Show tiie H 0 0 why docs ibis railroad traveler occupy two scabs scats ho pud for only buo ouo jio think 0 paying rooms at a hold in to sleep in ono bed but its a thins on a car will socio como aloia and giro liim his choice between in 9 and taking ft scoot through thu window 0 no every baa a seit to himself ami is but he would civo 1111 of alio boats to n woman he if sho wis bood lookin lad wall dressed ho would pet li hoots oft that sent so fust llma his back would achar for nn hour if sho ans middle aad only fairly and hid alio llio look of n woman win pulp down any bo sound asleep ns down tho nisla detroit free press i eci acs ics of on enacts of urain overwork dr william A II ammond says 1 I 1 t thinly thit auy fordu of is as as walking riding rowina boxt arwil 1 e 11 I 1 |