Show FOR A WIFE G blattie WL W lattie attie writing from stockton to an exchange in in san francisco says sas gi girls IT I 1 s I 1 want a wife my age is is between tw een 25 and 26 bight 5 feet ond 10 inches weight between and pound auburn hair trade that of a farmer and capital 1 I w want ant a respectable pec table girl between 14 and 25 years cars 0 of f age weight between and pounds P un ds auburn or black hair one that was raised raided to labor and that is is not feared to do the same the reason that I 1 thus address the girls is is they are scarce in in this t bi is vicinity and I 1 have bave neither time t line nor in mone nea to spend in in buggie riding around with and in in search of lem them HAWD IN AND RARE BAKERY ra y r LOOK HERE EVERYBODY T ephe JL HE subscriber Sab scriber has now in full oper tin alon new oven ard na flitters fist lela himself that h can please the taste of the me public generally alth I 1 h a good an article of ilant br braak breadie p leq e aal 1 a varl ari ety nr cracken ac ac as cn can h he produced in aay ea in ID this city or give me S call and be judge tar a wedding cakes made to order artle supplied on short abort notice bv b DANTEL DANIEL grenia GRENI fl no aptt 1331 t dw door south of tho the cal california to ra hotel main street NEW GOODS JUST received a full stock of staple MOSS celecta expressly for r this market tu t U GILBERT SALT LAKE ROUSE HOUSE WIES TO prices of board boad board and lodging per weeks week 12 60 50 noard board without lodging I 1 10 0 00 2 r 0 board per day Y supper breakfast Break tat an ud d lodging 2 0 00 0 1 00 11 single animals per til g t hay bay and nd g grain iraln 2 00 payments to be made in advance 15 aia U S DISTRICT COURT SECOND JUDICIAL JUDICI 11 DISTRICT TERM of the united states district atria A court for the second judicial of the territory or of utah will be held at the city of pavo h in ehll district commencing at 10 A M on the sib day of march A D 1659 8 joeln 15 at ge and 2nd J 11 T L A CARR WHOLESALE booksellers STATION ERS AND BLANK BOOK i manufacturers us no 10 49 main street t ST LOUIS MO AIO TC KEEP constantly on hand all the spelling b ml k ae 91 ehleb philosophies reading books historic dle dictionaries tion ac now new ie I in nsf e nelch alch they oar at the LOWEST PRICES their stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC stationery BLANK BOOKS PRINTING AND WRITING PAPER idaa R be been selected with the greatest cs care and Is 13 equal to any in the west having har ns an EXTENSIVE BINDERY attached to their establishment they are pi spared to manufacture all kinds of 0 plank blank books to order and at the b artt notice 14 tt tf MOUT MOUNT VERNON HOTEL AT CAMP FLO YD UTAH TERRITORY CHARLES proprietor TRAVELERS and and boarders can balway alays be accommodated with heli the s HJ market affords and seat reut and comfortable apart jea a P ti S F fer farmers er wilt be pail paid the highest basli h price for all kinds ot of country produce 12 2 f tt MILLER MILLEE RUSSELL co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IN FOREIGN ND DOMESTIC GROCERIES HATS AND CAPS INES liquors CIGARS ac 1 E stock consists in in part of the following T THEIR rig 1 0 n articles viz tea coffee Chew chewing ilig toba tobacco su sugar g a lar spice smoking toba tobacco co lo 10 powder w shot playing cards pepper mace cinnamon N nutmegs Nut u t m megs caps ac ac P pale a 1 e C cognac egnac gg nac brandy brand monongahela dark daa do do bourbon do new ew york do rectified do gin port wine GROCERIES french mustard mixed pickles durham do assorted do assorted jams do gherkins do jellies piccalilli Pic colilli do Syr syrups tIps pickled unions do cordials cordiali Cor dials tomato catsup brandy peaches walnut catsup do cherries Alush mushroom room catsup I 1 do pears cayenne pepper west I 1 lery seed preserves spanish olives rhubarb pie fruit pepper sa sauce uce peach do assorted S sauce wee apple do do nat A at preserves plumb do capers Ca pottes raspberry do natural presed pines gooseberry do roast blackberry brandy roast chicken raspberry P rr brandy string beans fresh es lo 10 lobster lter green peas pickled picked d do 0 do corn fresh clams assorted assort d herbs mince meat do sweetmeats Sweet meats sausage meat natural preserved briesh cauliflower peaches pickled do catl worcestershire sauce berries stoughton bitters natural preserved fresh fres I 1 salmon damsons adamsons Dam sons fresh tomatoes mushrooms french pickles hostetter bitters Tar rigon vinegar bokera d do fields oysters le dwards cl do cove do royal windsor edo do pine apple cheese maraschino olive oil curacao Cu assorted candies abs anth raisins sot scotch ch ale e almonds lon london ia it P porter or t er english walnuts S Sch c nappi brazil nuts gold golden en grape Cognac Figs old virginia Peach Dates brandy prunes mountain dew whis pecans ky crackers ramify family supplies s less cra knells ball morning call E ae D cheese indian Queen Madena Maderia also a large and well selected stock of clothing itaas and caps gents cents boots ladle ladies sits shoes notions wool woolen gloves love 11 hosiery do mitts luck buck jl gloves aves do do mitts stationery ac do all of which they otter offer upon the lowest terms for cash or country produce C 3 L city dec bee 1st ast WS isis A CARD G S L ally C NOT novt i the undersigner undersigned under signed would r v iti n 0 1 utah that they are re till doli do g i tl their old and well known S at stand d IG in grot talt lt 1 v where here the most desirable goods adapted to i ahw ot of the people may always alway be found liny b 4 vl established S house bouse at t camp floyd aira wh ah ii 61 1 astle tt ie osgood of goods as kept be here ny may be had adt at ib hi letl 41 form rites rates it may be bean n object for tho binm incel 1 11 ing south to know knew that tb they ey cm P tha at camp floyd tt at the tame 6 prices price a ai they ar at in this city 1 thankful tor for former patronage xi tended 1 pl pie ot of this territory they would respectfully kit continuance ot of the same 1 I 1 tit in the course of ten days ws we abail bo be able is bi our ariens alens with certainly concerning our trl trai x t ted fetco L ai 10 REWARD STRAYED or stolen from fr i west mountain leab LS 61 RS kanche cb onen 1 roan horse branded J JK it on the near sh above artward will be given for bi lettini leti iro it lo 10 tf RADFORD CABOT CABO g fon SALE L r AGER beer and ale in in oa 01 LJ buit purchasers by IIII 1111 IID co 0 RADFORD BABiO BD CA caroly BOlY 10 lf f roll saley ONE thousand head of silly SHEH kiy torulf purchasers p li I 1 17 will III take la in embt iti thim wheat wheal oats ana and b barley aty i MOGO 1 1 10 0 tf irot spring bre i D W BAYLIS baylies SOW SON I 1 W 77 0 U LD respectfully lindorm inform if 64 V V I 1 iorns of I 1 this llila CIO and can camp hoyd 11 have baj just rece received I 1 ved from the east is a lar wath watch wat h material and will promptly rep repair ir or bolher jewelery Jewel pry committed to their care 0 ci va b b at attha the storo of livingston an ha lr astvat ig etc at camp floyd ana will M and 1 1 a 11 ll 11 watches etche placed I 1 in lile ala hand c charge erg for carr aae I 1 S L city january Jault dry ard 3rd erdt 1809 1839 10 tt 1 CHAS ATTORNEY AND counsellor COUNSELL COUNSEL Lok AT LAW 1 getsla great GetS salt lt tk utah terr territory f S M 31 BLAIR BIAIR I 1 ATTORNEY AND counsellor COUNSEL COUNSELL LOl 01 IT AT ld LAW IV 11 office counell council noi houdie st at opposite miller R or 14 LAW OFFICE tj W J c T a 8 sk WILLIAMS ATTORNEYS AT al LA LAW IV j practice in all the courts of f the territory and an A nv mily lly in the U S DItri ct G ouri and supreme C cm they will give ebia ui attention it et to all 11 aruti enis OFFICE 0 PICE west side de of east temple t st qa miller diller saw sa w co a store A a S 1 L city nov no 6 1858 t 1111 0 aai n X pu publish belh am 3 dalar and rend end bill tn ellla aaa fc ita RAD rORD CABOT ca taij WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS DEALER I 1 H GROCERIES DRY GOODS imm GOODS ETC I 1 at it the thId old stand tand 0 mr howard great salt 11 wat ot 1 1 A aba FEW light lanyon kanyon wagons forrie by y I tf lf L 1 1 A R D S I 1 T 11 HE EMPIRE billiards billiard S J M WALLACES lip stairs betted P rid gilbert it GS ashl hl dpn for visitors ane tables are new and perfect an 1 no pains spared pared to nuke it an acree ablo resort lor for gentle the excer reise cise of 0 this healthy and asre cabla 2 t f III all P I 1 n it SA calooy L 0 0 V till I 1 BAR is is now furnished tv mi JL larre arge and choice lot of 1 liquors wines ac I 1 i walli w arfat g I 1 fare are and an d to nelch aich the atti atlef atio those desiring WHOLESOME tat called 2 tr if JOHN M WANTED WAITED I 1 A FEW good mules in exchanged exchange A A good goodw working aki cattle apply to 1 2 it HOT SIRING ING 1 WE E will endeavor e to furnish th tho aci perlor r malt liau liquors of the above estate bial in eai quantities tita to sult suit arh purchasers ir I 1 X X X ALF ALE PORTER POUT and our one unrivalled A ahli furnished to customers either at the brewery kibit 1 ber beer saloon in caton flod I 1 toil FOR TRE accommodation OF we have opened dining bining rooms at the B meals can be procured at all hours I 1 we h have al 1 a good apply of h bay sy a and on an tutt hj h la is carof ea 1 I 1 alaj I OUR PRICES la III ao consequence of the hilb I 1 follows provisions and the ily at f pig abe f 1 single meal 1 10 supper breakfast and ld lodel I nc 10 I 1 for animals for or a single faid of liay bay arr but 0 11 11 hv and erain ill and double III chono prices for feed over night N t br B TI e hili teSt cash pris pr is pall pai I zor tor 1 BW a ana rd f or produce aduce ol of all kinds deli d at the vi D 6 not spring point of 1 I COW STRAYED I 1 0 N the october last a small W 1 sil light red led COW white bite fa face and a thick tia arai nt her borns born small was wait ra think phe fh was branded attwood altwood on the h not certain please bring her to K w ward rd G S L city opp opposite tt the school Hoi hoail 0 a il HERE U A BOOK 0 OK entil enfiled el TUB THE Ariss MISSOURI ourt fy L BOOK has been borrowed fr from out I 1 ahe b om till hartne 1 I I 1 secretary Peret itry of state ite ile ar fi q 0 derson it to it labout d day y WORK CATT CATTLE LE li I 1 1 I 1 00 YOKE of work Catt leill JL W working con condition dibir for sale by ai iff l tf MILLER MILLE 11 RUSSEL BUSSEL 0 wholesale awl and retail dealers in FOREIGN DOMESTIC GROCE boots shoes hals cali HARDWARE WINES LIQUORS AND CO 1 l and outlining outwitting out fitting moila generally are now nov r 1111 1 most complete rom aali or goods in their line thatis 1 l alb 1 been brought to this territory which they OW cs it aw figure for ossi or county produce |