Show city and county officers do some good work in arresting law violators activity of city and county officers sunday and monday brought fines two violators of the liquor laws if A mcclanahan on sunday evening was arrested by night marsh marshal il aoam erickson on a charge of being hunk and on the way may to the coun y jail chose to re resist dit the officer aper he was as taken to t tie ie I 1 to spend the night there mo NIO day morning he was fined soo aa to being and the same santa sini lor for resisting an officer his cae cape leing heard by justice C S cart josiah arrowsmith and the companions were brought into vernal from ashley tour four miles north of vernal by sheriff emery johndon deputy sheriff hicl slain sain and frank swain sain in the court of justice lo leo 10 C thorne Ar arrow smith alerd d guilty to possession of illicit liquor ard was fined lined in the sun su n of 50 his companions were sere discharged by the coart co as no evidence evi derce to conict them aa was presented |