Show LEST WE FORGET fishing cablish any time lecesne required trout opens june clobes 0 october 1 inclusive except in these lakes reservoir july 1st to october 20 inclusive provo lake july 1 to october ducks duck and geneese october it to december inclusive chickens commissioner declare declares time and place ot of open beasom quail declares time and places of open season deer bucks only with live inch or more horns homs october to inclusive licenses sec see 7 7 it hall shall be unlawful for or any person to at any time lish fish for any variety of fish or shoot at kill or trap for or take in any manner any game tame animals or came game birds of any kind or any martin mink muskrat beaver or otter without tint first procuring and having on hu his or her person a license as herein provided the ll 11 cense cerise yer year shall begin january 1st and end december each year every act ot of pursuing hunting or killing any of the game birds or animals of this state without a license shall 1 I be considered a distinct and separate of tense license charges under the revised legislative enactment of 1927 resident fish and hunting for ladles and boys resident fishing fishing only 2 of or resident hunting hunti hunting rg only resident fish and hunting resident trapping license non resident fishing fishing only nonresident non resident fish and small sinan came game 10 00 alien allen fishing fishing only non big bl ame 1500 licenses may be obtained at any number of places plates in vernal and else elsewhere here heare |