Show miming men examine creole property has big ore ton age in sight ready to be shipped S with a view of taking over tile the creole mining companas comp anys property located in the lincoln mining district of beaver county engi engineer engine erb in the employ of strong local interests will leave in a few days for the purpose of thoroughly examining ahe ground one examination has already been made the ore on nn the property extends irom from the collar of tile the main shaft which has been bounk through it to a depth of feet there is a large amarge tonnage of ore in sight that will run in the neighborhood of 12 to the ton it is an excellent fluxing flexing material and commands a premium at the shelters smelters sm Em elters below the foot point in the shaft which has been driven down on an incline the values are in copper while above that point the values are in gold silver and lead with a large excess of iron the claims of the company are nine in number seven of which are patented they have been located along tile the large iron cropping that occurs in a contact between the limestone beds beda the strike of the yin win is northwest and southeast and it dips to the northeast at a point about feet below the 06 collar of the incline shaft a tunnel has been driven that taps the ore body the creole company is capital iced for shares the par value of each being 10 cents about shares have been issued norman W haire is president harold A linke is vice president and general man ager J M reynolds is secretary and treasurer who with R J jeff and J S farrington Farring top form the directorate before V the present company secured the property it was in litigation all of which has ben been settled |