Show you ton who wh lead sedentary lives lim will find great relief from froin constipation sti headache and nervousness by taking simons liver regulator etisa it is a simple harmless vegetable compound sure to relieve you persons of sedentary habits babits often suffer buffer with kidney affections if they would maintain the strength of the digestive and improve the quality 0 f the blood by taking the regulator it would restore the kidneys to health and vigor white swelling ur mr IL 8 hamlin one of the apt known insurance men iu in north carolina writha from lintton Wint lVin ton stOll u follows ever since I 1 was wa seven years of age 1 I hive have had what the tha doctors caci hip disease and which t call white swelling my hip was waa drawn ou out t 0 of f place there wm was a awe swelling aling at tho the y knee n ee joint where thero is IB ra n profuse run aing which ha ban been there for years of course this has haa greatly depleted my system together with surgical OpeTi operation tion on aba leg bone I 1 tried very every known blood purifier to build up ray my system tem but iid ina 6 good until I 1 took tok IS y S S I 1 use it every spring it always bililis me lue up giving me ine appetite and digestion and eun cuil bles blea me lae to stand the long loaf trying enervating hot suin summer rAer days to me there is i no such medicine for purifying the blood and building up tho wasted system at a L t 8 8 S OU on using it I 1 soon became strong of body and easy of mind afy color changed from froin a pale worn luuk to a healthy robust complexion mr Q G N arizol lr izol of Farmers farmersville ville texas writes write cabout about august idt 1st ib 5 it an eruption appeared on my arms and legs lc chith h pained rue much and boomed it to tny ray condition generally on ali ihu advice of 0 a physician at this liae 1 filially I 1 priced aing swifts Sp ecilio I 1 gadd to siy that after using three large bottles abi aares have all healed Tro ilire on aloud and skin in tiled tree tug TUB ea cd arila dffutt ti 3 f A tl siut U I 1 oil IR 0 M M no C y kw 00 0 as of pr p C 7 r s alt ari M ec ai K i A I 1 g F fc sa C LL 0 SS IZZ sa S DOE SKINS KERS KERSEY E 11 Y S SHEETING H BLANKETS FLAMM in exchange for wool cash or produce parties desiring goods would do well to call upon us before puT purchasing chasing elsewhere WILLIAM dent Zu ripP 0 M 9 w i atsa has in stock an immense line 0 of I 1 D DRESS REEL S S G GOODS 0 0 D S L j A J dy I 1 E S W eliji A S we also carry a splendid stock of gents ready read y made clothing ladies gants misses S ard BOO 4 TS T S aa and a n d ah S H 0 VAV VA V ES ES F we always keep beep on oa band a complete stack of M a car J with 1001 other useful things too numerous TO mention M E vol 0 B ME it T r remda MIL UIN DEALER tn IN 19 he a ds ims es 9 E rodest rOX EST SESO al 8 0 alq boue 4 ettlin lin executed in the th neatest clyl on oa th thal treasonable mos terms term main street manti utah P 0 BOX a 9 DISEASE impossible yes yea utterly impossible when all malarial malaria poisons are driven out of the system leaving the blood new rich and pure no place for eruptions ulcers when all blood taint has been eradicated by the use of BROWNS sarsaparilla and dandelion with iodide of potassium thousands of witnesses among them the best druggists ta and physicians ns 0 wonder fa cures wrought by BROWNS BROWNI sarsaparilla medicines all diseases of the blood liver and kidneys use only the BEM A BOOK AGENTS iLl AilVA I 1 Q A T F R M S agents who hare hid bad fine fin saceen should hould writa vi la a no postil postal caram t nines nm of boo books k Is date number told mold in alt time what term received and obtain from brou in mv and t to better olt ZW sud nd fag A 86 OW T R AIA MAESER E SEIR not rotary ary public publia ard afi D conveyancer OF DEEDS cynics ia ratel fily gotoh |