Show T 11 E PA PANIC na I 1 m B U under a republican adm inist ration two years aa ago 60 T eai TRAMS or OF THE re ee publican lican papers chronicled the story of strikes and sorrow but forget I 1 lilt was asserted in ISDO 01 92 that the mckinley tariff then in force was a protection to labor jhc abe mckinle bill was pa parsed sed in so republicans told us in order that employers might 0 pay their workmen better wages wage that was the campaign promise of republican speakers in those days yet after giving the ilie system a fair trial we baw saw maily many trusts forming but not a single class clarg of workingmen deriving any benefit as promised on the other hand statistics showed hundreds of cases wherein reduction of wages made in J protected industries there were viere wage wage cut in 71 iron and steel facto factories rieso in 1891 and 2 wages 0 were lowered in I 1 13 0 coal copman iea reductions were made in IS 18 woolen and worsted mills in 12 clothing factories the wages were dropped below what they had previously been and in 38 miscellaneous industries du dus tries the price ol of labor was depreciated precia ted in all these blows at labor struck by the tyrannical band of protected calo capital itai the reductions duct ions were from 5 to 3 30 percent carna carnagie 0 ie the creature of protection pleasure at the nomination of imarri on could not be contained published a book boob on oil the beauties of protection its purpose was to beguile the laborer into beli in hat i nevitte by fcc arcely had I 1 ils ills book received recognition from the public when the following dispatch went the rounds of the press and was published in republican papers KU may 14 1892 the pro poked consolidation of the carna carnagie gie interests will be backed by about the file capital stock will probably be andrew carna carnagie ie vill mill coriLi continue nue to bethe be the largest stockholder but m ill turnover turn over the management of the bhole thin tiling to henry C frick it 9 he intention of carnagie to devote ane remainder lema tema inder of ins his career to spending ho his millions in artistic social and political affairs lit in addition to the iron and steel interests and 1 it 11 k control 70 percent of the coke wade trade or about this was art an allu of the beauties of protection and it showed aso aiso that no one better than andrew Carn carnagie agic could appreciate the preat great benefits arising from froin the 11 mainley MK inley Kinley bill it was not dot long T after tile the baronti barons greed was satisfied to allow him to retire from active busi neb until the following kd dispatches aiches announced the further benefits benefits of protection to american labor we clipped this te telegram legrain irom the standard edited at the time by bv frank J cannon june 30 1892 throe thousand tonnage benat menat adt n at the will winks ke itle aio idle today and they have invited other oilier departments to join thern them atie firm forestalled the men and discharged cil arged all employee at midnight tonight and thus thua have cleverly forced all mii flan fla m ii n by muting making it a lockout instead of a the streets are crowded but everything is ie quiet tile be sheet iron and amal gaui 1 abed association have battled differences three thousand and men being locked oi out t of IM sir r cat Cai shops affected arted from fifteen to twenty thousand people dependent on oil them for support ort yet it was hoped that home tind kind of settlement would be made with the tonnage men as it was witt with I 1 the amalgamated association the following tele telegram rani t taken aken also from the standard edited by frank J cannon the d development of the ca cabe e and illustrated the benefits of protection very nicely july 5 1892 affairs AlTi ira at an ugly phase and serious trouble is apprehended yesterday tile the manager of the teel coio piny appealed to tho the sheriff for protection and and this afternoon ten deputies mere sent nent down A arod of 0 two to thousand workmen met them at the station escorted them to the iho boat and ordered them to return to the city after the deputies had bad left tile ilie exited r luan ut tore down shw proclamation commanding them to refrain from froin or 1 J J alj NN tj A it ot aloin 41 V hj fri TAU C sit ancel of AND ea interfering with ith workmen etc and the excitement in town tonight to night is in intense tenge they also sent a telegram io to the sheriff ton eglit bigrigg him not to send any moie deputies as not needed frick has made a counter appeal railing calling upon the sheriff to protect the property of the company the fol loning was a statement of the situation made to 0 o a newspaper m man a n byone by one of the workmen a as published in the tribune the same day dav ve do riot not that andrew representatives bulldoze us we ve ha have e our homes in this town w wo have our chui ch inches ches here our socie t tie iss and our cemeteries NN vre e are bound to homestead by all the ties that men hold deft defriest iest and most bared theca alie carnegie e to company has imported men of all nationalities in iii places that aie cast of usand and messof west of us and of us its the chev never have imported a man mail into home homestead and by they never will we W e shall hall riot permit it dit at tile present time tile the men in the ill are not receiving lih her pay than iban prevails pru vails elsewhere the wages of 0 most 01 01 them are one third third lower boier chanat than at the mills of our campeti toi toa 9 the i of the wages proposed in the scale submitted submit ed by mr frick anck means that the employees in the homestead milla N will ill hecei e on 3 from 12 to 42 pier per cent less than they have been receiving tho tha lesu t of our acceptance nf this scale would mean a cessation of public ments in homestead a material reduction of the die property of the town and in a great many casts individual hardship it would be a blight upon homestead our people here are hard working mor king peaceable quiet pro progresso gressi e there is biota not a better claps of people in any town ot of this state 1 theresaa There I here has haa been but one arrest recorded in homestead during the pi pit past t month we are asking nothing lout but our rights right find and we ne will mill bie bao them thein II if it if le quires force to get them 11 andrew carnegie may beat us in if chii struggle str uRgle but if lie does doea he be beats himself later on oil the following report came over tile wires from the seat of this protected infant industry also clipped from a republican newspaper ro pa july 0 6 1892 pitts burg arg had another elpe experience fience etith ith labor riots and this his time its luring during the fear ful ul scenes which were mere witnessed da duant ing the he riots of 1877 blood lias has been shed life il e jeopardized and valuable property placed laced in dinger danger this time there aji no 10 destruction of kropi property arty but the mob was thoroughly organized well nell bisci elined linca and load had sufficient officers at its mad ahuad to conduit operations the force embraced nil all tile men employed in tile ilic exten extensive Eive plants planta of the carnegie iron aw and J steel company at I 1 homestead Homei tead ei hialit ht miles east cast of pittsburg and the battle M which for bloodthirstiness and boldness of execution lifts lias not been excel excelled lol if in actual warf dic raged from 4 in the morning until 5 this afternoon and only ceased when the force of Pink pinkertons Pinker ertons tins brought to tile the place to suppress tha ii unconditionally sur aur rendi eldered en dered leaving their arms in the barges in which faey y had been transported to their work mork A complete list of the killed and v mounded is not obtainable at midnight ks As far as aa can bo be ascertained eleven clevell workmen and nine detectives were ere killed arld ard eighteen workmen and twenty one detectives injured in tile lie battle in addition to this his t at leitt IOU atves detectives tt ves seriously injured by strikers while on oil the way to tile the jail this LUIS evening even in p the riot not toda to da was tile culmination of the troubles have been bre bereft ing at homestead tor for the last month T the 0 carnegie company submitted a 1 scale which ellich was to govern the lie workmen in tin the steel plants and announced d that it wati was their ultimatum i cale it made a reduction in tle wages nages of the skilled skille dimen men and it was officially announce announced that unless uniel its ite terms were complied nith before july tile pl places afe of 0 the workmen would i bo be filled by bv others othera this was follain ed by the peremptory refusal on oil the part pan of the company to lecog tiie tile amalgamated association Theme the men nann announced u nce d their heir determination to resist any effort on oil tile martof part of carnegie torun to run the plants with nonunion non rion union men what wore more practical illustration of the results of McKinley ism could the people ask instead of tile the increase in wages promised by pro we ne saw waves wages lowered workmen locked out war waged and the panic begun 0 which is ending in but now two years later you see whom protection protects mr Car carnegie carnecie went back to to the british isles richer by 40 than when he camo came to this country lie ile has bas a palace in new york another in london another in paris parin and a castle in the hills bills of scotland lie ile lias has more and finer homes and far more money than many kings have and few of his workmen had homes at all they had bad not lit living inc wa wages 0 es under a protective WIT and yet men have the audacity to tell us its that this high tariff protects labor instead of capi capital tall this man carnegie was not a bad man mad he was only a typical protectionist who under tb the mckinley fc kinley bill made and sold his wares without competition but got his labor in the cheapest market he could find it and blood has tinted this beauteous system laboring men had to split r for their rights and the opportunities port unities taken from them by a republican law A bread and butter war has now begun 6 as tur THE JOURNAL at that time remarked where will ivill it stop when will the american masses learn that protection is the friend of capital anol and the foe of labor how many more strikes and riots will it take to convince them how many moie men must die at the gates of infant industries pleading 0 for bread while their millionaire bosses are re velling 0 on their bounty fost fostered erect profits how many more panics must it tal take ze to teach the people a lesson how many more panics like that of 1873 after twelve years of republican legislation 0 how many more panics panic 4 like that of 1893 at the close of thirty three years of republican legislation do the people want to reinstate 0 the party of princes piu piti pers and pinkerton Pin kenon protection will they never know when they have enough |