Show P 0 penney declares advertising is an inde spen sible Bus busmen ineis help NEW YORK quoting an interview with i C penney given while he waa was on a recent around the world the bangkok dally mall mail ot of bangkok slab says say that ader adver usiri Is the biggest aid to business today and that ioime men starting in busine busl nes s should strive for a career by at the bottom and work 1 ing in up were the keynote comments made by J C penney chairman ot of the board of the J C penney co operating over 1200 retal bretal I 1 tores stores in a statement made to this paper without advertising no business can hope to succeed in the tace face ot of present day coni competition petition and up to date methods mr penney declared in the interview the old axiom that truth in advertising pays Is just as potent today as it ever was in fact even more so the day when a business busl bus iners ners could deviate irom from the straight tru truth regarding its products or Us its organization is gone rhe the public knows too much about what is going on to be deceived by a leis leas than tharl the plain truth in speaking king ot of young men lust entering business mr penney said too many young men mm alter after receiving their education want to step into high positions getting jobs at fl it gures agures which approach their idea of their usefulness or that enable them to start off hi in life fairly comfortable comfor that Is desirable but not at the beginning of the game apprenticeship la Is the moat able asset there Is 13 in any profession or in any walk of 0 life begin at the title bottom and work up that Is one ot of the most certain roads roada to success jumping the ladder has proved to be the lanfest short cut there la Is to the attainment of ambit ambitions LOW air mr penney started in as a clerk t at a salary which today would look uke like wages tor for a day with him it was ages lor for a month lie fie opened up his first store on cash ard a note for 1500 today the busl resa of the J C penney co Is 13 at the rate ot of 1 a year in his contact with the wealth ot of affairs stitch surround a man of hu his business attainments lie maIn maintains the same attitude which he assumed at the start it Is not uncommon for or him to drop in to any one ot of the chain of J C penney co stores step in behind a counter and start working as a clerk he lie says that this keeps him in touch sith ath the value of service enables him to a see the store in the eyes of the customer and freshens his viewpoint on business affairs |