Show P 1 barimo writes a scoty the opening chapters of a splendid story for thin the y young oung by the famous 13 T barnum appears this week in the columns columna of the new YORK FAMILY STORY PAPER the story describes the adventures of an american Amei ican boy whom mr barnum calls imy my plucky boy tom f aud whom he sent to india in search of wild fierce and rare animals ani nials to replace those de destroyed strove d by the disastrous fire cre at bridgeport lust last month the reader is is the hairbreadth hair breadth escapes of this daun dauntless iless american boy when capturing the fiercest and wildest animals ever ver seen been in ia any traveling show ana NEW YORK FAMILY F raper PAPER is for ale at all news stands what am I 1 to dot the symptoms of biliousness okra re unhappily but too well I down they differ in different individuals to some extent A bilious MAXI man is seldom a breakfast eater too frequently quent ly alas he basan baa an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning his tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time if it is not white and furred it is rough at all events the digestive system is wholly out of order and diarrhea or constipation ruay may be a symptom or the two may alternate there are often or even losa loss of blood there maybe may be giddiness find and often headache anti and acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach ach to T correct all this if not effect a cure try greens green s au august gust flaw arit r it costs but a t trifle rifle aud and thousands attest its efra efficacy cacy buckless BucU Buc klens ens arnica salve salte BEST SALVE in the world for cuts bruises sores ulcers salt rheum fever sores tetter chapped edmands hands chilblains Chil bil blaine corus aud and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no ray pay required it is gullian guaranteed teed to rive give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per box FOR FOB SALE JY ai a 1 l druggists their business bloomin IIo oming i probably Pio bably no one thing has caused such a veneral revival of trade at auy ally dru drug store as their giniat civi ii away to their r customers of s many free frea trial bottles of dr kings now new discovery or consumption their trade is simply limply enormous in this verv valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints coughs colds asthma bronchitis Bronchi tia croup anti ami all throat and lung fung diseases quickly quick v inured you can test it before buying by gettine a trial bottle free large size 1 every bottle warranted sto THE GREAT 0 uda FOR LIVER SE SYMPTOMS bitter or bad emte k olllie wit tongue cited white or er covered with a brown browa fur far par am n the back ife or r Joint soften mistaken for fir rheumatism or star tomich loss lohof of appetite sometimes and wier brash mih or indigestion flatulency ands nd acid 1 cz id bowels alternately costi costive and 1 lax headache los of memory wit a painful don of having failed to do something which ought to have acci done j debility low a thick ashick yellow appearance of the ine ikin and oyes aci a dry cough fever restlessness re the urine is scanty nn and d h hiji ain gh enil colored d iad mid if allowa to co stand denosic de posic a s sediment ed SIMMONS LIE PURELY vr VEGETABLE rETABLE it Is neally denenny nen lly used in hi the south to au dw torpid liver to a healthy daoa abou it kate bof extraordinary efficacy oa go tho the IVER KIDNEYS AND BOWELS AN ii ErFE ceremi CrUAL MUM leofia nm FOR malaria drapers cons ration U ness rick I 1 badac ia a aundrea aund lea nausea COLIC mental bawol complaints complaint me etc etc ate lEn domed by the he use ue of 1 7 mildoss of bottles as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE tor for children for far adults ud and kr tho the aged SAFE TO TAKE IN mt ANY CONDITION OF THE J CO 00 oui Orm savas PA the verdict unanimous un W WD D salt druist druggist bippus ind testifies 1 I cau au recommend electric Eie cirio bitters as the very liest best remedy every bottle sold has given relied in every case one man to took L h six six bottles and was clied of rheu or 10 years ears standing abra ham hare druggist dru 0 gist belliville Bel iville ohio affirms the best selling medi int I 1 have ever h bridled iu my 20 a irs experience is electric bitters thousands of others have added testimony so that the verdict it ib electrio electric baiten do cure all dis ases of the Liver Kidley or blood only a half illar dillar d a hot bui tle tie ar af any drus store Gen general ercal merchao Mer chao 3 marysvale Marys vale piute diute co i W TP A aptt L ka w p the a ton owing boc aro published lishco in nest neail pamphlet pamphlet form printed from good road ablo abla typo type on food paper aad d many of thein handsomely amely T thoy oy are without exception the che cheapest apost books ever pub in any DT laud or language lansu age e and furnish to the 1 l of tho the people an opportunity to bounre the wet literature of of tho dy at tho chiott bt t firor in any other cuter series thieo great works would cost maor madr umes times the price at w ch they are am s hero h tiered tach lach one oo 00 is 14 i complex compIe Cd iu itou i 1 wonder of taft worlds AL A ako AIO ho OTH ora oraila COD cn I 1 the tho forrell int rubles robles AX A kocl V 1 dy by if T bad tin a 0 of I 1 aba b a t wot wonderful theold AN 1 bystry daur nd or mac A VT 1 otere eting and instructive tho acarl ei n alovel A ott AUGUSTA wooden r th aca A ol 01 ali wonder hollow ash all hadl liy bloohm BlOO HT tal 71 ud d bt b t tolof f foaud 4 t the b witt bottom of th ilia OCD ath M r aj i profir ileac AN A dottl 1 sy ETTA W al A ric plea nyo mur and other Sl Lethe ey by andev the tha mince A v 1 lir by tue ahlbor of D I 1 0 1 w cirit A collection o aln ta f ir itoiz th thern etche kii kt k hu che by the most popular lin Ini writer of dy ibo diamond bracelet ax JL vel by clr nurr tho the aunt Keai lul by CLARA A biall woo Mu strata of f 11 the D la dt A ridiculously funny anny took L k the cawyer secret fogt ANI AN I r 3 naria n aria itt Y 1 t widow wid mott 1 I 1 ho cao or dr and sar b t 0 bf cear X DICK li 11 Cor stains A novel by byh H L ST couric 9 hi h I christmas over A girl above A hoal D cricri HAT ly ear levu I 1 complete lady ANIA A ani uy roos rd the Ev eIL I 1 lamp A b du t ap 1 4 ar lati IM hatun actu oan two fins alomal A NOTO by lh athor 0 and Mu locue ti 1 I IM 1 w itic 11 11 II alic lala d troit t the mno of akotel lion n foie Cout 1 afir por imn burls A fortune A novel uy ato ca ly aa arlt anil of ramona made d tho A 11 iaac A X KOTI J uy by ulu alu ma t franklin r to I 1 to ali PM P M tte the live AN A kocl 1 dwi t ram familiar far Quo CM dmitric ITric and jtb tho by ship of ciany ahr frequently met in machis biad ad cou convent noir moat grunze aborah A hotl by lire WOOD J st afoa A 1 bi work f ref cren S rifina the Pett erH A bowel by afy JIM lo 10 low lifo life in n now york A ceries of vivia pan A A 11 1 1 by baur ad abar lilor 1110 iu alia M ululated Ulu illustrated 1 T tho a toad to Wea lift not an 0 o circular raff fult but false A koval ily by the abo ulmor of bor tut tul ft 9 auchly practical v work ark pointing out a wy by Tb homo orric law d iffy nicka ii anoney eatley 4 bonelly caola A kocl by mr Ur ViCTon atio one doo 0 hundred popular e bomena wo mena urata Ura tJ idd od comic inic ingul of v 1 te ri DW nd dad old I 1 niico balb AX 1 ey dax mr luzr MA sir AN 1 by it mr lire MT MAT F irig A JU A hort m 1 lire life A NI N I by chirion 11 ASO domun hater A KOHL karel an old msp sacrifice A ity aj AM S M i 0 daa the california cabin A kovl ovel dy by lf T CALDO cALoo sJ arleo V will send nor four of the above bool raby mail post uron upon of only 12 lacen cents t any fn an fort ara zor lor CO the tha entire list hat 40 booi for IS centa I 1 tho the etire entire lint bound in bourda d oot cloth for 8 10 this Is the gre atoot bargain la ia book beoka a ever stamps aken for fractions ofa r donor dollar at to our if liability ve aror to aar adr pa ed in new york to the commercial Agn cleg all ardora flud b irb r M |