Show glaseman VS RUSK I 1 t I 1 iron hon rusk secretary ofa of agriculture ri culture does not wrice agree with the lion dill bill jle glassmer Glassm nr 12 on the question of our protected manufactures fac tures selling cheaper cheaber abroad thus these republicans differ JERE JEKE butk rill PILL hism IS iliad I 1 lifted an all opportunity jut judge pe to take oooo son SAW recent recently IV stock in the combination in wellsville that a tion american could harvester cater company be bousha nearly and I 1 know as aa heap cheap again as what inducements they could be in ill were offered an ali alberica Alo ericA investigation mill 1 I ill a rumor start 1 d I show that same for to make political combination is now capital cn pital there sel felling lii or oe off of ferin crins jis ia nothing in this to sell machinery rumor to stort start in and australia will it sits a and olber oilier scheme ot of tle heat 0 growing r to w i rill mining and engin countries sit at a lower cc cering r i ii journal figure than they do who wrote to airman A IL in this country fu cill who sot lot tina this wont do and thu the use of 01 i lie ilie latter at I 1 need not offer kofl er any cuts ind and argument to pr prove ove published the instruments tile the weight weigh tol 01 truth st laith of the asEer assertion tion alio wholesale list the the first thing thin the instead cathe ci the retail aai caimi mr r si ill do I 1 when bell price its aa tile they he is acquainted were re published in with ill tile facts will t this b is ce country ind and bo be to make a ito howl after afler their itten atten against twists trusts and lion sm vas as called to protection that does the misstatement n not 0 t protect they mould not whether justly or correct the false not lie N will ill chirgo charge report that had it to the republican gone forth that party I 1 am aca aa certain i mp lewent were tain as I 1 call be of sold to foreigners anything that this cheaper than to mower arid i caper tile people odthe of lie trust will ivill c cost 08 t tile the home market in ar k et rie republican public I 1 party rea eid the correspondence hundreds of thousands pon dence lis between tween ot of votes at tile the these two firms next presidential it iowna IN as a new york election unless it world scheme takes a firm stand if goods I 1 vere er against it and lusts sold cheaper in in gene general al ali europe than they j are here tho the cunning yankee would mould go to alig land and buy goods there anil and there e establish a t aali a 1 I a an it ag agency c n C Y if you e that a 65 00 seu ceiling ing machine can call be bought I 1 in england lot foi and the freight is very sli slit aie mistaken spoke likewise of mccormic mower reaper and birider binder woods cr etc |