Show DRIVERS now alfo wn STI and huir U hrlich anico tho traveler of the present day as lio 1 alons by UK lightning express in its buffet CIK ond sleepers revolts la thought to alio llio alino when tho storo coach nal ilia only antani distant it js ania that ono of tho alj kiino drivers Is mot with nowa anys ind hn abo wrier nui of I lockport y Y lio lat liko a over ahn discovery of some anro volumn 0 lore ur of abw in saneo darivin bo formerly ran from lo 10 Hii gira illa aej Is anlo and and bidi fair lo 10 alvo for ninny alio stori oi ol 01 liu early bould 1111 a volume at ono larua down ft mountain near L with no leas n khoii Goin rol scott ns n tho lirakis gave way and tha coch cini ou tho goolo 0 alio llio tho only was to whip tho lo aderi lo 10 ft gal lop aitu kiich revolution of alio llio abol tho coachi and pitched down tho mountain acido and into alti ot lewiston Lo wiston straight nt tho root ol 01 tun steep hilll alio niagara lo wards which the lour horses to cor eatn death att abo arin annd never ri its hold nor tho clear boidi its conception or want must lio docio in th cancy on the until alio llio narrow dock was on when by n of curvo and daring alio llio couch was turned in acardi its on n length niia tho hoi brought to a still before tho pale on cougil what hal A purse was iniard liy acott and to air wilh high compliments bior his kill and y v all lil strength and bl constitution train of con work mal exposure loo much for sir baskous Has koUs constitution tl co jl jluius tius of tho conch anil abo cocoa eardly position tn chiuli io wa to sit to this end and at almos ho of tah 1 I almost at mo nuj I 1 liall a tirol borling ingvor know ln fore onil coulie noc for i daiil you rivo up drivins entirely 0 I 1 to keep up but it was only with alio llio this tot bilings tor nearly twenty yeara until last october ahw I 1 acut nil lu ice i ob I 1 ilou blod nil up ceniu not walk a cane and wn incapably Inca pablo or any effort or exertion I 1 libil a constant yoiiro to loth day nad I 1 mt like pasting a gallon eiery ton anin lutcs only n cw drops could aud they thick arith soini ent it ceased to flow rutht ly and I 1 tho death n vory near t what did yon do thou what I 1 should liiv long before to iny auder I 1 logon n now and whet result rosult ro sult wonderful it unstopped abo closed nud what was still r ful tho haw alio ran opp etilo returned bcd ocd I 1 am now well for twenty through tho aid of U nr nors sato CUM that has done wonders for mo ais well AS fur so many others mr is repeated every day in taco airo of of american men and women an evil is tho of an innumerable number tt lio do not the danger they anre in until health lias ly doia itou anil death eliom in tho face to neglect such important mattera is liko in tha current of niagara above tho falls IT is said that boots can bo blackened eiith a bagaas reel so can ayos if you happen to fall light coston transcript |