Show cache stake conference the next quarterly conference of the cache stake will convene in tile the slake C tabernacle sunday oct at 10 a m A g general invitation is extended to all to attend ORSON ORSO 4 SMITH president democracy in idaho democratic meetings will be beheld held as follows by hons alons J nl ballen tine and J W read pocatello oct Lewis lewisville ville oct byth preston oct V ata at 2 p m franklin oct at p ill malad oct olst weston nov notice the quarterly conference of the cache stake society will be held at clarkston Ular kEton on the at 10 a in and 2 p in kadi each ward is expected to send a representative all are arc cordially invited ADELINE BARBER invalid 3 years cured b by y hoods u S A V 89 A ac C 1 I hood A co lavt lowell ell mass mas G Gent entler kinon nen I 1 am glad giad to tell you that I 1 havo have been given good health by for three earll er I 1 was all a in valid suffering terribly rom Nervous nervousness noss and La lameness moness w I 1 iwin was so nervous 0 not bear tho the least kail noise nol and I 1 had to walk with crutches 01 alx 1 monnis in as I 1 I 1 could not put OD of myie iny leel to tile the floor ald did not do me taj BUY tood go 80 a f fiend toll told me to get hood sar a parUla but I 1 said there was no use ovi ever after thinking t the lie coatter 0 er I 1 de aided to civo it a trial and ht have taken sli six bottles of 0 floods iaia and the re alt 1 that I 1 am M ell as a anyone any one could to be and can do any kind of 0 work I 1 ad vile all my frienda to take hoods Sti sapa rilla for or I 1 believe it will do good so susin california hoods hood S pills curo cure liver coniti biliousness billous ness jaundice bick incorporated JUNE 5 1889 moses thatcher r p C Par parking kinon president pa Preside ut mm e 7 f d P ille y e tafv seea brets trets HYE HIVE RECENTLY RECEIVED HOME very heavy shipments of my dry goods Cloth imol F furniture urn iture stoves and othor other staple goods 15 making their stock complete in all its departments we pay 10 acts per iu bushel hl for wheat I 1 cash and i 1 1 merchandise ise 75 acts per hundred for oats oat 25 acts per bushel for potatoes 15 1 5 i i cash aul anil 45 i j merchandise potatoes should ile be brought 0 in at once before cold weather comes on we want all th alie e veal pork and poultry we can get ani and will give to each fur for 1000 good steer calves not of the 1101 stean or jersey breeds F G PARKINSON mor franklin idaho in n oah a H uj ora ra I 1 clothing just arrived for fall and winter prices below anything I 1 ever offered kofl cred here mens boys childrens our barsc stock of shoes is now open and we find the best goods we ive have ever had for these hard times our shelves are all full of choice new goods jax I 1 oi must see them to appreciate them fully we ne are buying C wheat oats beef cows cowe veala poultry etc and are pai paying haiim 1 r iM the hio highest 1 hest market price for 4 potatoes M W MERRILL supt bupt j a 0 CD 0 M ci 0 3 cp a 4 j 1 I 1 I C CD 0 5 0 a r M M z eo c p 0 V he 4 F eil wool cf 0 0 n 0 o z U ea 0 77 7 7 X 0 P 0 ry one can sell a suit cf clothes or pair of sho s thal all bight while you are buying it i ut how does it look aock when y yu u get horns class it fita fit ara yon satisfied you have not net been cheated certainly erta you hava an opinion and should always know you are retting getting the best goods for the 4 least money which you can by buying from us legal notice in the probate court ol of the county ot of cache WM WAI FEMME territory of dutilh in silv mutter 0 ol 01 f tin the estate ot of jacob hinr deceased UNDER notice is ht reby given that josephine rinder tb the e administratrix ol of the estate ot of carries the largest handsomest jarab hiie all er r deceased dec fael has bf rendered and prot dented lor for bett and filed inthis in una court a and cheapest stock 9 final recount of lier let administration rt of aid c t te anti a praying lor for a of undertakers goods in fl tiou of ollic the ri reidie idue of the P and ud that monday allm lalli the counte d of 1 ibm it at ten it a ui at nt the cr court room koom ot of ah court at the court blouio hourc in lagan city in paid mid cache bounty THIRD STREET LOGAN hits has been by this court for tile fe It lement of 0 maid aid account and for or hearing pria petition redistribution at nillah lime effle and ploce tiny any ferfort interested in ilala estate may appear appedu and cause why the raid paid ac count should not t he 6 allowed allow nl rIp approved proved and DA ettlel ettl cd and a deesco of ion of atud A not DOL bo be dated oct loth C 0 W bort attorney at ad law dr prices cream baking powder I 1 fair highest medal mard and na dirl office in journal building logan uta |