Show 41 VERNAL twenty years ago the stake academy has purchased 7 acres of land fora for a new school site one block west of the tabernacle cle block one more acre ma me be added making the campus a complete and unbroken square the architect mr maeser ol 01 bait balt lake Is expected here any day to lockover loo kover the site and conform the plans of a new building but iding to the location A 25 building will be begun this summer the people ot of the valley are pledging their I 1 three committee committees have been appointed an exec executive committee and committees on finance and building A soliciting committee will also be appointed at once und subscription cards will be used which will give the people an opportunity to subscribe money material and labor and reasonable time given in which to redeem the subscriptions script ions george balea haj has already made a fine donation to the Aca academy deiny by iring a SO 50 foot toot front lot in the block between 1st and 2nd west and between uintah avenue and 1st south st the dredge of the uintah mining and exploration con any has been closed down indefinitely for lark lack of funds the exact status of at furs fairs is 4 not known as mr brockman the manager left for salt lake and ro report has been made by him to the tock holders the last couple of month months or more the machinery and property proy hae hate been attached for wag wages miss loue atwood went to stock more this week where she will enjoy a rest among the pines for alx six weeks at the cattle ranch of her brother bert miss louis has been closely confined at her post a as hello girl during the paa a and was in need of a chang and rest udon her return the will ill probably resume her po petition altion ath the uintah telephone company the uintah creamery is cling a steady business although it is re continued on n page TO ERSAL ERVAL TWENTY YEARS AGO continued irom from pae page one only a small amount of the it could handle with ease profit during dinin din in the last month it has his received on an average ok only dy a little over 1000 1 COO pound of milk a day it could handle without any additional running 2 aw bourda and nd it haa has capacity for handling hand linc 0 pounds a fy opy at either of the jact two figures the creamery would bt lot a profitable institution A part of the cause t f the email small supply of milk ilk lies in the fact that the crear creamery cre anery iery ran tan not inot find drivers to haul the milt the milk la is to be had great miny cl of the farmer farmers would prefer to nd ther milk or cream to the creamery if only some one would call for it only a few of them can five give the thre tan e to haul their own milk A mt carmel lad has a wonderful record although she hu has been ma married four times she hu his always ba a bird she began life as miss elizabeth bird of county near new paris her iler first venture outside the home nest was when she married bert martin when mr martin dm did she married edward crow a farmer when the time came to change chanse nests nest she the allied herself rich with william robin and lived happily until the matrimonial season again ce around tor for mrs then david buzzard a widower more attractive personally and socially than thin his name would indicate appeared and mrs mm hob rob n became mr mrs buzzard into the buzzard roost mrs buzzard carried one little martin little crows and one little robin one ittle buzzard was already there to welcome the other little birds we do not doubt that when hen ier I er earthly career Is 13 ended she will mount upon va ings and become a bird of paradise hob rob wrner witmer and harry white left july uly ath for seattle wash to attend the allikan yukon exposition they intend to make the trip from portland by boat they may be cone gune for a month or more ole H appy the monkey formerly forr erly in mr air adam possession posse jalon now belongs to mrs fera young mr young brought him recently from the resen amat 1 on where he has been tor for the past year or so lie ile seems to have grown row very savage wage an and d fierce the second day he nu VILS at mr youngs young he bit mrs youngs hand s arely and he continues continue 4 to ugly that slie she can not get near him een with a buggy whip I 1 bachop and mrs davis entertained ft a few friends at a little litle musical on tuesday evening it was a sort of dedication of their magnificent new piano the congenial company and ani the ice its cream and cake served added to the leasure of the evening walter mccoy Is making extensive on his home in maeser ward which he bought this pring spring from heber timothy he ile la is putting a large porch on one side putting pulleys oi xa all the window and will paint the woodwork the house awill will become one of the handsomest of the many attractive residences in maeser john has sold his property lon on uintah avenue between 2nd and 3rd EW aa to a 0 W boone of crol craig colorado the property consists consist ot of I 1 two lots three houses and a b barn I 1 the lot with two house houses on it faces 1st south the consideration Is 2 TOO mr boone will move inove into the house in which dr martin Is now lovlin as soon as the doctor can call find another home mr lir boone Is a stoc kmat but bu sold hia his stock last spring and leaded leased out his ranches continued ou oil page three bral TWENTY years AGO continued fr page rage one misa MISS mary may is 13 Cleri clerking ing in the acorn in 1 place of mias miss haule hattle perry misa has just returned from the B Y university at provo here where she hae has completed the commercial course mrs W S henderson Hende rsm and daughter mary arid slid her mother mrs bartlett spent the fourth here and am returned to the henderson Hen denon homestead thursday rhomin ir the Hender Kenderson somi 1 aai pm e up on their place plate in a few month months will mccarrall and MIM miss clara mott were A ere married july 3rd bishop john M N officiated ex marshal lafe life richardson aid family i bere ere over oner from whiterock whiterocks to spend the fourth late is the wa w ter mtr ter for a number of the indian cowd i the me bells chimed on wednesday evening july ith for or mis miss millee winn nd and cullam karns at the home of the bride president performed the and a few friends of the young couple viere ere present mr and mr mrs kama karns will make their home here they are re heading for or the ue hule hills butek tek on fishing excursions a u Colilar coltharp ly ben kelly and ezra burta fc started today lor for the snow banks around baldy valdy peak chere the execl led beauties bite an day and the mosquito sweet refrains au nathl and presents pree ente hia his bul bill in the mornin tr no queston but the boy boys will get esav th buee bites they can attend to but wit vm bet two to one they get moat mob mosquito quito bites than thin fish bites timberline timber line itne are an about full p grown own now and thicker than allea around A it sorghum toi thum barrel one fellow bald they were ao so thick you could a quart qua cup around your head and catch a collon |