroast weinerroast roast enjoyed enJoye , , . A dancing danctnr party pt\ny pt ny \ wax was held at the theward theward th thward ward c o chepfcltWednttday iape.ltWednt iapeltWednt .p p . l . Wedn sday ay eV evening Intng < in inhonor inhonor Inhonor honor of or Eva Eva Price 'rice rice ' who wB ' 'Wl11 Wl11 w111 leave leavesoon leavesoon le vesoon soon to enter ; ' * the Uixlon M.1ss1on M1ss1on Mission . Wanin Home Wan HomeIn HomeIn In Sal Salt t.ake take haste . L k City . RefrehsrDenh Refrehautents RefrehsrDenhwere Refrehautentswere Retrelurocntiwere were servect serve4 * cr ed . . , Effia Effie Johnson arrived atrtved here her * last lastwednesday lastWednesday lastWednesday wednesday evening evening- eveningfrom - from Bait salt Lake LakeC1ty LakeCity LakeCity C1ty City to cpend spend thl the th ( wk week end Dur Dur- DurIng Dur- Dur During During - - ing the th afternoon of f Memorial daythe day daythe daythe the Johnaon JohnsOn family fa.mJy famJy . ] ' held a reunion reun reun- reunion reunion - ion at Jensen where a picnic ptenfo lunch lunchww lunchwas lunchwu ww was ; enjoyed on the banks bapks bank * of the theGreen theGreen theGreen Green River Was l\4fss l 4fss Miss \ Johnson re- re returned returned re returned - - turned to her home MondayMiss MondayMiss Monday MondayMiss Miss Venlci Ventce Venice McKeachnie McKeaclmie la is home homefrom homefrom hornfrom * from Lofan Logan vherw where she h * haa has ha * been beenattending beenattending beenatLendinf attending achool school at tha the USACMrs USACMrs USAC USACMrx Mrx Mrs Minnia MJnn1e Minnie Duke Ouk * and con son of ofPleasant ofPleasant ofPleasant Pleasant OTOTC Orove Grove hav have been V1sitlng visiting visitingat , at the home horn * of t M . Mr and Mrs Jay JaySearle JaySearle JaySearle JaySearleMr Searle SearleMr Mr and Mra 1\4rs 1 4rs Mrs \ . . Thurman Rasmussen Ras- Ras & - Rasmussen Ba s-mussen s mussen - mussen vis-1Ited vis and t family Jn1ly of Lapoint vLs- vLs vis- vis - vLsIted visIted - Ited lajt last week weeQ weep ) at the- the thehome th - homa home of Mr Mrand Mrand Mrand and Mrx Mr8 Mrs stepb Stephen n Parry Perry PerryDella PerryDella ParryDelia Delia Della and Leol Leola & Allred left Sun Sun- Sunday Sunday Sunday - day for Pleasant Ple Plea S nt nt Orov Grove trove ( where they theywill theywill theywill will be employed empoyed ! , , picking berriesCarl berriesCarl berries berriesCarl Carl Curtl Curtis . , , Br Sr , . Mxa Mrs Florence FlorenceEverett FlorenceEverett FlorenceEverett Everett and Mr , . and Mrs Mfa Carl Cur- Cur Curtis Curtis Cur-Ua Cur Ua - tis , . Jr and baby bY ' daughter daughte1 ' were werehere werehere werehere here from Midvala MJdvale Midgale to Xpend spend Mem Mem- Memorial Memorial Memorial - orial day v1s1t visiting at thf the tha , ' home of ofMr ofMr ofMr Mr and Mrs Uariln Martin M rtin Curtis Mrs MrsSophia MrsSophia MrsSophia Sophia Curtis mother of Carl Oarl Cur- Cur Curtis CurUs Our-tlj Our tlj - tis Us Sr returned with them to vis- vis - visit vis visit - vtsIit it for some t1IneA timeA time t1Ine timeA vts-I vts I A son on was born to TUt Mi Mr ' and Mrs MrsLee MrsLee MrLea * Lee Dixon Saturday . at the vaney Valley vaneyHospital ValleyHospital ValleyHospital Hospital but lived l1ved only a . few mtn- mtn min- min mtnutes minutes min minutes - utes Funeral Funer81 services wera were held heldat heldat heldat at the home of Mr and Mrs Mr * James JamesHofel JamesHofelta JameaHofeltz Hofel Hofelta tz Monday , . June 3rd , . wi withBishop with .thBJBhop BJBhop Bishop John B . B , Eaton In charge . .th th . The openlni opening prayer was wa by .John John . Hodgkinson Hodgklnoon and tha the bene bene- benediction bene- bene benediction benediction - - diction by Ray Oardiner Garoiner Gardiner Bpeak- Bpeak Speak- Speak Bpeakers Speakera Bpeak-ara Bpeak ara . - ers era were wer Oeorge"W OeorgeW Oeoria George , ( " W .W . Perry Myron MyronPent MyronJPerry n nIerry Ierry Pent ? ' and Bl-shop Bl shop BisJ'lop BisJlop Bishop ' - Eaton Mu.stc Mustc Music Mu.stcwas Musicwas Musicw . was & rumtehed turn1shed furnished by Mra Mrs . . Martin Cur Our Ourus Cur-'tis Cur 'tis tis . - ' tis us and Mrs Lawrence Wardl Wardle whosang whosang who sang anc ' Sometime Somewhere Somewhere"That SomewhereThat ' . "That That " Baautlful Beautiful Land * ' and and'Beautiful andBeautiful ' ' . Beautiful Honr Home " Interment was wasin wasIn wacIn in the falrvlaw Pa.1rvJew Pa1rvJew Fairview . cemetery Mrs . Mra.Dixon MraDixon . Dixon was formerly tormerly Miai M1ss Miss Mary MaryPotter MaryPotter MaryPotter Potter dauchter daughter of Mrs Mr8 HofeitzAt RofeltzAt Hofeltz Rofeltz Hofeitz HofeltzAt At the MIA Sunday evenlne evening see- see seevice ter- ter tervtee - - vtee vice setIvice ' Frank Prank Oardiner Gardiner was set-I set I the thespeaker thespeaker thei speaker Mr and Mra Mrs W'an'en Wanen Warren ' WarrenJones WarrenIjone ' ( Jones * favored with a vocal duet duetand duetand I and Batty Betty Curtis played a pianoselection piano : selection lection lectionMonday selectionMonday Monday afternoon Mis Mrs Lowell LowellWardle LowellWardle LowellWardia Wardle entertained at a party in inhonor Inhonor Inhonor honor of her dauchter daughter Myrna A Ab1rlhday Abirthday Abirthday b1rlhday birthday cake cak * held four candles candles.Oamas candlesOamas . . Oaines Gaines were played and refreshmenta refresh- refresh refreshments retresh-manta retresh manta - ments menta served |