Show Mr 11 and Mrs Bono BOllI or OC M ml roo r lo 10 aio alc visiting Lohl relative and Rill postmasters of Utah county eOUla ei Mist st J i j by uy l and Mrs S V Hosu at tin Uk 1 Springs resort 1 St Jt Thursday where boating bathing dancing and tho til order or er of or the day lid I I tor Times S Jit oC thi th was 15 nUs n s I Mr lit Sylvester S Istel lIeo of or thIs phil philI I and 11 5 Nettle etUe of or vre 1 nun led the of ilm 11 1 week lIb Mis Taylor fa has returned a u holt stay with nor hol Mrs Irs T K R Cutler Jr JI of oC Sugar tit City ili Mi It Dr DI Holbrook was wall wal Lake Monday M I and Mrs J of n visiting II H 0 C Smith the OI H Hof I of the week Miss Kuby nuby Davis Dals la Is spending the th thI I week We with Payson I friends 1 Mrs n Davis Dals Jr or f SnIt Salt Lake Is spending the week with her ht parent Mr 11 and Mrs 1 Davie David Loose a J Mrs Irs Carrie and daughter or ot Salt Lake Lulie are IN visiting i G exiles Mr lr und and Mrs C H l have hare re 11 turned from a two weeks visit with friends ut at St Anthony Anthon Mrs lr Florence Cotter Cotler ia Is visiting OB Og den relatives Miss lIss has returned rom a prolonged with friends In Mrs IJ Thomas Austin of Salt City Is spending the week with relatives here Mr I and Mrs William m of Pro Provo Provo vo are the th guests of or Mr 11 and Mrs hl 11 H E Osterloh II H jr lit Feline and II II n Dai Dal ton or ot Sugar City Idu were welo Lehl vis Ill tors 1015 Thursday |