Show a I 1 aa 4 4 W ashington the senate small business committee says that dunall pmall junall business la in the tho nation is fighting for its life that inflation already has killed many small films firms and lind that government jovernment Jovern ment had bettcrtee better fee to it that the survivors get a fair share of defense contracts As a result of sev several eral days of testimony senator john sparkman of alabama and congressman wright patman of texas chairman respectively of the senate and house small business committees introduced identical bills calling for setup set up i of a small mail defense plants corpor ation aaion with a revolving loan fund of 500000000 and a five member board with more positive authority than was given the smaller similar plants during world war II 11 the bi bill 11 would give the corporation power to assure mall small business a fair share of business from prime government contractors and at the same time give the corpor r ation aaion power to make c contracts oco ntzt with the government and sublet to small all businesses after aer more than a year of investigation 1 vesti gation the department of agriculture is expected to an rounce some major reorganization plans to more efficiently ernerst ermerst give ive service to the american farmers chief among the re or ganization nanization plans which began when albert loveland was un gunj unj J der secretary and which would have been earned carried on since his resignation by undersecretary under secretary clarence J mccormick McCorm lck as a merging of some of the technical services performed by proauction production and marketing administration in soli soil conservation and the soil conservation service itself with the aim of eliminating some of the overlapping functions at the county level between the two departments the plan follows somewhat but not wholly some of the recommendations of the hoover report there is a move underway in connection with price controls to revive some of the provisions of the steagall law affecting prices farmersget farmers get for their commodities modi ties the steagall amendments guaranteed to the farmer if he was called upon to increase his crops a price protection for lor two years after the war ended approximately 70 percent of president trumans tromans Tr umans 71 billion dollar budget will be spent for pur purposes posts of military service and international internationl internationi Internation i security in 1952 this would leave spending for all other government projects including nond non d e f e n c e items permanent and indefinite appropriations mostly interest on the national debt public assistance grants vet erana service and other fixed and continuing charges at 19084000000 191 compared to 200 20 166000000 for the current fiscal year yem in addition actual appropriations to be requested of congress including programs for which spending will be spread over several years will amount to another 2390000 23900000000 23900000.000 0000 in new cash and obligational authority much of this sum stun will not be spent until 1953 and will therefore show up in the ex pendltures penditures pendl pendi tures budget of that year despite this upswing in government ernnie nt spending the bureau of the budget analysis shows that in 130 different appropriation items there was a cut of about 57 5.7 b billion I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 0 n below amounts approved by the congress for the same purposes in fiscal fisca year 1951 some defense items were cut below the 1951 budget including about 13 1.3 billion for veterans benefits benefit 3 generally speaking the congressmen generally genetay genelay approved the presidents plan coenact toenact to enact a tax bill bill to raise some 16 billion more in new taxes on a payas pay as we go basis there Is a new battle battie underway on capitol hill on whether to retain the single package omnibus appropriation bill bm or to return to the old multiple measure system of financing the government gov rement rnment each year congressman clarence cannon of missouri chairman of the house appropriations ropriations committee who geleed gelped helped pioneer the omnibus bill is staunchly committed to retain the present plan |