Show brace up a you are feeling depressed e p resse your appetite is poor you are bothered with 11 i h headache you ara fida fid setty tty u nerv cervus erv us usand and generally out 0 of f sor sorts e ta and to brace up brace up but not liot with stimulants spring med iciness or bitters which have for their basis very cheap bad whisky aud which for far an hour and then leave YV in in worse condition than before abat you want is au an alterative that wilt will purify your blood start healthy action of the liser lier and kidneys restore your vitality and give renewed health and strength r such a medicine no you will find in in electric bitters and only 50 cents a bottle at any drug store 4 laneil lint zat ta an mold old lina firm alred per anan a and good y GAY A EOS U broly bioly 8 N y GEO a iab t eop p of abt DOW DRUGS AND MEDICINES 1 i 1 I 1 prompt attention and aad liono honorable rable treatment guaranteed f av s agents viran wanted ted or ortho the most complete popular family 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circulation and is 18 tho the must influent influential ia 33 W 0 paper of ltd its kind in the world under tho of such ouch a notice every patentee izands this thib largo large and newspaper 18 published V ob at flon a tear roar and is admitted tc be tho the best paper devoted to science inventions engineering borks an other departments of progress published in any country it ib coat ai no the nai aci 0 anto esan co title of every invention patented am each week try it four monalia lor for one dollar sold old by all news dealers if I 1 you hove have an invention iii to patent writs write to io mean mann A co publishers publish era ot of america abl new ew vo voik k dabo nailed mailed free fre SET GET THE BEST n I 1 THE MIDGET SELF INKER I 1 the best machine ever prod produced I 1 ACK ElTTa i MADE IN 3 SIZES no N 0 1 no 0 2 1 15 no i those these machines ran ean be ba used med for marking linen books or a neat anvel UI ope P or business card can be printed with thorn I 1 these linkers inkers are no a humbug but really practical t jis chines anu and will do d what WO we claim them the THE r wonder of the age Is THE 11 PEN N and PENCIL rl L STAMP I 1 r this thib 1 ath g s the belling article ever r offered f ff to t the p public barr AGE AGENTS S by showing a sample j can maae BIG IG PAY A ay illige stamp with any color or finx 1 etc BO 50 centie cent excelsior stencil and stamp works 49 51 S gay st and E lombard st SL 33 A T s zima 1 eoal 10 0 ota for catalogue NOR drw T A ian B E A mexican mustang liniment somas tadea Sc eltes contracted acied lumbago Inra Ugo musa masetti Mas elti sh strains eruptions burns stitches chess hoof ail Bt scads iilda stiza backache worn bites galls Bru illes sores forea saable dapel bullion spavin pius cracks THIS OLD nv for everybody evory body xeny wk u clotil one of the ro rosilina wilina tor for the treat groat popularity os of the UL austan lint liniment out to is found fults in its applicability everybody needs such a the lumberman it in case ot of accident the needs it tor for we the cannier Cari needs it tor for his team and his bit ithe mask mechanic needs it always on hla his work woric the minor miner reeds needs it in cue ot of the needs it cant get along the aimer fo needs it la in lids his bouso his atam and ad his stock yard th the steamboat sabot man or tho the bortman boatman n hin tt in j liberal beral supply ashore he the Horge fancler needs it it Is bis b i talona is u d imd and rifest 5 reliance 1 1 the grower neoda needs it it wui will save aft 1 thousands ot f dollars and a world ot of trouble I 1 the railroad anan needs it and will need tto alls toas as alc ule iffe Is a round ot of aoel acel dents and I 1 the needs IL it then Is nc 1 toe ing like it as an antidote antl doto tor for tho the angers to 1004 limb and comfort which plane I 1 the merchant needs it about life bis store LOW bis 11 employees Acol accidents dents will happen and waft one corn coma the mustang Is in wanted at 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