Show VIA NIAGARA ARA FALLS AND VALLEY R a R g Xo To New Now York YorkA A 1 delightful trip nt ilL any season Th The route of oC the Lehigh Valley Is I tamed famed for Cor Its Ila scenic beauty and comfort is as 1 on rot Us its d trains Ida iii double track Is stone ballasted throughout and trains are tiro protected cled by automatic electric block signals Your local ticket agent will sell You tl tickets refs reading over tho the Lehigh VII Val IV ley ey front from fro III Niagara Fails Fulls I or Buffalo to 10 New t York or Philadelphia I 1 t e Descriptive matter mailed moll cI on request to Chas Chos S Lee G P I A 1 Libert Libent St SG New Now York |