Show THE VERY TIME when powerful food Is most needed the need ot of delicate yet nutritious food Is never felt so keenly as when a convalescent gets a set back on account ot of weak stomach then la Is when grape nuts shows its power tor for it Is a most scientific and easily digested food about a year ago writes a kansas woman my little six year old niece left the invigorating and buoyant air of kansas where alt all her life she had enjoyed fairly good health to live in ohio she naturally had a change ot diet and of course a change of water and somehow she contracted typhoid fever favor after a long siege her case seemed hopeless doctors ev her up and she was nothing but eklo and bones eat cat anything and for weeks did not know even her father or mother her parents in arylne to gat something delicate and nourishing that she could eat finally hit bit upon grape nuts food and it turned out to bo be just the thing she seemed to relish ik it was soon conscious of her surroundings and be ganto can to gain strength so rapidly that in a short time sho she WIS was its as well play tul ful and robust as it ebe had bad never been III we all feel that grape nuts was waa thai predominating factor in saving the sweet little girls ufa life name given by co battle crook creek mefi erx ei read the he abbye dettert A ew preace frossa from tt time to time tacey tais 7 M reanear rean lar ra fall C tat ernt |