Show TIMELY INFORMATION The Tha Jamestown exposition at Norfolk Vo VII In Us Itri completeness Is 11 indeed a It handsome spectacle located ns as Il It Is overlooking Hampton Hoad fload a IL short distance from fronI Norfolk mind Portsmouth near Old Point Comfort Hampton and 1 Newport News In Jn a I region full tull of or lila his historic tone Interest t and places In a 3 which has baa always been n a battleground CR tho the wisdom of at Its projectors projectors tors who whet knowing tho the patriotic for tor vor sor or of tho tilt grot AmerIcan people p ople also know knew that they thoy would sonorously generously pa this most unique of ot expositions This Thill IB is tho first nt exposition to bo be beheld held at In IIi a beautiful coun country country try and within tho thin center ot or a IL a populous civilization Tile potency of ot tho the com corn IH Is obvious Delegate DelpRato Del soldier sailor diplomat mid and civilian meet there thero thereto to 10 the throe three hundredth anniversary of ot the nations birth The Tha Erie l railroad offers to the tho expo CX exposition o visitor an un excellent train service with connections tit lit Marion Marlon 0 O Peoria 0 O Mansfield 0 O YounK Youngstown tc wn 0 O Clean Olean N Y Elmira N Y L Wavly ly N Y 1 and New York City A dally through Bleeping car line lino Is 11 operated from Chicago on Erlo Erie train No 0 8 leaving at p m to MarIon Marlon 0 O via Hocking Valley to Columbus Columbu thence Norfolk and Western train bay leav leaving 10 1 ing ilIg Columbus n a in m arriving Nor Norfolk Norfolk folk following morning Tho Erlo Erie equipment IB is comprised ot o comfortable high hl h hack back sent seat day dllY coach conch conches coaches es eR the tho hOSt best Pullman drawing room sleeping Bleeping can and Kris Erie and cafe cars operated on tho the European Euro plan you ou simply pay for tor what you order Tickets rickets can bo be purchased going one ono way woY via In New NV York returning direct director or reading going and arni returning via vis New York and und rail 1111 or steamer Tho The routes trips via Balti Baltimore more and Washington thence various steamer lines In addition to 10 stopover privileges now nosy no permitted at It Niagara Falls Chau lake hake until October ID 16 If Ir ticket IR is deposited on or before I September Jamestown or I Lakewood Cam Springs and Saegertown stopovers are Lre permitted at It any station on this lines Including stop stopovers stopovers overs oer at nt Now No York at lt the tho later hater point for tor 10 days If It Stop Stopovers Stopover Stopovers overs over are permitted only within final return limit of at ticket |