Show THE candidates hr t nillon n tint toan mn ril flon ral in nn lol y x binl sal r nt lonn tl fh knusta ale juno 3 tho committed by tho NI lonal republican to hon G ot alio netlon convention that duly on sit arday the tn front ol 01 the blaloc homestead icing chosen aa tho 0 ahe iclal when nil tho bad cn arrandt dl general ol 01 mi url stepped forward aud the address ol 01 the com eillce as tol lows MK vo bilici of liy the national recently chicago Is already known to you 1 lia buforo von constituting U hc comber posed 0 member from each state territory ol 01 he country aud from the of columbia now boino as tho accredited organ of that convention to give you formal notice 0 the aai to request your nc copt inco ot course keown to you that own several names among clr moat honorid in tho councile counci lg ot the 11 publican party were presented by their 1 endi as candidates tor tills nomination your friends and the friends ot ho gentlemen so justly entitled to the r and u their political 1 the contest was one ot genaro is rivalry freo from any taint ot bitted tosa and equally tree irom alic ot injustice at in early stage 0 the bl tho cou it became that tho jle slates lioja aid at the last 1 dimuro success to tho ticket earnestly lesire d your alon it avas api cpi aly manifested blut alio desire so carac ly expressed by the delegates froio i icso states was but a truthful truth lul rolled an of the irresistible popular demand it Is not thought nor pretended ilia this demand biad its origin in any ach cloua desires pi your own or in tho ul work ot your friends but it v hs to be Is a spontaneous c the pv pac ol 01 love aad admiration 0 thair cho ii leader hire given satisfaction to all the members ol 01 the p arty ahls was not to bo in a c antry so in arci and so van il in the of alln in in disappointed so miny so many s that for a short time the I 1 lu ripen into revolt in 1872 lie discontent was so pronounced as large masses 0 the parly to c in opposition to its nominees alter abo aal aol lu case alio shock of was hollowed loll owed hy suber thought individual preferences yielded to convictions oc public duty ol 01 patriotism rose superior to tho irritations and animosities 0 tho hour ahe party lu every trial has grown stronger in the face of threatened daneck in tendering yon the nomination it gives us pleasure to remember those great measures which furnished cabusca tor party by the late convention at chicago and which arc now into alio 0 alic country measures which bavo and dig thu nation and bullo they elevated and advanced the people hive at all throes and on all kropar occa received your earnest and valuable support it WAS your rood fortune to aid in protecting tho ballou the assaults ol 01 armed treason you acro present and helped to unloose tho 0 tho slave you assli ted in placing a mcw guarantee of freedom lu tho federal constitution your was potent in preserving the Nai iGnat filth when theories 0 would hivo national and individual prosperity we kindly remember you as 1 fast friend of honest amonoy and il in all aliat to tc cuilty aud raposo of dignity of labor manhood elevation and freedom of the people right 0 the oppressed to and the duty of thu government to atford protect lou your public acts have received llad endorsement indorsement Indor ami popular approval ciul we arc not unmindful ul allm hicl parties like individuals can not live entirely on alio past tins record the present Is ever charged with cares tho future presses on with its new duties and its perplexing responsibilities bliku liku however hit aro free stain and faith in the past arc fairly entitled to thu presumption of sin eerily la their promises for alio future among iho promises made by tho party iu its lato convention at chicago arcs biml dulity ol 01 administration protection of native u ml abroad the prompt restoration ot alie navy a wise reduction of the surplus revenues relieving the taxpayer without injuring tho laborer the of public lands for iho actual settlers import duties at all to be levied not for revenue but for the double pu ricot nud protection tho regulation of internal commerce of luthro il by peaceful arbitration but coupled with the and of tho doctrine doc trino as interpreted by tho fathers ol 01 the republic the perseverance in the good work of civil service reform to the end that tho dangers to free institutions which lurk in the power of patronage may ho wisely and effectively avoided bonest currency based on coin of intrinsic value adding strength to alic public credit noil giving renewed to every branch ot american industry mr during the liitt twenty tarco cara the party haa a new n republic tir more splendid thau thai originally designed by our fathers As in proportions aro already erand they kiy y yet be enlarged its foundations may yet bo strengthened and its columns adorned with beauty avro resplendent still to you as iti it i chlof will goon be assigned this grateful work ut ilelle mr lialko than read as follows i chairman aj of the avd I 1 receive bot without deep sensibility your official ot iho action of the national convention already brought to my through ha public press I 1 I 1 can A express abc honor which Is implied in tho or tho presidency by the lic party of alic nation speaking through the voice of their ionly acan doted aclus uc s to bo ee 19 a candidate from such ain assemblage from the list ol 01 eminent choso whoso names were tills mo with embarrassment 1 can only express my gratitude lor so signal an honor ami ny desire to prevo worthy ot tho great trust in inc in accepting tho nomination as I 1 now ilo 1 am im arc aad I 1 am also oppressed with 1 0 abo hilior and responsibility attaches to roy pol llon alio burden Is lightened however iby tho hoelot men who my candidacy A anoro formal will naturally bu et aud will in atio scipion be communicated it may however not bo nl alila almo to bay that I 1 have already made a careful yit jhc thc announced by alio llio ai idith irimie iri Mii cst sympathy and meet my approval apart from griir errand gentlemen I 1 im extremely tuppy to you all to my many 0 you 1 have already shared the diitto ot public service nud hivo enjoyed mot cordial friendship I 1 your journey from nil parts of tho great republic has been agreeable and that during your stay iu maine you will feel that you arc not among strangers but with irl coda invoking alic ot god upon the great baue which we jointly represent kt us turn to the u burc without and with giuly ecart s at the of mr Ulain cs reply the in nil Krs ot the committee acro introduced trod to him an hour was spent iu social and liili irmal converse the members then ot colonel osgood where allily were at lunch at buo ouo they latt lor portland WASH ISOTOV 1 C juno sa the cx and sailors resident in washington serenaded saturday they assembled at the city hall and orman in platoons 0 twelve headed by the to the generals residence on twelfth st where a crowd of 1 citizens were already assembled atie procession waa liberally supplied with banners rockets and noisemaking noise making the banner of the army of the was from tho upper window of general house general logana appearance w with a storia of chears when the applause he waa introduced in 1 brief by green 11 alauni general kogiu then addressed the as follows lol lows AND tho warm pt and con which you offer nn through your chairman impress me with a deep of gratitude I 1 mcg to tender roy to one and all of my lint ins timit of kindness ami citi cn atau nt this glinc gentlemen la lute roiling to inc in a double aspect As citizens 0 our contTi oa country tributes to mo as public man I 1 lucca you with genuine plea iuro and grateful congius Coni ius however na you do iu the chur actor 0 of tho soldiers aud sailors of our country our visit possesses a feature insensibly leading to a train of interesting reflections applause your assemblage is composed of acu who anc up the pursuits of peace bcd the comforts of home severed tho bics tics of friendship and yielded the gentle and loving society of father mother fialer brother nal in many instances wife and little ones to brio the dangers of alio tented held or crested to roii alio llio gauntlet of in climates diu from your own binl possibly or cucu probably to up alfo itself in abo aco ot your country twenty tarco beira ago gentlemen when dread war raised its wrinkled front throughout ino 1 acl of you standing with foot epou hie parul of manhood ci for tho conflict with the world which promised to bring you honors friends and a iko of peace aud rase in abo society of your own family hut few of you bad pissed the period 0 oung manhood min hood or advanced to khz opening scano of middle llo at alx call however of your endangered country you did not to leave everything for which we strive iu this world to become defenders of tin union without the incentive which his men ol 01 other nations to adopt a military career m a occupation and as an outlet to ambition and ascent to power cheers the safety of our country having been assured aud its territorial rit orial integrity you sheathed the sword the bayonet laid away the musket housed abc candon coffed doffed your uniforms donned tho garments ot civil life buried hatred toward our brothers of the south and brouk in testimony ut mutual resolve to rehabilitate the waste and cultivate tho arts ut peace coill our reunited country should greater prouder and grander than ever before great cheers years have glided luto the retreating pcr of thi you to your count rys and mighty changes in tins march of nations have t ikan place this passing lime has laid its lines upon abo heads of of you who i your muskets before the hasl beard was grofton nut however lightly or heavily it has dealt hillh ou your soldiers and ballora sa llora that been kept up prove that tho heart has been untouched nod that your lovo of country bis b is but beau with cheers your arms have been as strong aud your voices ais in the promotion of peace as when lint 10 the in will and the interest which you ikc in national adf ilis proven that you arc to what you fought for and that which our lost comrades aavo up their lives to for thu of thoo who survived them applause long continued during tho last twenty years la which wo have becu blessed with tho party has been continued in administration of the government when the gnat question of preserving or giving up the union of states was presented to us it was the party which its perpetuation I 1 no wounds nor do I 1 resurrect any bad memories in stating this act when you and I 1 luy friends and that vast body of irvn who having declared lu of tho union were to resort to iho last arond abo ot war wo did so na call of tho MO party many PS haa heen educated by our lu tho democratic school ot politics ami many of us were acting elih that pirty at tho time the esuo ol 01 alo war wa presented to is bor cars the democratic party liil kiil wielded the destinies ot our government and had its u nar lowr view of the idiak republic widen existed but UK of glinc giai developed a new child ot progress which saw ot day under thu 0 iho party il nn tin conceptions ot higher nul broader principles ol 01 humin than had been by our forefathers iut few ot ua perhaps nono took in tho full dimensions ot iho coin in fact at that early day it broko upon us gradually alko tho morning fun as lio in the dawn abubo iho lop at length it cilc in full ind for the arat liliuo in tho history of our republic we bugan t genuine vitality to abe declara thil all men are created l rayal to aho 0 life liberty and this pursuit 0 happiness cheers the ha unquestionably abi ogency which bore these rights to a walling nac and it was the democratic iaci which disputed their value upon the flold of battle and subsequently aind up to tills at tho polling places ol 01 1 lie country the republican pirty represents tho latest fruition of governmental progress and h destined to thu theory that the outlives tho jcak until iho development ol 01 principles anoro advanced shall compel it to hiie taura ita walli alii march of abe aye or po to tho wail as the instrument lias fulfilled its destiny so ions as tho democratic pirty shall cling in open or covert maunce to the traditions belong gnp to an expired era 0 our development just so long will die pirly bo charred with the administration of our government lu making Ms arraignment ot tho democracy mo cracy my I 1 appeal to no passions bor reopen re open scaled questions I 1 but utter calm sober bordi 0 truth I 1 say that until every slate in taij broad and union shall give free recognition tion lo 10 civil and political rights of tho humblest of its citizens whatever his color until protection to american citizens follows the hag it home and abroad unell the admirable monetary system established by the party shall be placed bayoud the power of subversion until american labor and industry shall be protected by and equitable liuis so as to kavc full scope to our immense resources and place every nun upon a plane to which he Is entitled by reason of bis capac tily and worth cheer until we shall have a arii american policy that will not only with other but will cause every american citizen to honor lila government at homo and every civilized bation to respect our njg united alic american pt koplo shall permanently manent ly establish i thoroughly economic system upon nn american ideal will by english theories or cobden clubs and butil it Is conceded beyond subsequent revocation that thid government exists upon the basis of a salt salt nation and the attil doctrine of independent state sovereignty upon which tho civil war was founded shall be stamped as political harcy revolution is born and wholly with hie idea of a the party will leavo much work to do and an mission to perform at this point the speaker was interrupted time by cheers and applause tho the parly lu the ensuing campaign is lion jamaca G rual known throughout the land a one of its crucs S and ablest lie has been called to this position by the vote of alii people in recognition of his especial illness for the trust and in ot the combination oi courage fach persistency and research that had mado him one of the most remarkable figures which upon the of statecraft in any period ot this country that such a man have enemies and tora Is as natural as flut our best fruits clitu d bu infested with or that there i hould cal t small and envious minds which to that which thy th y can never hope to imitate or voial aud that lie ahall triumph over these and lead the hosts to another victory in november i as certain a the succession ot seasons or the tolling of in course gentlemen again I 1 thank you tor tah visit ot congratulation and extend to you oue and all my edge ments cheers the continued to a late hour among ahe oratory ora torf who were all cx soldiers were senators plumb and general michigan general nathan goff west hon A II 11 tennessee ami general T M |