Show A counterfeit bill As an example of slight differences between t the he spit spurious s bills and the genn genuine inet as aa to tax to its utmost inmost ven even a practiced eye the following description of a counterfeit is cited unquestionably one of the he most dangerous counterfeits in existence the engraving and workmanship neatly new ly equal to the genuine the lathe worl work is excellent numbering of tile the work fair and color good tile the star on the right of the treasury number is somewhat blurred blu the portrait of J Q adams is excellent but the lobe of the ear is very indistinct in the counterfeit the button upon unon the coat nearest the lapel ia almost square in tho the genuine it is round the vignette of the figure of justice is finely engraved with the exception of the following follow ing points As the scale is ia held aloft in the iff left t hand band the upright holding the beam is crooked and is larger in tile counterfeit than in the germine genuine in tile the genuine the upright shows only to the lower part of the hand band while in the counterfeit it shows to the second finger from the base the white curve in the arm is a perfect oval in the genuine while in the counterfeit itis it 13 not the left foot of the vignette as asit it extends from the garment presents a clubbed appearance pe arance in the counterfeit while the toe boea aru aro short and not half the length of the genuine the parallel ruling is excellent cel lent tho the note is printed on fiber paper anil and is si signed ned john allison register and F r E spinner treasurer bankers and others should receive these notes with great care as it is only by a comparison with the genuine that the majority 0 of f eap exp experts erts can positively decide as to the genuineness of a note of this class no one will doubt tile the last statement in the above description alien lien the question as to whether you nave in your your pocket or a fifty cent chromo deromo depends on tho the somewhat distinctness of a star the shape of a button or the indistinctness of an ear matt matters ors are being drawn pretty fine chicago herald |