Show tftenesting 71trnestlnc FEATURES ara rra tura tur6 neight 1111111 niight ni iGHT pefeptton ecrptton I 1 I 1 llllhh I 1 f OH 1 HP g ma m0 alv flv lnpl khpfff ln pl nten ntln peml pnml nel in the back ivlmli 011h oyd gini gin nru aru I liiv uiiv fullv fulla from allu llu 11 wmt wmit amit powl to ill p tucked hickfl hickel fan V 11 hl I 1 i rioch nod riocl in n thort srm sieml steml tw t ri w rffrct cfrt cart A hiotilly hi i llly otilly isice toronpf oroncl oronce oron cl tea fen tiirink trilig trilik 11 tirik tinv tiriv scalloped edge lilnnifd with seed reed ciarli piarli pnriq pi arli graci f 1 tav llu thv brides bride q head from the bronet tdronft oronet the veil of sheer brides ill illiklrn i 1 fell in graceful pointed folds fold the young mrs slaugh carried a cascade bouquet of ntltc klfliv hyacinths centered with 11 T hid matron and maid maids clr nlr mrs robbing robbins miss chipman and miss miqq johnson wore identical dre dresses asel tsel of raspberry taffeta which featured V shaped neck I 1 lines lines encircled by wide scalloped collars tiny puffed sleeves sleeve long scalloped waist lines Q and full foll gathered skirts of ballerina length mrs robbins wore long gloves of the raspberry taffeta abich wlich wbich ended in a point at the wrist like that of the bridal gown she carried a colonial nosegay of rose pink rosebuds rose buds centered with white sweet peas and trimmed with a frill of lacy ac material white satin ribbon and orchid maline the bridesmaids wore wrist wrigt length gloves 0 of f white nylon with double ruffled cuffs and displayed smaller replicas of the bouquet carried by the matron of honor pearl necklaces and ballerina shoes dyed d e d to match the dresses completed their attire the bridal gown veil and the dresses of the matron of honor and the bridesmaids were made by the brides mother for her daughters reception mrs johnson chose a dress of gold and black metallic taffeta w which aich hich featured a flared skirt three quarter length sleeves and ana a roll collar neckline her corsage was of pink roses and gold ribbon mrs slaugh wore an afternoon dress of grey crepe which featured a diagonally tucked neckline and a pleated side drape on the skirt her corsage also was of pink rosebuds rose buds with silver accent directing the guests to the serving room were mrs martin curtis attired in a navy aate afte afternoon no ir dress ess and mrs cecina lecina leonard perry P in a black crepe after aft r noon dress with rose accents Sl arving thl table the serving table was covered w with ith a lovely white hand crocheted cloth over pink crepe for a centerpiece a large mirror was placed under the four tier el wedding cake which was decorated with pastel pink vink roses and lovers knots and topped by a miniature bride and groom standing beneath an arbor of orange blossoms from which was suspended a tiny wedding bell the cake was wal made by the f rooms grooms mother from an old family recipe for fruit cake brought from sweden one hundred years ago graduated white princess tapers in crystal holders flanked the cake on each side and completed the decorative motif presiding at the serving table during daring the first part of the evening was mrs robert williams end and mrs bud hacking during the latter part of the evening mrs L lynn an fletcher and miss oma bardle qardle wardle were in charge punch candy satin sticks and fruit cake made from the same recipe as the wedding cake were served to the guests by the misses evelyn anderson muriel colton gene goodrich carolyn searle and marlea smith assisting with the refreshments were mrs arnold perry mrs lloyd glines miss belva perry mrs don batty mrs kenneth Timo timothy thyo mrs henry workman mrs martin fletcher and mrs shirley slaugh siaugh kiaugh in charge of the gift room was mrs bilue tilue t111le bell mrs vera yera van leuvan leuvam I eusani euvani mra glen johnson mrs clayton curtis and mrs archia archk archit johnson dancing was enjoyed to the music of the alien allen orchestra culling fh clr llr cak cake following a beautiful rendition of oh promise me by amber adams the bride and groom cut the wedding cake and ate a te the first slice the cake was then cut and served to the guests the top layer was presented to the newlyweds to save and eat on their first wedding anniversary brides waltz A feature of the evening was the traditional brides waltz to the music of lohenwens lohentrens Lohen wens trens wedding march members memberg of the re belving celvlni celving line and their partners marched the length lenrth lenarth of the hall to make the brides waltz formation the group then followed the bride and groom in waltzing waltzine waltz walt zine n to the music of let me call you swcplncott swpethenrt and 1 I love you truly jbf wbf which ch were sune hv bv laurence Laur enro C coooer cooder ffccomoanl occorrivant cd ed bv by the r wapstra whpstra rehostra the glesti guesti gueitq then joined in the waltz the newlyweds adent soent sdent the wpefrpnrt eell0nel tn in vernal vimil vernnl to tn attona attond 31t nd f p sf clr tlr l fmirry fm fairry irry infetenrr ronferenrol they left loft nadav rliendav ndav afternoon for salt llop llrp wv whre whore ahw thw flhpv will map mkp mpkp tl PM P M hw until march at wh ih fa fla fl f A ftpv flpv flav airn nirn ion tn on P to lovon lova an fft fn off tl 4 4p ap p tttah attah statt staft agricultural college 111 19111 conry monpi monry n DANIEL ANTEL BOOMES HOONES gauge gauges arc are on 0 o spnnltlve iilnxitlve that by lifting them thppi tappi ip lip and down you can record a 191nri 171nel chang rhanffo in vfltlpn irovtien then dave welth starta ntartfi startx off across I 1 he the area to be mapped a lenvin leaving 9 ceorge flcorgc coorge behind to PF take t altimeter readings nil nii day at five mlnutp m1wite intervals and tem jern pcratlirp jernture ture roorllribi tadlygq at lomlnulf lorninute intprvan Int prvaN lempera temperature ipmpxmturp lemperature ture humidity and variations in atmospheric pros reg surp sure which occur throu throughout througnout g gnout out ho the dav day all affect the iinlllve perixitive altimeters for example air grows lighter as it becomes warmer wormer corrections of these atmospheric variations must bo be made changes recorded by th the e stationary instrument serve se as a control for corrections on rv readings from the altimeter dave carries in the field dave explores the canyon anyn nyn rims measuring differences in elevation of the key beds of out cropping rocks if the variations in elevation of these key beds show that the rocks form domes or anticlines anti clines on the surface it may indicate similar structu structures res below using these elevation readings the geologists then can make contour maps of burled buried structures which may contain oil the altimeter used by the geologists Is but one odthe ofthe of the many technical tools an alert american oil industry uses to push the search for new oil reserves vital in peace doubly so in time of world crisis last year america consumed more than two billion barrels of crude oil to men like welsh and zink and thousands of others like them the nation looks for discoveries to maintain or increase our stockpile of underground oil reserves and to aid in su supplying v11 ing any military demand w which I 1 may develop BB a result of the explosive world situation |